The two sisters explored the forest together. They wandered off from there mother just
looking for some excitement. They played with each other not knowing what was watching them.
The oldest kitten
was a hyper calico queen and the other was an excited white queen. They each loved each other and loved playing together.
Suddenly something jumped out in front of them. They screamed and tried to run away. The older tom hit the calico and she
fell unconsious. When she awoke, her sister was gone.
************************************************* The
young adult queen passed the junkyard a depressed expression on her face. " Hey Rumple!" her mate called "want to
go burglaring with me."
Distracted from her thoughts she looked up "not today Mungo," she sighed "I don't really
feel like it." " Okay" Mungojerrie knew his mate and why she was so depressed today "I wish I could make her so
happy, I wish she didn't blame herself." he thought as he went to Victoria Grove to start his hunt for shiny things.
The depressed calico sat in some junk, and wandered back to her and Mungo's hideout. When she got in she looked through a
dark treasure chest and pulled out a small, black collar. She held it tightly and began to cry. "Oh Tanderloft!, why did we
half to explore, why did we have to walk away from mom, why did you dissapear, why haven't I decided to find you." she sobbed
to herself remembering her little sister, she was all white and always loved exploring with Rumpleteazer, until she dissapeared.
Mungojerrie entered there hideout to find his beautiful queen crying. He walked up to her and hugged her, keeping her close.
" Don't cry Teazer, you'll see her again," he whispered in her ear and kissed it. " Yeah," she sniffed "We'll find
her someday."
Rumpleteazer thought of her sister a lot, she missed her and blamed herself for not letting the
mysterious tom take her instead of Tanderloft.
One day, a young cat came into the junkyard. She seemed
frightened and was looking for safety. She was all white, and was looking for someone.
Old Deutoronomy noticed her and asked her some questions. The queen, she didn't
remember anything, she didn't know her name, why she had came or where she lived. Old Deutoronomy let the cat stay with Jellylorum
who named her Victoria. Rumpleteazer walked into the junkyard and froze when she saw the queen and smiled. Before seeing her
she went to Mungojerrie and said with excitement "I found Tanderloft! She's in the junkyard she found me!" She was so happy
and started running around the room.
"Teazer, that's not her, that's a new cat." he replied.
" But, but, but she looks like her it has to be her what's her name." the calico replied in saddness. " Well,
she didn't remember her name, so----" Mungo was interupted by Rumpleteazer. "So it could be her," she was
excited again.
Mungojerrie paused, "She could be but Teazer, don't get your hopes up, it might not be
her, don't frighten her."
"Well, it is Tanderloft and I'll p[rove it to you, I won't frighten her and
she'll remember who she is and who I am!" she concured. " Be careful, make sure you know what you're doing."
he watched his mate happy, and now asleep, hoping that she wouldn't be dissapointed if this "Victoria" was not her sister.
The next few days Rumpleteazer spied on Victoria, she seemed shy not like Tanderloft at all " It has to be her," she
thought. As days passed, Rumpleteazer tried talking to Victoria, she didn't remember anything. That didn't help Rumpleteazer
at all. " How can I prove she is Tanderloft?" she thought and thought. It was dark now and she went to her hideout where Mungo
would be.
" I think you should stop spying on Victoria." Mungojerrie replied to his mate " sooner or
later she'll find out what your doing and who knows what will happen."
" But Mungo, she is Tanderloft,"
she replied "she just needs to remember who she is, I'll be fine I know what I'm doing." Rumpleteazer smiled, never had she
been more sure of anything in her life.
" I worry about you, I don't want anything bad to happen."
"I know, I'll be fine, trust me."
They hugged and kissed each other before they fell asleep, not
knowing the glowing eyes following there every move.
Days and days and days passed and Rumpleteazer couldn't
get anything out of Victoria, she was now starting to worry if Victoria wasn't her sister. One day, Victoria
decided to walk around the woods and of course Rumpleteazer followed. They were walking and Rumpleteazer was keeping well
hidden among the leaves at the forests edge until...
"Ok, could you please stop following me, I don't
know what I did to you but that doesn't mean you have to follow me everywhere I go, please stop!" Victoria screamed and tears
started rolling down her cheeks as she found Rumpleteazer in the leaves.
Rumpleteazer was shocked. What
was she going to do now, she couldn't lie to her, she couldn't run, there was only one thing to do. " Listen, what I tell
you may make you scared but I wont hurt you, I promise."
Victoria calmed down and Rumpleteazer told her
the story of her and Tanderloft. Victoria stayed calm the whole time and didn't move, she seemed understanding.
" S-so, you think I might be your sister," Victoria studdered a bit. "Yeah," Rumpleteazer admitted
"I guess its stupid." "No," Victoria replied "it isn't stupid, I could be your sister, the name Tanderloft
is very familiar."
"Really!" Rumpleteazer bolted up in excitement but then remembered to stay calm and
not to panic the young cat. "Yeah," Victoria laughed and smiled, "do you think you could try and trigger
my memory?" "Sure!"
They walked in the woods enjoying each others company when suddenly
something came out in front of them. They screamed and tried to get away, the queen hit Rumpleteazer and she fell unconsious,
when whe awoke, she and Victoria were tied up. And looking down at them, a ginger tom and an all white queen with excitement
in her eyes.
Rumpleteazer awoke, her vision was fuzzy
and she was hard of hearing. She heard mumbled voices, one she knew was Macavity, but the other she couldn't make out.
Then she heard another mumbled voice, "Rumpleteazer, Rumpleteazer," a worried voice called "are you okay?"
She looked beside her it was Victoria. "Huh, yeah I'm okay,"
Fear was in Victoria's eyes, Rumpleteazer
looked around the room, they were in Macavity's warehouse and being tied up didn't help either. She looked at Victoria who
looked like she was going to cry. "We'll be okay Victoria, don't worry."
All of a sudden the mysterious
white queen was qracefully walking over to Rumpleteazer.
"Hey there Teazer," her voice was in an appealing
tone. "You remember me don't you, it's me, Tanderloft, your sister.
" T-T-Tanderloft," Rumpleteazer said
in disbelief. " Yeah, I missed you," Tanderloft smiled. " I missed you too." Rumpleteazer
was exasperated with joy but then remembered Victoria.
Victoria looked so scared, she was trying to
say something or warn her but it wouldn't come out.
" Teazer, the reason you're hear is because, Mac wants you
as an alibi, isn't that great." Tanderloft smiled. " You work for him, that's crazy! I will not work for him!" Rumpleteazer
shouted. " Well, you see, when I was kidnapped Mac showed me that it was great to be a thief. Getting to
steal, scaring others, come on. We could work together. Sister."
Rumpleteazer wanted to be with her sister but
could never be evil, she wasn't like that. She couldn't. " I can't Tanderloft." Rumpleteazer admitted.
"Come on!" Tanderloft yelled " I've been working on this for a long time. Why else would you have met that queen over
there, why else would you have thought it was me. It was my idea. I tricked you now come on, just join.
" How could you do that, you aren't like I remember. Your evil." " Yeah, I am. You will be too." Tanderloft
The two queens started fighting. They kicked and scratched until Rumpleteazer threw Tanderloft
against a wall and she fell unconsios.
Rumpleteazer and Victoria fled from the warehouse and back to
the junkyard where they were welcomed by many.
" I'm sorry, I lead you into a trap, we could've been
killed and-" Victoria was cut off.
"It isn't your falt, besides. She's changed to much, she isn't my
sister anymore. You are."
And they were. Victoria and Rumpleteazer stayed sisters. They had a special bond
Tanderloft would never know of. They would be sisiters forever and ever