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Everything involving poems will be found here. Fan poems of the musical CATS of course. Everything here is rated G-PG. Nothing is to be rated R.
Quickly written poem about Bombalurina
Author: Catwoman

How does Bombalurina feel about Tugger being so cruel to her?
Author: Catwoman

The Jellicle Oath to Humans
A poem from the eyes of a Jellicle who has a human family.
Author: Catwoman

CATS on Broadway
CATS' progress on Broadway and how it's seen today.
Author: Catwoman

Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer: The duo!
An incredibly cheesy poem I wrote during class in 2005.
Author: Catwoman

It Ends Here!
Grizabella's look on life and how she's lived. Also doubles as a poem about bullying.
Author: Catwoman

I don't even know WHY I wrote this. Decided to add it here just for the sake of new poems.
Author: Catwoman
Mistoffelees has to leave for the Heavy Side Layer, but he isn't quite sure that his mate, Jemima, will let him leave...
Author: Sophiakitty
This is a poem in Alonzo's POV after Cass dumps him. He hates her, but then realises how much he needs her.
Author: Teaser


Disclaimer: I did not create CATS nor do I make any money off this site. All rights to CATS lay with the really usfeul group (RUG) and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
