The ginger tom ran past the forest hoping not to get caught. He ran and ran knowing
who was behind him. Unknowing to his foes he had a plan that would more or less stop them. There were four of them, a black
and white tom led the way and a black and red queen followed close beside her mate. They were going to catch the fiend and
make sure he would never set a foot in the Junkyard again. Behind the two leaders were a black and yellow tom and a black
and yellow queen. Obviously mates who would help in the capture of the evil ginger cat. The ginger tom ran past the empty
road. The black and white tom and black and red queen bolted onto the street. The black and gold tom and queen were close
behind them but froze. They heard a trolly go by and stood still for a long long while. The black and gold tom finally got
enough courage to get out of the woods and see what happened, his mate close beside him. They walked slowly onto the pavement.
Macavity had disapeared and in the middle of the road lay the two lifeless bodies of Munkustrap and Demeter.
It was a depressing day in the Junkyard for everyone. Many cats cried, the kittens wailed and one kitten hid in the shadows
so not to be seen. Jemima. She was now an orphan. Her parents, the best parents in the world were dead. She cried and hid
in the shadows for hours and hours and hours until there were no tears left. When she could no longer cry she looked at the
other Jellicles. To her surprise, many of the Jellicles were upset. She looked at her uncle in shock. It was the first time
she had ever seen him cry. He was the Rum Tum Tugger. He was always the tough guy, but now, he cried. He tried to hide it
but couldn't. She looked at her Aunt, it looked as if she was crying but stopped. Demeter walked up to her mate, she was trying
to be brave and not cry so he would feel better. They all looked sad.
No one had talked to Jemima. Probably
because she was still hiding. This was harder for Jemima than anyone else, she was alone in the world. For the first time
in her life she was afriad of the world. She always felt safe with her parents but, they were gone now, and the world is so
big. The moon was now appearing from the cloudy sky, she always loved the moon. It was mysterious and was always full
of unanswered questions. Her father would always try to answer all her moon questions, but he couldn't answer them all. Sometimes,
the three of them would just look at the moon and reflect on life and the things that would happen. She never expected this.
Jemima still gazed at the moon when sshe heard a quiet whisper "Jemima, it's time to go home." her nervous aunt
Jemima got up but instantly broke down and started crying. She wailed and wouldn't stop, her
tears had come back and she wasn't going to let them stop. Demeter picked up the kitten and stroked her fur. She tried to
be gentle, tried to calm her down. But she wasn't going to stop.
"Jemima, I know it's hard, please, your
not alone, your uncle and I will look after you, you'll be okay." Demeter calmly told the kitten.
obidiantly walked to her aunt and uncle's den. Her uncle was asleep. He had stopped crying. But he looked sad. Demeter led
Jemima to an empty room with a bed and some toys.
" We'll get through this, I promise. Goodnight Jemima."
Demeter put the kitten to bed. When Demeter left, Jemima continued crying, remembering her parents, happy memories and fun
times they shared until she cried herself to sleep.
When the sun arose, Jemima layed in bed. At first
she thought she had dreamed the whole catastrophe, but here she was, in reality. She stayed in bed for the longest time. She
was still remembering her parents. She remembered how her paremts gave her the nick name Sillabub, meaning silly devil. A
name that made absolutly no sense but the three of them found amazing. She was still remembering when her aunt came in.
"Jemima," Demeter said in her quiet tone "your grand father would like to speak with you."
Without speaking,
Jemima obiediantly got up and walked out of the den. She noticed her uncle, lying down, chin resting on his hands, staring
at nothing, trickles of tears streaming down his eyes. This was hard for him. Jemima wondered how. Maybe it was because Tugger
was now the only child of Deutoronomy, he was now second in command in the tribe (Alonzo now being protector), maybe he was
scared. Jemima pondered on this thought for a while then went back to her parents. They had never fought, they loved each
other endlessly and they cared for Jemima so deeply. But why did they leave her? Especially when she was going to be a queen
in a couple of Jellicle Balls from now, she was only a kitten. Alone in the world.
Without noticing she bumped
into her grandfather, she looked up inocently, her eyes full of tears. Old Deutoronomy got down to the kittens level and spoke
in his baritone voice " I understand that it must be hard for you, it's hard for all of us, me, your aunt and especially your
uncle but I'm very worried about you. If you ever need to speak to me, I'm here. Jemima looked at her grandpa, his eyes were
wet to. Jemima opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, she tried again.....silence, once again she tried, she stuttered
and as before nothing came out. "She's in shock," the female witch's cat Tantomile announced to the leader, appearing
from no where " she'll be fine give her time. Jemima bowed to the two Jellicles and walked to the shadows.
"I don't care," Jemima thought to herself "I don't want to speak again, I don't want to sing again. I want to be with my parents.
She wept for hours until her tears ended again. When they left her she stared at the Jellicles, looking for emotion. It was
ackwardly quiet. There were a few muffled voices but everything else in the junkyard was quiet. The theives weren't stealing,
the kittens weren't playing. Nothing and they all had grim expressions on there faces.
Jemima stared
at the moon, it was mocking her. All the times she and her parents had gazed upon it, thinking of what the future would hold......It
held this. The moon still gazed upon her mockingly as if teasing her about not knowing what would happen and tricking her
that everything would be fine. Jemima looked at the moon, and made a promise to her self.
"I will never
speak, never sing, never smile or believe in anything for the rest of my life."
Two years later......
Jemima sat in the shadows looking at the other Jellicles. So many of them had come to talk to her when her parents
died, but she never spoke back. No one forgot Munkustrap and Bombalurina but, no one really talked about them any more, it
was depressing I guess. The only ones that really changed were her grandfather, he was much more quiet now, and had been depressed
for a long period of time. Demeter, she had given birth to a kitten, the little tom was a silver tabby with a little ruff
around his neck, she still missed her sister and looked to Tugger for comfort. Rum Tum Tugger, he was now a father but still
very depressed about his brothers passing. He named his son Munkustrap after him. And herself, Jemima was now a teenager,
she was going to become a queen at this Jellicle Ball. She kept her vow to the moon and had never spoke or sung to any Jellicles
and she didn't believe in anything. Her nphew being named after her father didn't much help matters, it made them worse.
Like other teenagers, Jemima wasn't interested in the Ball, only depressed. She always stayed in the shadows and avoided the
others. She almost never ate and became very thin. At one time she got very i'll from starvation and almost died. But Jennyanydots
and the other Jellicles saved her. Not that Jemima cared, she felt she was of no use living. It was almost as if a suicide
attempt. No Jellicle was really sure. The death of Munkustrap and Bombalurina had changed every Jellicles life. They were
more careful and looked out for each other more often. As for the Jellicle Ball, it was odd, the strangest thing that I've
ever seen.....
A gray and white tom stood waiting for Jemima, she didn't move towards him, only looked like
crying. She still hadn't spoken or eaten even though the Jellicles had tried to help her. She was very thin and looked as
if she gave up in the world. She collapsed and before the Jellicles ran to her she stared at the moon and smiled, a gorgeous
smile to the world and began to sing, she sang her memory solo. Her voice filled the junkyard with happiness. She became mates
with Pouncival, they loved each other dearly. Whatever she saw, whoever in the Jellicle Moon saved her.