Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer walked through the junkyard when Bombalurina walked past with a walk that all of the guys
the loved. Hey guys. Steal anything lately? she asked as she walked. Nothing lately. What have you been up to? Rumpleteazer
said watching her walk enviously. Flirting with all the toms as usual. Today was Munkustraps turn. But he didnt seem to
care. He just laughed and asked why I was flirting with my best friends mate. I found that really annoying. Bombalurina answered,
Well, got to go! Bye! As Bombalurina walked away, Mungojerrie whispered to Rumpleteazer, Oh my gosh! She is so hot!!! Well
ask her out then. Rumpleteazer said, with a tinge of Im-about -to -cry voice. She started to cry. Whats wrong? Mungojerrie
asked. He looked worried. Was it something I said? No, its nothing just go ask Bomby out. Rumpleteazer said, as she walked
Bomby was talking to Demeter over by the tire, when Mungojerrie came up to them Do you mind if
I talk to Bomby alone, Demeter? Mungojerrie asked. Sure Demeter said and got up and want over and crawled into the pipe.
Bomby, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me this valentines day. You probably already have a date, but
if you didnt I was just wondering., Mungojerrie asked. I would love to go out with you. I bet no one asked me out yet because
they probably thought I was already going out with someone. Bomby answered. Bomby was one of the sexiest queens out there.
And Bomby knew it. Okay, Ill pick you up at the trunk at 7:00. Sound Good? Sure. Sounds good. See you then. Bomby said,
and she walked over to the pipe to go find where Demeter went.
It was the most romantic night of the year.
Valentines night. It was 5:30 and Mungojerrie was already ready to go pick up Bomby. The only problem was that he didnt have
anything for her. He saw Alonzo going with Cassandra, Jemima going with Mistoffolees, and Demeter with Munkustrap. All the
toms had brought something for the queen they were with. But what could he get her? Not flowers - everybody got flowers.
Chocolates would be nice, but the candy store had hi-tech security cameras, and not to mention Mungojerrie would probably
eat them all before they got to her. He wanted to give her a special gift. A really special gift. A gift like a new collar.
But how would he get one? He knew that Bomby really wanted a new one. She said that her old one was really small and itchy.
Suddenly, Mungojerrie had an idea. Maybe he could ask Rumpleteazer if he could have one of the collars that she had stolen.
was at the old tire talking to their dad Skimbleshanks. Rumpleteazer had her back turned so Mungojerrie couldnt see her face.
Skimbleshanks looked up as Mungojerrie walked up. I think you need to have to talk with your little sis. Skimbleshanks
said and he got up and walked over to Mungojerrie and lowered his voice. Be careful. She is my little girl after all. Skimbleshanks
walked away, leaving the two together, alone. Suddenly, Rumpleteazer turned around. Mungojerrie gasped. Rumpleteazers
face was damp and wet because she had been crying. Oh my gosh Rumpleteazer! Whats wrong? Mungojerrie asked. Ummm.... I
guess I should start when I started crying when you said that you thought that Bombalurina was hot. The reason I started to
cry was because I thought that if you got a girlfriend, you wouldnt have any time to do anything with me. I told this to dad
and he said that that would never happen. And dad was right. That would never happen You should know that. Did you think
that she would be my partner in crime? Well, actually, yes because I know you have always loved Bomby and I was always
jealous of her getting all of the attention. Im mean think about it. She has even the Rum Tum Tugger falling at her feet anytime
she pleases and you just happen to ask her out and she says yes. Think of me. Nobody asked me out. Oh Rumpleteazer! I have
an idea! Stay here! Get ready and Ill be right back. Mungojerrie ran off leaving Rumple all by herself. She did what her
brother said and waited for her older brothers return. When her brother returned, someone was behind him. Teazer, I got
you a date with Admetus. OH MY GOSH! Thank you! Teazer yelled as she jumped up. But in return you have to give me a
new collar for Bomby. Sure take anyone you want! I owe you so much! Rumple and Admetus walked away hand in hand. When
Jerrie got to the place that Teazer hid all of her collars, He spotted the one that Bomby had been eying for that last couple
of weeks. Bye the time Jerrie had reached the place he was meeting Bomby, she was already waiting there. Happy Valentines
day, Bomby! Jerrie handed her the collar. Oh thank you so much! I have been wanting that for a very long time! Your
welcome! It took me a while to figure out what to get you . Well what you got me was great!
Bomby were that collar for the rest of her nine lives. She and Jerrie remained mates for the rest of the days. Admetus and
Teazer became mates the same day as Bomby and Jerrie. Jerrie and Teazer are still partners in crime and are still stealing
stuff. And all of the lived happily ever after!