Electra is a hyper kitten who lives in the junkyard with her friend's. Yet, she
doesn't live with her parents. When Electra was a couple days old Macavity killed her parents for not paying
a debt to him, he left the kitten to die. One day, Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots were walking around London carrying there
new kit Jemima. When they found Electra they each decided to raise her as there own. Electra knows about all this and thinks
no one loves her.
Electra had just learned to walk (and talk a bit) and was exploring the junkyard with
Jemima. " It's so big out here Electra," Jemima said in awe turning her head like an owl. " I
know," she said looking around " it's so cool out here."
Skimbleshanks and Jenny would follow the kittens
making sure they wouldn't get hurt. Occasionally one of them would fall but quickly get up.
After a long
days of exploring, Electra and Jemima sat down and watched the behavior of other cats. They would laugh, and hit each other
in fun which confused the two very much.
Electra was now focusing on another kitten under some junk.
She new his name, Quaxo but didn't understand why he was so shy, he never talked to anyone. She pondered thinking why such
a beautiful tom wouldn't talk to anyone.
Years passed (cat years) and Electra learnd to walk. They were
both very anxious to what was happening soon.
" Hey Electra, the Jellicle Ball is going
to happen soon, aren't you excited," since this was their first Jellicle Ball they were excited to see what it would be like.
" Very," her thoughts were disturbed when Jemima spoke, she had wondered where the black and white tom had went.
" I wonder if will get to sing anything, or dance, maybe with Tugger!!! We might get to sing and dance with Tugger!!!" Etcetera
yelled to her friend's jumping circles around them. " Don't worry, you'll have fun, trust me. But if you
dance with Tugger Cettie, don't do anything stupid." Victoria, Etcetera's older sister told her. They all
began laghing and asking Victoria what it was like, all except Electra, she was thinking of her parents...
Electra never knew her parents but she oddly remembered what they looked like. Her mother was brown with orange stripes, her
father was orange and white with specks of gray. She got her mother's looks, but her father's bright green eyes. Electra didn't
remember her parents names, but remembered them disscusing something about a debt to Macavity. The next thing she knew, they
were dead and she was left cold, hungry and alone.
" I guess they didn't love me, Electra thought to
herself " if they did they would have paid the debt and they would have taken care of me. No one loves me."
Though she seemed like a happy kitten, Electra was always sad unless something distracted her. She always thought no
one loved her, not Skimble, not Jenny, not Jemima, no one. Jemima would usually distract Electra from her thoughts because
Jemima looked at her as a sister. And wished Electra to be happy.
Days passed and Electra was curious to see
the black and white tom not in the junkyard, almost if he dissapeared, then the day came for the ball.
" Wow,
wow, wow you guys the Ball is today aren't you excited it's going to be so much fun I'm so excited I can't wait til' the evening
how are we supposed to wait til' the evening?" Etcetera spoke a mile a minute as Victoria tried to calm her down.
" It will be in half an hour calm down." her sister assured her.
This just made Etcetera more
excited, and she began running and jumping around, bugging the other cats.
Electra was wondering if Quaxo
was going to be there, she hadn't seen him in a long time and hoped nothing had happened.
The Ball was full of excitement so far and all the kittens were having a good time. Etcetera was excited by Rum Tum Tugger's
song. His song was now ending and all the female kittens were around him during his pelvic thrusts. As all the kittens
were excited by his pelvic thrust, Etcetera screamed at him making everyone look. He put his hand on her mouth, and she fainted.
At the end of his song all her friends started teasing her. " I told you NOT to embaress youself,"
Victoria laughed. " Well I couldn't help myself, too much excitement." Etcetera squeeled.
The ball
countinued, the kittens saw an old famale come in and wanted to welcome her but there parents refused. Electra didn't understand
why, but obeyed. There was more excitment, and a couple scares from Macavity. When Old Deutoronomy was captured, all the cats
fled to look for him. When he returned there was rejoicing, then a fight started with Macavity who pretended to be Old D.
The kittens were frightened and got more scared when the power went out.
Tugger all of a sudden came out introducing
a magical cat who suddenly appeared from the sky.
Electra seemed to recognize this tom, he was black
and white, and seemed quite shy....It was Quaxo only, he was different, Tugger called him Mistofelees. She wondered why.
Suddenly electric blue lightning came out of his hands and clouds of smoke filled the junkyard. " He's, he's amazing,"
Electra gazed in awe at him " that's why his name changed he has powers."
He danced gracfully around,
out of no where a red blanket appeared. He had needed Cassandra as an assistant, put the blanket over her and dragged it along
the grond. After three swipes of his hands he lifted the blanket up and Old Deutoronomy appeared.
" Wow," was
all Electra could describe what she saw, it was amazing. The cat she gazed at for hours was phenominal.
