PROLOGUE " That damn magician!" Macavity yelled as he walked around
his den.
Macavity paced around his den, cursing at the Jellicles swearing he would have revenge and they would
all roast in hell. The fluffy, attractive white persian spoke, trying to comfort her stressed mate.
" He's very
powerful," Griddlebone, his mate replied " We could get him to work for us."
" Very good idea," he walked
up to his mate and tickled her chin " we just need to find a weakness."
" I'll get some toms to spie
on him."
Griddlebone got up, told the toms the mission and walked back to her mate. Hoping they would
finally get back at the Jellicles. Griddlebone was known as the white killer. She was a very attractive female but also very
vicious. Many cats learned this when she killed Growltiger. After seeing how violent she was, Macavtity and Griddlebone became
mates and worked together for revenge.
Chapter One: Magic
In the junkyard, another pure white queen
was staring at a beautiful tuxedo tom. Practicing magic as he usually did on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
" Cat
got your tounge?" Bombalurina whispered and walked up to the queen in her usual, appealing strut.
" Oh! Hi Bomba
I didn't see you there I-" " So, you like the magician?, Can't complain it is quite exotic." Bombalurina smiled
and looked at the blushing queen. " Has he asked you out?"
" No!" Victoria screamed shocked at what her
friend had said, soon she felt her face heating up, she knew she was blushing. " You could do what I do,
flirt make him notice you make him want you." the scarlet queen told Victoria. " Well, I don't know...."
Victoria stuttered, she didn't know what to do this seemed like the only solution. " Come on, I'll teach you!" Bombalurina
grabbed Victoria by her arm and started her lesson. Unaware of what Misto really wanted.
Chapter Two: A magician never
Tells his Secrets
Mistoffelees was practicing his magic, shooting at tin foil, scaring mice, entertaining kittens,
the usual yet he kept his mind on one cat imparticular. The beautiful white as snow cat talking to Bombalurina at the side
of the junkyard. It was just a couple of months before when he introduced himself to the tribe as a magician. Victoria and
Misto had been such good friends but now, it was different. They were adults now and much more shy, they usually stayed with
cats like themselves (toms, and queens). They rarely spoke, or walked together. It was different.
" So,
got a queen in mind?" Tugger crept up on Mistoffelees.
"," he stuttered "just, practicing magic."
he said trying to sound convincing. " Really? No queen, not even that pretty white one over there," Tugger
hinted. " No," still trying to sound convincing "Just practicing magic." " Okay then, suit
yourself," Tugger grinned at his friend and walked away.
So many mixed up thoughts clouded his mind,
but he decided to forget about that and continue his magic. Hitting tin foil, scaring mice, entertaining kittens. The usual.
Three: Magic Makeover
" I'm really not sure about this Bomba" Victoria said nervously. " Don't worry,
I know what I'm doing my owner is a make-up artist, it's easy calm down." the scarlet queen assured her friend.
Bombalurina looked at Victoria up and down, " Hmmmmm, not much needs to be done, white cats are always so
pretty," Bombalurina said and saw Victoria smile "just some mascara."
Bombalurina went to a drawer in
her and Tugger's den and pulled out a long black tube. She unscrewed it and thick black liquid surrounded the edges. The strange
device frightened Victoria. "Ummm, what is that, will it staine my fur?" " It's mascara, it won't staind your fur
it's specialy made," she shook the vile looking important " it will bring out your eyes."
Bombalurina applied
the make-up on the nervous queen. When it was over, she looked in the mirror. " Wow, it really does bring out my eyes."
Victoria stared in awe at her reflection. " Come on, I'm going to show you how to make him notice you." Bomba smiled and
dragged the white queen to there next destination.
"Ok, so now, to impress a tom, all you have to do is move
your hips as you walk." Bomba demenstrated. " I can't move my hips!" Victoria said shocked. " Nonsense
I'll show you," she demenstrated again and Victoria wasn't so bad at it.
" Good job! Now wait here." Bomba ran
over to grab more nescesities to help her.
" There we are, now I'm going to sh- Vicky?"
When Bomba
came back, Victoria was gone.
Chapter Four: Abra Cadabra, a Magicians Feelings
Mistoffelees continued
practicing his magic but never stopped thinking of Victoria. She was pure white (not many Jellicles came in solid colours),
she was always gentle, very shy, loving and always wanted to help out.
" Stop, thinking about her, she wouldn't
like us anyway, we're to different." his concious told him.
Misto would talk to Victoria but he was always to
nervous to speak to her, to nervous to even walk by her. It was to different now, not like when they were kittens.
Misto and Victoria were best friends, ever since the Jellicle Ball (when they grew up) they seemed to be afraid to talk to
each other. Misto sighed and started to challenge his consious " Maybe she would like us?" "Don't be foolish, we're to
different, we'll look like fools." "Maybe, maybe not."
Mistoffelees thought for several minutes, then he
decided. " I care about her, a lot, I have to talk to her again."
Misto left from his practices in search
for Victoria. His consious didn't stop telling him that he was a fool but he ignored it. If only he new.
