The silver tabby sat off to the side alone watching the others. It was that time where all the queens would go into heat.
Oddly enough they all went into heat during the same time period. All the Jellicles were finding mates now, or the toms were
looking for queens in heat. The kittens who didn't go into heat sat off to the side with the older queens who were to old
to bare kittens. Old Deuteronomy watched over them making sure no toms faught for one queen.
But Munkustrap was alone. He had always been living up to the other Jellicles' expectations. He never did things because
he wanted to, but because it was what was excpected of him. He was the protector after all. If he did father a kitten, that
would mean less time to watch over the others, and to protect the Junkyard. This statement had gone through his mind many
times, but it wasn't he who had thought it up. Some of that had come from the thoughts of other Jellicles. He had always beleived
it to be true, but now he was starting to think he wanted to do things for him.
Munkustrap wanted a kitten. He wanted to be able to see the young queen or tom each day and see them look up to him as
a father figure. Their big eyes admiring his responsibility of being the protector. Maybe he was just lonley. Maybe he just
wanted a queen to love him. Maybe he was just jealous of the other families. This made him feel selfish and he curled his
long black and silver tail around his feet.
The moon was still high in the sky, shining brightly down on the Jellicles. He saw Alonzo and Demeter nuzzling, but looked
away. Seeing two cats together just made him feel worse. His green eyes wandered around the Junkyard trying to focus on something
Old Deuteronomy looked over at Munkustrap sitting alone to the side. He watched sadley. He knew Munkustrap well. He knew
why he never chose a mate and why he never bared any kittens. The tabby was afraid to be offguard and let something horribly
bad happen to the junkyard or the jellicles. He had to much weight to carry, but he knew the tabby would rather die then give
up his place as the protector. He wanted to talk to Munkustrap and tell him it was possible for him to have a mate and still
be protector, but Munkustrap would always having something to say back that would make himself prove it would never work.
Old Deuteronomy looked away, knowing the tabby had to make his own choice.
Munkustrap could no longer keep his eyes looking at the ground. It hurt him to look at the ground looking like a fool.
His eyes caught sight of something red, and he couldn't help himself from looking. A queen laid on her side breathing softly,
letting the cool wind run over her. She was one of the most beautiful in the tribe and he was surprised that some other tom
hadn't snatched her up for himself. But, perhaps the toms had just gone for the queen closest to them. To them mating wasn't
a sign of love but just instinct. That was how they all felt as cats, but Munkustrap didn't feel that way. He felt more deep
about it. He desperatly wanted a kitten, but he didn't just want to use a queen for that purpose. He wanted to keep a queen.
Munkustrap finally gathered all the courage he had and crawled over to where the queen was laying. He made himself as quiet
as possible incase he decided he didn't want to do this. He could turn back and go to where he had been before. He paused
watching the queen, thinking deep thoughts. He continued on and sat beside the queen, who was probably unaware of his presence.
He watched her sleeping, her ears twitching every so often from the quiet noises in the distance. Munkustrap looked skyward
to where the moon was. He was looking for some advice, something that could help him. He had no idea what he was doing.
The queen sat up and looked at him through bright green eyes. At first she didn't know why he, the protector, was here.
Everyone knew Munkustrap wanted nothing to do with mating, well that was what everyone thought they knew. Munkustrap looked
back unaware that she had awoken. He frooze. He didn't know what to do now. The queen looked up at him confused and puzzled.
Munkustrap swallowed hard, but you didn't hear it. He blinked his eyes. It was time to let instinct kick in, since he had
no idea what he was doing. He nuzzled against her shoulder. He brought his head up and kissed her neck gently. She wasn't
used to this sort of treatment; most toms just got it over with. She purred softly, so soft it was barley heard by even her.
Munkustrap looked up at the beautiful queen and kissed her lips gently. Her purr grew louder and she closed her eyes wrapping
an arm around the tabby's shoulders.
This couldn't be instinct. If it were, he would have gone through with mating already. He was baffled by what he was doing
but even he liked it. He was beginning to wonder if all cats felt this way while preforming this act. Did they all feel this
overwelmed? Munkustrap wrapped his arms around her waist pushing her gently to the ground breaking the intimate kiss. He too
was purring.
He brushed his hand against her chest feeling her soft fur as he hovered over her. She tickled under his chin playfully.
She didn't know Munkustrap to be this way. He was always so serious and stern. He rested his body against hers forcing a mew
of pleasure out of the queen. She never in her life expected to be mates with Munkustrap. He never seemed to show interest
in her.
The queen crawled out from under the tabby exhusted and satisfied. He crawled beside her and kissed her cheek. She took
his hand and nuzzled it affectionatly. He watched her happily. Maybe she felt the same feeling she did. He couldn't remember
what the humans had called it.
She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling his fingers play along her back. The feeling tickled and she trembled every
so often. She felt it, deep inside herself, that she was carrying a kitten. She was one of the few that was going to give
birth. Not many of the jellicles gave birth to kittens. It was uncertain how those few managed to bare a kitten. It was even
more uncertain how they knew they were pregnant before they gave birth or gained weight. Maybe it was that unknown feeling
Munkustrap had. That word he couldn't quiet remember. He knew for certain that whatever that word was, he was feeling it.
Then, the toms left the queens to themselves. The toms went off to groom and make themselves look presentable once again,
but not Munkustrap. He stayed with the queen staring at her with passonate eyes. He didn't want to leave her alone. He wanted
to spend every waking moment with her. He wanted to protect her now. Keep her from harms way. He locked fingers with her and
then locked eyes. She kissed his nose. He kissed her passonatly again almost sencing it was what she wanted.
Old Deuteronomy walked over to Munkustrap slowly and rested a hand on the tom's shoulder, "Come Munkustrap." He spoke softly.
Munkustrap looked up at the beloved leader with sad eyes. Almost pleading to stay. Old Deuteronomy smiled at him. He nodded
and walked over to where the toms were now. Munkustrap brought his gaze back to the queen.
The queen was still sitting there looking at him. He was so much more then any other tom. So much more respectful. He didn't
want to use her for whatever sick pleasure like some toms. He wanted her because he loved her. She purred, "I love you Munkustrap."
Part 2