Skimbleshanks walked along the snowy sidewalk towards the Junkyard. It was frosty
and cold, but his nice warm coat kept him warm. It was December 23, the day before Christmas Eve. All the kittens were excited
and going nuts. Well as far as he had heard. Bombalurina told him that they were
excited and crazy when they crossed each other’s path a few days back. He
heard Etcetera squeal, “Presents! Presents!”
“Get down you greedy kitten!” Jellylorum snapped. Skimble became curious about the commotion and
jumped up onto the fence to see what all the noise was about. “Etcetera sit down and let me take these gifts to the
Christmas tree!” Jelly carefully tried to hold the gifts that began to shake because of Etcetera’s excitement.
Skimble jumped down from the fence and ran over to aid Jellylorum. “Etcetera, leave Jelly alone, you don’t
want to make her cancel Christmas!” Skimble patted the kitten on the head.
“Cancel Christmas?” She replied softly looking sad, “But that would make everyone else sad.”
She looked as if she was going to shed a few tears.
“Well then you should go and make sure that nobody else tries to peek at their presents or the everlasting
cat won’t bring anyone presents.” Jelly look at the energetic kitten through the presents.
Etcetera’s eyes widened, “I got to go! Bye Skimble and Jelly!” She dashed off towards the
large tree in the center of the Junkyard.
“Thank you Skimble. She is such a pain in the tail sometimes.” Jelly sighed continuing to walk.
“Yes, I know, she keeps bothering me to take her on a train ride to the northern hemisphere.” Skimble
walked beside Jelly, “I keep telling her that her mother wouldn’t approve her going so far up north.” Skimble
shook his head, “That kitten has so much potential.”
“Yes,” Jelly nodded, “She is very lucky that she lives here in the Junkyard with all of us.”
Jelly and Skimble continued talking of the kittens until they reached the center of the Junkyard where the Christmas
tree stood. Jelly sat the presents down beside the tree and smiled.
Pouncival and his brother Carbuckety ran over to Jelly and Skimble, “More presents!”
They dashed towards the gifts.
“No!” Etcetera jumped out of the tree on them both.
“Ow…” Pouncival moaned.
“Etcetera what was that for?” Carbuckety asked standing to his feet.
“Are you crazy!” Etcetera snapped. Carbuckety and Pouncival looked at each other, “If you
peek at your presents the everlasting cat won’t bring us presents!”
“He won’t?” Carbuckety looked shocked.
“Why not?” Pouncival wasn’t convinced that the everlasting cat would bail on them because
of one present peeked at.
“Because the whole point of Christmas is so that we be surprised about our presents!” Etcetera jumped
up and down.
Skimble frowned. That was not was Christmas was about.
“Your right!” Pouncival looked nervous. He didn’t want there to be no Christmas. “We
can’t let anyone peek at their presents!” Pouncival shook Carbuckety back and fourth.
“Ok, ok!” Carbuckety pushed Pouncival away; “You don’t need to shake it into me!”
“Common Etcetera we need to make sure nobody peeks at their presents!” Carbuckety dashed off with
Pouncival towards the old pipe.
“I’m coming!” She replied chasing after them into the pipe.
Skimbleshanks sighed sadly, “Why don’t they know what Christmas is really about?”
Jelly looked at him, “Old Deuteronomy said they need to find out for themselves or else it would be pointless.
The human adults always tell their children the true meaning of Christmas and yet they still do not understand completely.”
She set her hand on Skimble’s shoulder, “They will learn.”
Munkustrap slid off the car and walked over to the two, “Hello Jelly. Hello Skimble.”
“Munkustrap, the kittens do not know the true meaning of Christmas, we need to teach them somehow.”
Skimble frowned.
“Christmas? Why do we need to teach them? They should learn it themselves, on their own.”
“That’s what I said.” Jelly budded in.
“Don’t worry Skimble, they will learn it all on their own in time.” Munkustrap looked over
at the tree, “There are so many presents under the tree. How did we get so many?”
“Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer. They got them for us. They broke into the pet store last night.”
Jelly replied.
