
Why Kittene Don't know...
Catwoman's Front Desk
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Tumblebrutus tumbled off the car landing on his feet. A wide smile went across his face as he dashed away from his chaser. Tag was always a favourited game to the kittens, and he was now in danger of being tagged. Running as fast as his spotted legs could carry him, he lept up and grabbed a wodden pole sticking out from some junk. He swung his body over it flipping through the air landing behind Pouncival, the one chasing him.

Pouncival was used to his acorbatic ways considering he himself was just as talented as Tumble was. He turned around and faced Tumble. He gave him a challenging look. He charged towards him as Tumble started to run again. He lunged at Tumble tackling him to the ground. They both tumbled and rolled until they came to a hault.

"Geeze Pounce, did you really need to tag me like that?" Tumble asked shaking the dirt from his head.

"Of course," Pouncival laughed copying Tumble's actions, "I needed to tag you with style."

"Huh, some style that was." He grunted playfully standing to his feet with a bounce, "I'm done with tag. Why don't we go make mischeif?"

"Sounds like a plan." Pouncival replied pouncing into the junk above him starting to climb. Tumble lept up after him following him as he went. Tumble and Pouncival hung from his knees on a thin pipe watching Alonzo kiss Bombalurina on the cheek shyly. It was hard for the two not to laugh at Alonzo's facail expressions when the kiss was returned.

"I never knew Alonzo was so shy!" Pouncival giggled quietly.

"Me ether." Tumblebrutus whispered back.Bombalurina pushed Alonzo on his back crawling onto him. "What in heavyside are they doing?" Tumble exclaimed almost shocked.

When Pouncival looked back down, his leg slipped and he fell from the pipe. Tumblebrutus grabbed his friends hand, stopping him from falling to the ground. "Don't let go!" Pouncival panicked in a whisper hoping the two 'love birds' below hadn't noticed them.

"I won't, but stop squirming! It's hard to hold on when you squirm!" Tumble struggled to keep his grip.

"Tumble, I'm slipping!" Pouncival panicked louder then before. Pouncival fell from Tumble's hold and landed beside the two cats they had been watching. Bombalurina looked over at Pouncival laying beside her moaning.

"Pouncival?" She asked in shock. Looking up she could see Tumble still hanging on the pipe.

"Hi... Bombalurina." Tumble muttered and gave a little wave.

"What in heavysides name are you two doing!" Alonzo hissed sitting up holding Bombalurina close to him still, "Were you spying?"

"Um... no." Pouncival lied rubbing his sore tail.

"What do you call it then?" Alonzo hissed again.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Bombalurina cooed standing up, "I'm sure they were just fooling around. I'll see you around Lonzo." She purred blowing him a kiss and exiting the scene.

Alonzo let out a loud and agravated growl, "Look what you did!"

"What?" Pouncival asked rolling to his feet, "What did we do?"

"All that happened was that Pounce hurt his tail." Tumble defended flipping off the pipe and managing a safe landing.

"No, don't you see? Bomba left." Alonzo snapped, "That's what happened."

"So?" Pouncival asked after a moment of awkward silence, "What's wrong with that?" He could tell from the way Alonzo was glaring that they had done something terribly wrong, but Pouncival wasn't sure what. Alonzo stomped away growling.

"What's his problem?" Asked Tumble angrily, "We didn't even do anything bad!"

Pouncival was trying to figure that out himself, "Maybe he was mad that Bomba stopped kissing him?" It was a silly idea but it was better then nothing.

"Why would he be mad about that? It's just kissing." Tumble muttered still angry that Alonzo was being so mean about it.

"Maybe they weren't just kissing, maybe they were gonna do something else." Pouncival suggested, "Maybe they were gonna, mate?" He had heard older toms talking about something, like mating, but only heard it in snips of conversations

"What's that mean?" Tumble asked more interested in Pouncival now then Alonzo's rude attitude. He wasn't fimilar with the word 'mate'. Most kittens weren't.

Pouncival shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe we should ask Jenny?"

Tumble nodded, "I guess. We should probably tell her that Bomba and Alonzo were gonna mate." Pouncival nodded before the two went off in search of Jenny.