Chapter Five:
The Assistent
Misto walked around the junkyard for hours and couldn't find his beautiful queen. "Maybe she's
still with Bomba?" he thought to himself. So Misto trotted off looking for Victoria.
" Help!?" he heard an echo
from a frightened female in the distance. Worried it was ictoria Misto ran like the wind in search for the queen that tugged
his heart strings.
"Help!?" as Misto came into the claering he found it was Bomba who was screaming.
"Oh, Misto thank God! You need to help me." the older queen pleaded, fear in her eyes. "What is it?" Misto asked
afraid of what the answer was. "It's Victoria," the queen stuttered " I was giving her a makeover and then she was
gone and I can't find her." tears started rolli8ng down her cheeks.
" You know," Bomba hinted with laughter
"She really likes you."
Misto gave a great smile at the shocking reply. "She likes me!" he thought "Everything
will be alright."
"Don't worry, we'll find her." Misto was now filled with fear and loyalty, he would
save the queen no matter what.
Since Misto had checked the junkyard, he decided to check the woods. He
walked throught the intimate woods calling out for her. He paused and listened....Nothing. He continued, he wouldn't give
up, that's what cowards do.
He stopped and saw a white figure moving in the bushes. "Victoria!" Misto
thought. He ran and ran to the white figure, shouting her name. "I love you," he continued. He got so close to the white figure
when she pushed him down. And started hitting him. " What are you doing V-Vic...." he stuttered. " Hello
love," an attractive voice called.
He looked at her, she was all white, attractive, evil, it was the
one and only Lady Griddlebone. It was then he blacked out.
Chapter Six: Hocus Pocus, Doubles
tuxedoed tom awoke with a throbbing head and a dizzy mind. He tried to identify the character in front of him with his now
clouded vision. "V-V-Vict-," he tried to say but was so hurt he couldn't. " Wrong again
love," the fluffy white persain lept off of where she was standing and cantered toward Mistoffelees. " Your
head still hurt?," she asked in an appealing tone "Too bad but don't worry, it's going to get better." sarcasm and venom was
hinted in the queens voice.
He tried to get up but found out he found he was tied to a thin metal pole.
He tried using his magic only to find that his magic would bounce off the pole.
He looked around to see
Victoria tied up with a hankerchief around her mouth. It was amazing how much Victoria and Griddlebone looked a like, almost
like doubles except Griddlebone was much fluffier.
" Glad it all worked out." a familiar baritone voice
echoed through the warehouse. " Hey baby." Griddlebone smiled and lept up to the ginger tom, rubbing her head against
his. " It worked." " This time, the Jellicles won't have a magician to save them." Macavity smiled with laughter.
Seven: The Greatest magicians
Misto all of a sudden realized it was a plan. Macavity got Griddlebone to play
a decoy and trick him into believing it was Victoria. All because of him and when he saved Old Deutoronomy at the Ball.
" Now small magician, I have an offer for you, work for me, or your girlfriend dyes." the evil magician told Mistoffelees.
" You can't kill her! I love her and I most certainly won't work for you." Misto yelled forgetting Victoria was there.
Victoria looked at Misto, she was so happy, all this uneasiness. They didn't have to worry anymore. They could be happy, they
could be in love together.
" So that's how it is." Macavity snarled. "Than I have no choice."
" No stop, you can't! I'll work for you." Misto pleaded. "It's too late now." Macavity said venomously.
Misto tried to use his magic but it would just bounce off the pole. Macavity walked up to Victoria and untied her, picked
her up and throwed her around the room. She screamed, that scream, a scream Misto would never forget. It was terrible. She
pleaded for Misto who couldn't do anything but watch. The beloved queen being thrown in the air. She landed. All was quiet.
Her fur was no longer white but blood red. And no breath came out of her. She layed motionlessly.
Chapter Eight: Conjuring
Macavity and Griddlebone only laughed. " Now it's your turn," Griddlebone laughed " See you in
hell." she smiled, she was enjoying this.
Macavity came up to Misto and untied him. Misto jumped on top of Macavity
and started fighting him, but Macavity was much stronger than he was. Macavity went up to Misto and twisted his arm in a circle
until it snapped. Misto now had a broken arm. Misto forgot. He could use his magic. Misto countinuously hit the ginger tom
with lightening bolts. He then laid down, and went unconsious. Without thinking Misto got Victoria and ran out of the warehouse
to the junkyard where they would be safe.
Misto was outside the junkyard. He laid the blood stained queen
on the ground and tried his magic, it was harder with a broken arm but he still tried. Misto's magic had worked. Victoria's
wounds were healed, her fur was clean, and she slowly woke up. " Misto," she said in relief and kissed him passionatly
on the lips. " I l-l your arm!" she gasped and saw it was broken. Let me help. She found material, formed it into a
sling and wrapped it around his arm. "Thanks." he smiled. " I love you Misto," Victoria sighed gazing
into his topaz eyes. "I love you Victoria," Misto said gazing into her blue eyes.
They kissed each
other on the lips. They loved each other and noone would stop that. they new Macavity would be looking for them but that didn't
matter now. All that mattered was the two of them. Now and Forever.