“I can’t say that was the right thing to do, but I can’t say that the humans don’t deserve
it. Have you seen how many cats have been hit by cars and just tossed aside the road?” Munkustrap looked angry.
“Yes, the car deaths have been going up rather high. It’s because of all the ice on the roads. Luckily
none of our Jellicle’s have been killed.” Jelly worried every day about the kittens when they crossed the roads.
“Thank the heavyside that no one has been hurt.” Munkustrap looked at the empty junkyard. “Where
is everyone?” Munkustrap asked.
“Well Mistoffelees is getting some more Christmas lights, Alonzo and Tumblebrutus are getting firewood
for the fire, Bombalurina and Cass are getting more blankets-”
“I take it everyone is busy?” Munkustrap budded in
not wanting to hear everything everyone was doing.
Jelly nodded, “Which reminds me, where is Jennyanydots? She is suppose to be helping me with the kittens.”
Munkustrap had seen her earlier but didn’t know where she was right now, “I saw her but I don’t
know where she is now.”
Jelly looked at Skimble, “I’m going to looked for her, I’ll be seeing you boys later.”
She pawed away into the mounds of garbage.
Demeter pranced over to the tow toms, “Hey boys.” She smiled as they looked at her.
“Hello Demeter.” Skimble nodded.
“Where’s Jellylorum?” She asked.
“She just left to go find Jenny.” Munkustrap replied sitting on a box.
“Oh, well Jenny is over at the old oven making cookies with the kittens, well the ones she could find
anyways.” Demeter shook her head, “Kittens get into so much mischief.”
“Jelly went to find Jenny to help her take care of the kittens.” Skimble sat beside Munkustrap.
“But Jenny wanted me to find Jelly to help her with the kittens.” Demeter cocked a brow, “Where
are the other kittens.”
“They went to find the other kittens to stop them from peeking at their presents.” Skimble laughed,
“Jelly and I convinced Etcetera that if anyone was to peek at their presents, then the everlasting cat would not come
to bring’em presents. So now she is on guard of the presents.”
Demeter laughed as well, “But presents isn’t the true meaning of Christmas.”
“We know, the kittens need to learn that meaning on their own.” Munkustrap replied.
The Tugger wandered up to the group, “Hey cats and kittens, what’s craken?”
“Your neck will be if you keep this up.” Demeter growled.
“Calm down Demeter, he’s only showing off.” Skimble disliked the Tugger as well but didn’t
like it when Jellicles got into fights.
“Ya babe, Chill out.” He muffled Demeter’s fur. She swatted at his hand, “Wow, feisty.”
She grinned.
Bombalurina looked down at the group talking and occasionally arguing ever since the Tugger had arrived from
his perch up on some trash. She pranced down in between everyone making her oh
so famous entrance.
The Tugger jumped back startled but quickly drew himself back at the appearance the scarlet queen brought with
“Now that is an entrance.” He smiled bring himself more then close enough.
She looked at him and replied, “Not just an entrance, my entrance.” She always needed things to
be perfect.
Demeter rolled her eyes and disdainfully said aloud, “Rolls eyes.”
“That’s real cute Dem.” Bombalurina wasn’t amused.
“Cut it out! There is no need for fighting!” Munkustrap snapped, “Macavity already has caused
enough fighting.”
“Oh that’s right, what ever happened to Macavity?” Bombalurina asked walking away from the
Tugger after flirting had been a total mess up.
“We have no idea where he is now.” Skimbleshanks answered her.
Demeter coward back a little bit, “I’m glad of it.”
Even though she feared him, she refused to let her fear ruin her life. After Macavity had tried to kidnap her she was relentless
to allow him to do it again, which is what made her the tough queen she is now.
Munkustrap was also a changed Jellicle. He was not as gentle as he once was, and always put the tribe’s
well being before anything else, even himself.
“Uncle Skimble!” A young voice practically sang as little footsteps padded towards them.
“Sillabub!” Skimbleshanks’ face grew very cheerful as it usually was.
“Uncle Skimble it’s almost Christmas!” Sillabub’s face was filled with holiday cheer
and seemed more excited then ever, “Did you get me anything.”