Bombalurina was picking at her nails humming softly to herself as she sat on the car. She wasn't bothered that she had been rudly interupted by two mischeivious kittens. She was moving on. Etcetera and Victoria padded over to where Bombalurina was sitting. Bombalurina looked up when she noticed two figures, "Hi girls." Bomba purred.

"Hi Bomba!" Cettie smiled cheerfully. Cettie really looked up to Bomba, even if she was the one who got Tugger's attention the most. She wanted to be as pretty as her so she could get Tugger's attention too. Victoria smiled as her way of saying hello.

"You you kits need anything?" Bomba asked. They were just staring at her, looking like they were there to ask to speak to her.

"No." Cettie replied still staring up at her with big eyes.

Bombalurina raised her eye brow. "Ok." she went back to playing with her nails.

"Bomba I wanna be pretty like you!" Cettie blurted out. Victoria giggled at the expression on Cettie's face after Cettie realized what she had said.

Bombalurina smiled, "Aww, that's so sweet."

Cettie blushed a little embarassed, "Thanks..." Cettie muttered softly.

Bomba slid of the car's trunk, "Well the way I see it, your beautiful the way you are."

Cettie blushed and giggled.

"You're perfect Cettie. If someone say's otherwise, they're as dumb as they look. That mean's they must be pretty dumb right?" Bomba purred.

Cettie nodded, and started fiddling with her tail, "Do you really think I'm pretty?"

"Of course," Bomba smiled again, "Who wouldn't?"

"Tugger..." Cettie muttered again.

"Oh..." Bomba's expression went from cheerful to serious, "Tugger he's... he's not worth it. Beleive me." She added, "He's very selfish."

"Then why do you flirt with him and act all pretty all the time for him?" Victoria asked for Cettie knowing it was probably something she wanted to ask.

"Act all pretty?" Bomba thought to herself, "What the heck does that mean?"

"Well?" Victoria inquired.

"Um... well... I don't know what you mean by act all 'pretty'." Bomba replied.

"You know like... dance around for him, and shake your hips." Victoria replied.

Bomba's eyes widened, "You- when did you ever see me do that?" Bomba laughed hiding her nervousness. She now realized that by 'act all pretty' she ment 'act sexy' and of course the kittens didn't know or use words like 'sexy'.

"You and Tugger were alone." Victoria added, "Cettie and I saw you."

Bomba smacked her hand to her forehead, "Oh my heavyside..."

"What?" Cettie asked anxiously.

"You know..." Bomba leaned against the car, "Stuff like that is very... um... personal. I only did that because that was back when we were dating."

"Could you teach me how to do it?" Cettie asked with big eyes.

Bomba bit her lip. She was really in a situation now, "Cettie, that's a very adult thing. Kits shouldn't be doing stuff like that."

"We can't dance?" Victoria made a questionable look.

"Not how I was dancing." Bomba stated, "Have you ever told anything about me acting... 'pretty' for Tugger?"

"No." Cettie replied, "I didn't see a reason too."

"Well please don't. It can be our little secret. You too Viccy." Bomb alooked over at Victoria. Victoria and Cettie nodded."Alright with that said, I'm going to leave now." Bomba then left feeling very humiliated and embarassed. She was just regretting Tugger more and more everyday.

Cettie scratched her head confused, "I don't understand. Why would Bomba dance like that if were not suppose to?"

"She's older." Victoria replied, "She said only adults dance like that."

"Then how come Jenny doesn't dance like that?" Cettie questioned, "Maybe if I dance like that Tugger will think I'm more grown up!"

Victoria frowned, "Cettie, Bomba said not to."

"Oh well." Cettie growled, "If it would make Tugger notice me then I'll do it!"

Pouncival jumped from the washer and landed on the ground, dust rising where he landed. Tumble followed not far behind. Pouncival started slowing down until he came to a hault. He leaned against the tire panting. Tumble fell on the ground breathing heavy as well.

"I never realized that Junkyard was so big until now." Tumble panted.

"Me ether..." Pouncival's pink tounge hung out of his mouth.

Jenny stood on the tire seeing the two toms panting below. It looked as if they had been running quite a bit, "Pounce, Tumble what's going on?" Pouncival and Tumble looked at her and started speaking at the same time and very quickly. Jenny made a funny expression, "Alright! Enough! One at a time, please!"