As the Ball continued, Grizabella went to the Heaviside Layer and everyone slowly talked to each other and left. Etcetera
was still talking about Tugger and her friends seemed very interested, but Electra was searching for Misto. After minutes
of searching she found him, away from the crowd. She approached him slowly hoping he wouldn't dissapear again. "
H...h...hi," she said shyly " I'm Electra, you're powers are really nice." She didn't believe hao stupid
she sounded " Your powers are nice," uhg he was going to hate her. " Thanks," his voice quiet " I remember
you, you used to stare at me all the time." " Sorry, I didn't know why you were so shy," Electra said, embarased.
" It's alright I'm a naturally shy cat, I've always been that way." Mistoffelees said with a charming grin.
" Why did your name change?" Electra asked in confusion. " If I was going to be a magician I had to
change my name, I think this one is much nicer."
Electra laughed, Misto and Electra had talked longer
than any other cat, when they realized how late it was. They both wished each other goodnights and left to there houses.
" Where were you I was getting worried? Jemima asked relief in her eyes. " I was talking to Mistoffelees,"
Electra replied " you sang really well tonight." " Thanks," Jemima replied " you did to."
There conversation continued, laughing at Etcetera for embarresing herself in front of everyone, and wondering if Vicky would
act different now that she was a queen. They had a long conversation until they both fell asleep.
of the kittens had slept until late afternoon, Electra and Jemima were still sleeping until... " Hey guys,
wake up it's morning, we have to talk about the Jellicle Ball and stuff, how long do we have to wait til' the next one cause'
if it will be long than I can't wait that long," Etcetera bolted into their room speaking so fast it was hard to tell what
she was saying.
" We're coming, calm down!" Jemima laughed as she woke up " you goonna wake up Electra?"
" Might as well, she isn't going to stop talking."
They both got up and followed Etcetera as she
was talking, they talked with Vicky for a while until she said she would talk with the adults for a while.
" I'm so glad Vicky hasn't changed yet, I wonder who her mate will be." Etcetera replied.
kittens excitedly talked about many different things at once. Electra was staring at Mistoffelees again. He was huddled in
some junk hiding himself from the others. Electra crept over to him.
" Hi," Electra whispered " why are
you hiding?" " I'm to shy." Misto whispered. " Will you talk to me?" Electra asked hoping
he wouldn't ask her to leave. " Sure," he said and smiled, relief in his eyes. " Ok...um...um...ok...uh,
what is your name I mean like real name since you have, or had two?" she said quickly embarresed. He laughed,"
It's Mistofflees, Misto for short now I can have a nick name, I couldn't with my old one.
They both laughed
and stared at each other for a long time. Electra feeling uneasy about this quickly asked " Do you want to go explore?"
" Sure."
Misto and Electra walked behind the junkyard and on a path by the woods surrounding
the junkyard. It was very quiet until they heard a giggle shortly accompanied by a shush. Electra had recognized these sounds
from the ball last night and was trying to remember who it was until.
An orange, black and white tom
pounced on top of Electra, and an orange, black and white queen pounced on Misto. " ello' loves," they said
in unison.
Electra now remembered who they were. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer one of the most immature
cat burglars in the Jellicle tribe.
The two calicos stepped off the two cats and started laughing like
crazy. Electra and Misto looked at each other in confusion, turned around and walked the other way.
ey', where are you two goan'?" Mungojerrie asked with his rich cockney accent. " Were just walking," Misto
answered. " Well that's not much fun now is it?" Rumpleteazer replied " we're stealing stuff and wanted to
scare you!" " Nice job dancin' last night Misto, we din't know you ad' powers?" Mungojerrie said with a crooked
smile " you sang nice to lectra'" " Thanks," Electra said shyly. " Thank you, your song was good to, too
bad you got caught at the end," Misto said sarcastically making Electra laugh. " We just gotta work on that, roight
Mungo," she turned to her mate who nodded, both blushing in embarrasment. " Well, we've got some stealing to do,
we wouldn't want to disturb your date," Mungojerrie replied.
Misto and Electra both froze.
" We weren't..." " We were just walking together..." " It wasn't a date..."
" It was just..."
They both tried to explain, but were to surprised at Mungojerrie's comment.
The two calico's looked at each other and started laughing again. Turned around and went back to burglaring.
The day had passed by slowly and they were both quiet. They left each other for dinner and said goodbye.
Electra and Jemima had finished dinner fast and went to sleep.
" Electra, can I talk to
you?" Jemima asked mutly. " Sure." " Well, you see, all of us were talking and then Tumble,
Pounce and them came along and started talking to us, and I was really nervous around them and I don't know why..." Jemima
had said now quiet. " Well, maybe you like them, like more than friends." Electra suggested.
A long silence followed as Jemima thought of her answer, " Yeah...yeah, I think your right," Jemima giggled
softly " it's really wierd." " Lucky you," Electra commented and smiled " have fun with your crush."
Jemima just giggled and they both fell asleep.