Skimble felt sad again that she too did not understand what Christmas was really about, “Yes dear, but
you know that’s not what Christmas is really about.” He smiled not knowing that his face looked as if he was ashamed
she didn’t know.
“What does it mean then?” Sillabub asked confused as the other kittens were.
Skimbleshanks looked at Munkustrap who gave him a look as if not to tell her because she need to learn on her
own, “Well dear, you need to learn it yourself, when you do come tell me, ok?”
“Ok Skimble, but I still think it’d be easier to just tell me.” She added as she walked towards
the old pipe to look for the other kittens.
Bombalurina looked at Demeter, “Well this place is growing dull, wanna go do something more constructive?”
Demeter nodded following the older and taller queen. The Tugger cocked a brow and pursued the queens quietly.
Munkustrap headed for the old car to nap when Skimble said, “Mistoffelees is coming to turn on the lights
soon, wouldn’t you like to see that?”
“I want to but I have a lot of preparing to do.” Munkustrap sighed, “You know
Old Deuteronomy is coming.”
“He is? I had no idea. But then again he is the Jellicle leader, why wouldn’t he be
coming?” Skimble laughed.
Munkustrap jolted away into the trash.
Skimble looked over at the tree and admired its shine. “It’s nice isn’t it?”
A voice began from behind him. He turned to see Victoria gazing up at the tree.
“Yes it is. It will be even more beautiful when Mistoffelees comes to turn the lights on.”
Skimble smiled. Victoria nodded. “Shouldn’t you be with the other kittens?”
“Jenny said I could come see the tree.” She replied, “Unless you don’t
want me here.”
“No not at all little one.” Skimble smiled patting her head.
“Skimble, everyone says Christmas is about presents, but I know better.” Victoria frowned,
“Christmas is about giving.” Skimble knew that that wasn’t completely it ether. If you gave someone a present,
they would be receiving, and that’s not what Christmas was about.
“You’re on the right track, but there’s a little more to it then that,”
He sat down on the old tire, “Old Deuteronomy is coming you know.”
“Yes, I know.” She nodded.
“Are you ready for the Ball?” He questioned.
“The ball?” She looked confused.
“Yes, the Jellicle Christmas Ball.” He smiled, “Were you unaware?”
Victoria nodded, “I didn’t know there was going to be a Jellicle Christmas ball.”
She looked very surprised.
Skimble laughed, “Well we need to celebrate Christmas in some way, why not a ball?”
Victoria looked a bit embarrassed for not knowing, “But I understand that you didn’t know. Not a lot of kittens
are informed of it.”
Somewhere else in the junkyard…
Bombalurina and Demeter walked through the never ending Junkyard.
“Bomby, what are you doing for Christmas?” Demeter asked.
“I don’t know, settling down with a tom maybe.” She smiled. The Tugger was still
following them, and that peeked his interest.
“A tom?” Demeter seemed surprised.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t be with another queen, well maybe in a friendly manner but not in
the way I was thinking.” She laughed.
“Bomby you have a one track mind…” Demeter scowled at her as she stopped walking.
“That way you’ll never be wondering what’s on my mind, just who.” Bombalurina
leapt up onto the old car, almost landing on Munkustrap. “Munkustrap!” Bombalurina laughed surprised, “Where
did you come from?”
Demeter jumped up after her.
“Me? I’ve been here for like 10 minutes. Where did you come from?” He laughed.
“Are you and Demeter spending Christmas together?” Bombalurina asked.
“Bomby!” Demeter snapped in a whisper stepping on Bombalurina’s tail.
“Ow!” Bombalurina howled.
“Um…” Munkustrap didn’t know what to say.
“Oh never mind then, if you can’t even answer a simple question then what use are you?”
Bombalurina flicked her wrist at Munkustrap.
The Tugger jumped down from where he had been watching them, “I’ll spend Christmas
with you Bomby.” He smiled at her charmingly.
“Is that so?” She smiled at him tracing her nails along his chest.
“Rolls eyes again.” Demeter said aloud just to annoy Bombalurina. Bombalurina turned
and stuck her tongue out at Demeter.