Pouncival started to speak, "Tumble and I were moneying around and-"

"We saw Bomba and Alonzo kissing!" Tumble interupted.

"Uh huh..." Jenny's tone sounded very interested in the conversation.

"And they were gonna mate!" Tumble exclaimed.

Jenny's eyes widened, "They were what?" She shouted, very shocked by what she was hearing from two young toms.

"Gonna...mate?" Pouncival repeated slowly knowing something was wrong.

"Where did you hear that word!" Jenny spat coming down from the tire.

"Um, I don't know!" Pouncival replied with big eyes, "Some toms were talking about mating!"

Jenny wrinkled her nose. She couldn't beleive that some toms had the nerve to talk about such things around kittens. It was bad enough that they were talking about such an inimate act period. "Do you remember who exactly was talking about it?"

Pouncival shook his head, "No." His voice was shaken up, "I swear it!"

"How do you know Alonzo and Bombalurina were going to... 'mate'?" Jenny asked, although really she wanted to get off the subject. But, she did need to know why they thought such a thing.

"Bomba went ontop of Alonzo." Tumble answered seeing as how his friend was shaken up. "And they were kissing." Just hearing that was all Jenny needed to hear to give Bomba a good talking to. Not to mention Alonzo, "And when Pouncival accidently fell off the pipe we were hanging on-"

"Whoa, wait wait wait... were you spying?" Jenny questioned.

"Um..." Tumble scratched te back of his neck, "Well... yeah. We were."

"I'll talk to you both about that later but, go on." Jenny motioned for him to go on.

"And when Pouncival accidently fell, Alonzo got really mad and grumpy." Tumble added.

"Obviously Alonzo was hoping for something..." Jenny thought to herself. "That Bombalurina is an awful influence sometimes..." Jenny hated to be angry at Bomba (because of how her life was before) but at times she was really bad. "Is that it?"

Pouncival and Tumblebrutus nodded.

"Alright, thanks for telling me." Jenny smiled, "Go along then." The two kittens dashed away.

Alonzo stomped through the junkyard kicking anything in his path, even if it was bigger then something he could kick out of the way. His expression made him look evil, and his growling helped that effect greatly.

Cettie and Victoria ran past the tom. Cettie noticed his angry expression and turned back around and ran towards him, "Alonzo, are you ok?"

"I'm fine!" He nearly yelled. Cettie backed off right away. She wasn't the bravest of cats after all.

"Hey don't yell at her!" Victoria hissed, "She was just asking if you were ok!"

"Button it twinkle-toes!" He hissed.

Victoria glared at him. Even though she was best known for kindness and grace, the small white kitten had quite a temper at times. "Don't be a spazz about it! And don't you yell at Cettie!" She poked ALonzo in the chest angrily.

He bared his teeth at the younger female and snarled, "Beat it kit! I'm not in the mood to deal with anymore kittens!"

"Maybe you shouldn't be such a grouch!" She snapped back. Alonzo ran at the two kits. He wasn't going to hurt them, he was trying to scare them off. The kits took of running with Alonzo right behind them.

Pouncival and Tumblebrutus were sitting in the oven. After their encounter with Jenny they weren't feeling all that great. "Jenny seemed realy mad." Pouncival frowned, "Is mating a bad word or something?"

"I dunno Pounce," Tumble replied, "But it would help if you knew who you heard it from. Are you sure you can't remember? Think harder."

Pouncival tried to remember but it was a while ago. "I can't. Wait, I think it might have been Tugger."

"That would make sence since Tugger is always kissing queens right?"

"I guess," Pouncival scratched his pink nose gently, "Maybe we should go see Tugger."

Cettie and Victoria were still running from Alonzo when they saw Tugger. Maybe Tugger could save them. Cettie ran to him as fast as her kitten legs could carry her, "Tugger! Tugger! Alonzo is trying to kill us!"

Tugger looked down at the grey kitten curiously, "Kill you?" He looked up. He saw Alonzo charging towards them. "Dear heavyside man what's wrong!" Tugger asked pushing the kittens behind him for protection.

"Kitten's that's what!" Alonzo snarled again, "Damn you kittens!"

