
What's a Jellicle Cat?
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**Authors Note** I have no idea why I wrote this. It was awhile ago and I think I was hyper...
Become what is it to be,
A jellicle you can see.
It is quite very so,
For you hard you know.
A meow, a purr
What type of fur?
A place not just any cat,
can take its place on a mat.
You need 3 names,
but not just fun of games.
You need originality,
A concious that will say,
It is my day.
You own the sky,
one day you'll die.
But no need to sigh,
you will be in the sky.
The heavyside layer is domain,
Is a place where no need to complain.
I heaven for jellicles and pollicles alike,
well maybe Jellices alone, to like.
You dance and you sing,
Happiness is what you bring.
But what is your being?
Your vision of seeing?
You are a Jellicle.
No Pollicle.


Disclaimer: I did not create CATS nor do I make any money off this site. All rights to CATS lay with the really usfeul group (RUG) and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