“Ignore her Bomby.” The Tugger came closer to her, “Do you wanna go do something?”
He offered.
“I suppose. I’m dead bored anyways.” The scarlet queen slid off the car.
“What am I suppose to do?” Demeter asked.
“Hang out with Munkustrap or something.” Bombalurina replied.
Demeter looked at Munkustrap, “So um… do you mind if I stay here with you?”
“Not at all.” Munkustrap replied making a little bow. Demeter
laughed at how charming he was.
“That’s cute Munkus.” Demeter giggled.
Bombalurina and the Tugger walked hand in hand in the Junkyard, “So Bomby, are you into me?”
“I don’t know, are you into me?” The scarlet queen wrapped her arm around the Tugger’s
“Depends on your mood.” He smiled. The Tugger looked up as if having it planned.
Bombalurina looked up as well at the mistletoe.
“Look at that. Mistletoe.” He smiled giving her a look.
“Tugger you are so childish.” She laughed kissing him.
“Why am I childish?” He asked. “I didn’t put that there.” He grinned.
“Are you sure?” She walked around him. “What if I like that? Then would you have done it?”
“Maybe.” He watched her coyly.
Demeter sat besides Munkustrap looking up at the tree, “That’s a very tall tree Munkus. Who brought
“Alonzo and Plato got it. It took them a good 2 hours just to cut it down.” Munkustrap replied.
Demeter nodded, “So are we spending Christmas together? Or do you already have plans.”
“Nope, I have no plans. Unless you wanna spend Christmas with me so I do have plans.” He sat back.
“I’d like that.” Demeter hugged him.
Etcetera and Electra ran around Jennyanydots, “Now stop this right now!” She yelled. All the kittens
were very hyper. “Stop it this instant or I won’t let you see Mistoffelees when he comes!” All the kittens
froze and sat down where they were. “Now that’s better!”
Pouncival raised his hand.
“Yes Pouncival?” Jenny smiled.
“Can you tell Electra to stop pulling my tail?”
“I am not!” Electra snapped.
“You are too!”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!” She smacked Pouncival on the cheek. Pouncival jumped at her biting her shoulders, “Ahh!”
Electra hollered in surprise. They weren’t really fighting, more like playing.
Jenny waddled over to them and grabbed each by their tails, “Stop it! Or I’ll make you help me clean
up the Junkyard! Now apologize to one another!”
Pouncival looked at Electra and frowned, “Sorry for biting you.”
“I’m sorry for smacking you and pulling your tail.” Electra frowned back. Jenny set then down
and they say down. She went back to standing in front of the kittens.
“Alright, who would like a Christmas cookie?” She asked.
All the kittens jumped up, “ME!”
“Ok here you go.” She handed them each a cookie that was chicken flavour. Victoria ran over to Jenny.
“Sorry I’m late Jenny. My humans wouldn’t let me out!”
“It’s alright Vicky.” She handed her a cookie.
“Thank you.” Victoria nibbled on the cookie.
The next day…
Munkustrap was the first Jellicle in the Junkyard. He padded through the snow and kicked it away when it got
deep. He was trying to remove the snow for the ball that was tonight. He wasn’t having much luck. He sat down on the
stairs leading up onto the tire and sighed.
“Need some help?” Mistoffelees asked.
Munkustrap looked up at him, “Oh Mistoffelees! There you are! I didn’t expect you to be here so
“Nether did I.” Mistoffelees replied, “But I woke up early and here I am!”
“So what can you do to help me clear the snow away?” Munkustrap stood up on the steps. Mistoffelees
shook his wrists and then snapped his wrists towards the snow and electric bolts shot out of his finer tips. The snow immediately
evaporated. It was the same trick he showed at the last Jellicle ball. “That could work.” Mistoffelees continued
this until all the snow was cleared from the dancing area. “Thanks Misto.”
“No problem.” He smiled. “Anything else you need help with?”
“Well, are you still gonna turn the lights on today?”
“Of course! The Kittens are depending on me to do that!”
“Alright just checking.”
Cassandra ran into the clearing of the Junkyard towards the toms, “Hey guys!”