"Hey, no need to be mean about it. Dude, you need to get laid." Tugger laughed.

"Well maybe I would have if Pouncival and Tumblebrutus weren't such-"

"Wait what?" Tugger chuckled, "Who were you with?"

Alonzo kept is icy glare on the kittens behind Tugger, "Bomba..." He muttered.

"Oh," Tugger smirked, "Nice choice."

"What's get laid mean?" Victoria asked Tugger.

Tugger put his hand over her mouth, "Don't ever say that." He panicked, "It's a bad bad word!"

"Then why did you say it?" Cettie asked.

Pouncival and Tumblebrutus entered the scene, "Tugger! There you are I need to ask you-" Pouncival stopped when he saw the infuriated Alonzo.

"Uh oh..." Tumblebrutus muttered as he frooze in place.

"You..." Alonzo growled.

"Chill dude," Tugger snickered, "If you really need it that bad, go look for Bomba. I'm sure she's missing it as much as you."

"Missing what?" Pouncival asked, "Mating with you?"

"That's a bad word don't say it!" Tumble hissed slapping Pounce's shoulder. "Jenny will get madder!"

"Jenny's not here!" Pouncival hissed back.

"What's mating mean?" Cettie questioned, "Is it that dance that Bomba did for you Tugger?"

"What?" Tugger went all embarassed, "What dance?"

"The one she did for you after the ball last year." Cettie replied, "You know the one like this." Cettie tried mimicking the sensual movements of Bombalurina.

Alonzo raised a brow, "What in heavysides name..."

"Stop that Cettie!" Tugger panicked, "Don't dance like that!"

"Why? You liked it when Bomba did it. Doesn't it make you think I'm more grown up?" Cettie pouted.

"No it doesn't!" Tugger shook his head, "That's bad!"

Cettie made an angry pouty face, "But you liked it when Bomba did it!"

"Bomba's hot and has great-"

"Tugger!" Jenny spat jumping down from above them, "That's a terrible way to see Bomba!"

Tugger cowarded back a bit. Getting yelled at by Jenny was something that always bothered him. "S-sorry..."

"Where's Alonzo?" Jenny asked Tugger.

"He's right," he turned around, "He was right there. Where'd he go?" Alonzo had taken off after Cettie's little dance. "He's probably off looking for Bomba." Jenny shook her head angrliy and left.

Pouncival whispered to Tumblebrutus, "It must have been Tugger I heard it from since he get's yelled at by Jenny so often!"

"Scat!" Tugger hissed at the two. The toms took off running. "Damn kittens..." He muttered crossly.

Pouncival stopped running and turned to Tumblebrutus, "This is all your fault! Everyone's mad at me because you had the bright idea to get into trouble!"

Tumble gave him a nasty look, "My fault! I'm not the one who just decided that they were... you know..."

"What the heck does mating mean anyways!" Pouncival snapped, "This whole thing is because of us not understanding what in heavyside it is!"

Tumble nodded, "That's true. We never really did get an answer to that."

"Maybe we should ask Alonzo? He probably knows since he had intentions to right?" Pouncival suggested.

"But Alonzo is really mad at us." Tumble frowned, "What if he tries to kill us?"

"Do you honestly think Alonzo would kill us, let alone anyone?" Pouncival replied, "Just come on." Pouncival sighed pulling Tumble along as they went. "Best place to look for Alonzo would probably be in his den right?"

"Yeah I guess..." Tumble mummbled.

"What's your problem?" Pouncival growled. Everyone was in such a bad mood today! Actually that whole day was insane!

"I don't want to go ask Alonzo. He's in the worst mood out of everyone." He made a almost scared look.

"I'm sure he's fine now." Pouncival whispered peering into the den only to not see a thing from his angle.

"Why are you whispering then?" Tumble replied.

"Go in first." Pouncival stated.

"What? No! This was entirly your idea!" Tumble refused, "Go in yourself!"

"Fine!" Pouncival spat. He then krept into the den, "A-Alonzo?" He studdered afraid of what might happen for being there. "Oh dear god!" Pouncival cried.

"Pouncival!" Tumble could hear Alonzo yell angrily.