Months and months passed and Etcetera had spent
a lot of time with Pouncival, Jemima spent a lot of time with Tumblebrutus and Electra spent a lot of time with Misto.
Misto and Electra told everything to each other, there parents, what they liked and disliked, there favourite things,
EVERYTHING!!! And soon enough, the ball was coming again.
" Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," Etcetera
squeeled as she jumped around her friends " guess what?" Before her friends could answer she did.
" Pounce asked me to the ball," she continued jumping and squeeling. " Congrats," Jemima told her
friend " Tumble asked me." she continued shyly.
Victoria hadn't spent much time with her friends now
that she was living with Plato and she just recently found out kitten's on the way. Electra felt a bit left out, over the
month's that had passed. She had realized she really, really liked Misto. Let's face it she loved him, but would never say
that because no one had ever told her that they loved her.
Misto and Electra were on there usual evening
walk around the park when Electra dared to speak in the silence. " Are you asking anyone to the ball?"
" I'm not sure, I'm much to shy to ask maybe eventually..." Misto replied. " Anyone in mind?" Electra asked, her
heart beating faster than it ever had. " Not really," Misto said in relief. " Oh....," she said in dissapointment.
" Why?" Misto asked friendly. " Nothing," Electra answered quickly. " Come on, you can tell me," he said
smiling. " Well..."Electra hesitated " I was thinking maybe we could go together."
A long silence
followed until Misto spoke. " Ok...why?" he asked hesitantly. " Well I...I...I really, really,
really like you and thought you might want to come with me since we spend so much time together." Electra's voice grew quieter
and quieter. " Oh, how do you like me, like a friend, like a brother...." Misto asked growing more and more
hesitant. Electra couldn't control what she said she said it slowly and hesitantly " I....I....I...l....ll...lloo,"
she sighed and took a deep breath " I love you Misto."
Misto froze and didn't know what to say. " Electra,
I...I don't know how I feel..." he finally said. " Oh...." Electra said tears starting to flood her eyes
" ok, I have to go now." her voice was choked with saddness and ran as fast as she could to get away from him.
Misto didn't know what to do, follow her or stay where he was. He decided he needed the help of Tugger.
" What's up Misto, trouble with the queens?" Tugger said in a joking tone. " Yes..." Misto said mutely.
Shocked to see how sad his friend was, Tugger sat by his friend to help him. " What happened," he
said consern in his eyes. " Well, Electra said she loved me and I told her I didn't know how I felt...do
you know what I should do?" Misto replied mutely. " Interesting," Tugger pondered " well, you need to know
how you feel and tell her instead of making her wait." " All right, why did you stop flirting with the queens
when Bomba got mad at you?" Misto asked. " Well, I didn't want her to be mad at me because I was being a
jerk. So I decided to be just for her and now we're mates." Tugger said grinning. " Thank you," Misto replied
and left to find Electra, he had to tell her how she felt.
Electra was now far away from the junkyard
and was only walking now but still sobbing. " I knew no one loved me, no one in this stupid world loves me," she sobbed. It
was dark now and she was just sitting on the curb of the road crying. " I might as well die, no one cares about
me or wants me to be safe or loves me," she wailed and cryed. She was crying so loud she didn't here a speeding
car coming up. It was a drunk driver driving to close to the road. The car hit Electra and sent her flying through the air
like a rag doll, she screamed and fell into the river near the curb. " Help, help," she gasped her voice
mumbled, no one could here her. The water seemed to get bigger and bigger until it engulfed her and she
sank to the bottom.
Electra opened her eyes to see clouded figures that looked like cats.
" Are you Heaviside Layer angels?" she mumbled. " No," the familiar voice echoed " it's me Jemima, are you
Electra's vision was better and she could see Jemima and hugged her. " I'm fine, where did you find
me?" " I didn't find you, someone else did..." Jemima smiled " I'm glad you're ok, see you later."
As Jemima left, a familiar tom entered, it was Misto. Saddness and happiness went through her together when she saw
" How are you doing?" Misto whispered in concern. " I'm fine, who found me." Electra
asked. Misto smiled " I did, I needed to find you and was trying to find your scent, when I found it I used
my magic to find you, when I saw you in the river, I jumped in and caried you out."
" Why did you jump
in the river, why did you find me, why did you do that." she asked in confusion.
" I love you Electra,
be my mate," Misto whispered in her ear.
Electra had never heard someone say that, someone did love her
and wanted to be with her forever. She stared at him in awe and they kissed each other.
Years passed
and Victoria's and Plato's kitten's were born, two toms one completely white the other white, gray, gold and brown. Jemima
and Tumblebrutus became mates as did Etcetera and Pouncival. Misto and Electra had two kittens, a tom and
a queen. The queen was black with a white chest and orange stripes went down her body. The tom was black, white and gray with
green eyes. The queen inherited her father's powers. Electra and Misto stayed loyal to each other forever, and loved each
other more each day.