“Hey Cass!” Mistoffelees smiled greeting her.
“Hello Cassandra.” Munkustrap nodded to acknowledge her.
“I got some more blankets for the kittens for tonight. They are still all sleeping in the Junkyard right?”
“I think so. Well the ones who don’t already live here anyways.” Most Jellicles live in the
Junkyard, but there are those few that don’t. Like Victoria and Cassandra. Pure breeds usually weren’t stray.
Somewhere but most weren’t.
“Well Misto, you better hide or wherever your gonna be. The kittens will be here soon.” Munkustrap
“Right! I’ll see you guys soon!” Mistoffelees then snapped his fingers and in a cloud of blue
smoke he vanished.
Munkustrap and Cassandra just stared, “How did he do that?” Cassandra exclaimed.
“I don’t know that cat is so clever!” Munkustrap smiled in amazement.
The kittens all ran into the clearing, “Where’s Mistoffelees!” Carbuckety exclaimed.
“OH well there never was there ever a cat so clever as Magical Mister Mistoffelees!” Mistoffelees
sang leaping down from the mounds of garbage landing without a sound. As he has jumped he left a trail of Sparkles behind
him. The Kittens eyes all lit up with excitement. Mistoffelees cracked his fingers and yelled, “Presto!” All the
lights went on and a crackling sound from the electric shocks made sparks fly out of the out lets in the Junkyard. It was
completely amazing! The Kittens were all amazed by his powers.
After that huge show, h did a magic show for the kittens to occupy them, and he even showed them how to fly,
(with help from his powers of course!) They didn’t get very high off the ground but they got high enough.
Later that night…
The Jellicle ball had begun! They all danced and sung so joyfully. They all opened there presents and had a
feast! (Well to them it was a feast). They were all grouped together to begin another song when an evil laugh erupted from
the chattering. They all went silent. They formed a circle to protect the kittens.
Macavity leapt out at them and hissed. Munkustrap stood before the tribe in protection for them.
Sillabub wasn’t afraid. She was in fact confused as to why they weren’t letting Macavity into all
the Christmas cheer. She wasn’t all that aware of his evil.
Munkustrap jumped at Macavity leaving a large gash on his arm. Macavity jumped back at Munkustrap and they scraped
for a few minutes before Macavity threw Munkustrap to the ground. Plato jumped to Munkustrap’s defense with Alonzo by
his side. Macavity threw Alonzo over his shoulder and he gabbed Plato in the stomach. “Why aren’t you including
me in the Christmas cheer?” Macavity laughed.
Sillabub raced towards Macavity, “Sillabub no!” Skimble cried trying to grab her, but she was too
sly and got out of his embracement. Macavity turned to see her running up to him, puzzled he froze.
She hugged his leg and smiled, “Merry Christmas Macavity!” He looked down at her hugging him. He
stopped and thought for a moment.
“Why, out of all of the tribe of which I am trying to kill, does this kitten come and hug me?”
He smiled for once in his life and hugged her back slightly with one hand (for she was so small and he was so big). He felt
a tear trickle down hi cheek and quickly and violently whipped it away. He pushed
her away gently and dashed away into the night. Skimbleshanks ran to Sillabub.
“Silla are you alright?” He hugged her.
“Yes uncle Skimble!” She smiled hugging him back. “I know what Christmas is about! Spreading
Christmas cheer!”
“What?” Skimble couldn’t believe his ears! She actually knew the meaning.
“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is hugging Macavity so there is no fear!” She laughed, “I’m
just kidding!”
“The best way for Jellicle cheer, is singing loudly for all to hear!” Mistoffelees smiled picking
up Sillabub. “You are very clever Sillabub!” He smiled.
“Thank you Mistoffelees!” She giggled as he set her down.
“Old Deuteronomy?” Mistoffelees smelt the air, “He is here!” He ran over to Old Deuteronomy
who was now walking towards them.
“Jellicle cats meet once a year on the night we dance by the light of the moon, when the everlasting cat
will appear, Jellicle cats can sing there tune!” Munkustrap sang.
The ball continued and there was no more sign of Macavity.
Merry Christmas!!!