Pouncival ran out, his fur standing on end. "What happened?" Tumble asked anxious to what the answer was, "What were they doing?"

"I don't know! I don't know what they were doing! But you honestly don't want to know!" Pouncival sounded paranoid and shaken up.

Jenny padded over, "Hi kits." She greeted them. "Is Alonzo here?"

"Don't go in there Jenny! It's disgusting!" Pouncival covered his eyes, "Don't do it if you value your life!"

Jenny looked at Pouncival confused, "What are you talking about?" She walked into Alonzo's den. "Bomba! get your tail out of here!" Bomba scurried out rushing past the kittens.

Pouncival and Tumble watched her run. "What happened Pounce?" Tumble asked, "Where they um... mating?"

"I dunno! I dunno what mating is!" Pouncival nearly yelled, "All I know is whatever they were doing was freaken weird!"

"Well what did it look like?" Tumble asked.

Pouncival scratched his ear nervously, "Um... I don't really wanna tell you."

"Why not?" Tumble asked, "You can whisper it if you want."

"Ok," Pouncival replied shyly and whispered into Tumbles ear. Tumble made an expression that looked as if he were going to be very very ill. "See!"

"That's awful! Why would anyone do that!" Tumble stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"I have no freaken clue!"

Jenny swatted at Alonzo, "Don't you ever go near Bomba again!"

"What are you her freaken body guard? Bomba's a big girl, she can make her own decisions herself ya'know." Alonzo spat.

"You took advantage of the poor queen!" Jenny snapped, "Don't let me catch you even looking at her in that way again! Or I'll kick your ass!" Jenny warned.

"Ok, ok. Chill." Alonzo put his hands up s a jesture of peace. With that, Jenny left to go find Bomba. She saw the kittens on the way out.

"Oh... kits um... what you saw in there was, mating. Which is why you shouldn't be talking about such things." Jenny explained, "Do you understand why you shouldn't be tlaking about that type of thing?"

Tumble and Pouncival nodded frantically.

"Ok, you boys better get going. It's almost lunch you know." Jenny smiled trying to make the kittens think of something other then that incodent.

"Ok, bye Jenny. See ya later." Tumble waved and dashed away with Pouncival at his side.

Jenny soon found Bomba grooming on the car. "Bomba!" She spat glaring up at her.

"Oh crap," Bomba started to get up.

"Don't you go anywhere young lady!" Jenny snapped jumped up standing in her way. "I can't beleive you'd do such a thing!"

"I'm sorry." She frowned. "I was... a little... "

"Don't you finish that sentence! I don't want to hear the rest!" Jenny poked Bomba in the chest. "Don't let me catch me you doing such things with any tom again, epecailly when kittens are around."

"Ok..." Bomba muttered. Really she was very angry that jenny was being s mean about it. She was an adult, well a young adult.

"Get out of my sight you." She narrowed her eyes at the scarlet queen. Bombalurina left feeling very iritated.

The Next day...

Jenny was having a nice morning stroll down the road near the Junkyard, when she came across Quaxo. "Good morning dear." Clearly Jenny had gone through a mood change over night.

"Fine." he replied with a smile.

"Anything interesting happen today?" She asked walking beside the young black tom.

"Not really." He replied seeming quite bored, "But the kittens were having a big game of hide-n-seek in the yard. And a few of the older cats were going to visit Old Deuteronomy at the far end of the yard, Oh and Alonzo and Bomba were hanging out in his den."

Jenny nodded listening intently as they walked. She suddenly came to a hault, "Wait what?"

"The kittens are having a game of Hide-n-seek, Some of the-"

"No, no what did you say about Bomba and Alonzo?" She asked anxiously.

"They were hanging out in Lonzo's den." he replied seeing Jenny's sudden interest. "Why?" Jenny growled loudly then ran towards the Junkyard. "What?" Quaxo called not understanding her sudden anger. "What's wrong with that?"

Jenny ran into Alonzo's den, "Oh you two! At it again!" She snapped. Bomba ran out of Alonzo's den with a big grin on her face. Making Jenny angry was so much fun.

The end!


Disclaimer: I did not create CATS nor do I make any money off this site. All rights to CATS lay with the really usfeul group (RUG) and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
