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They were protected.
Hidden from the ways of the world, dancing and singing in a splendor. No one seemed to fight, and all got along, albeit a bit of annoyance directed towards the one with the outrageous mane. I would sit upon the junk pile just west of them, on a flat piece of board sitting perilously high, balancing carefully. It was almost metaphorical to the life of most cats.
A single tip of the scale it could all fall down. All it takes is a stiff upper lip and some hard work to get to where you once were, to learn from your mistakes and try not to fall again.
But these cats Jellicles knew nothing. Sure, they had their Macavity, but he most often left them alone. They could easily forget him and continue to play, kittens and fully grown queens and toms alike.
They lived like fish the water muffled the words around them, the water caressing them into false awareness.
Outside, with me, life was different. If it wasnt other strays it was Pollicles, or cars, toddlers who liked to pull your fur, rain, starvation, thugs, rampant human kits who like to kick you around, or even the rare chef who wants to cook you, depending on where you are. Or even if you had humans to care for you, you had to be out on the streets at some point.
What did the Jellicles have that allowed them such happiness? What did they have that I didnt?
They sung and danced for the moon, and it gave them happiness. The moon liked to shine its light upon me, and show me its happiness, but never give me its happiness.
That is the life of ones like me.
The small one with the sweet voice Jemima, I believe sings to the moon like it is a lover. Her voice.. it makes your soul soar. I love hearing her sing. I have tried to sing as she does, but there is no way to see if I am as good as I think I am. I am alone.
What did the Jellicles have the allowed them to live in groups that loved each other? What did they have that I didnt?
I feel love and hatred to the Jellicles. And their happiness. Sometimes, I wish that a disaster shall fall on them so they can feel how I do.
But no, the Jellicles are protected.


Disclaimer: I did not create CATS nor do I make any money off this site. All rights to CATS lay with the really usfeul group (RUG) and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
