Demeter walked through the junkyard. She was very nervous. Tonight she would become mates with Munkustrap
officially. Somehow, Demeter started thinking about how she met Munkustrap. If it hadnt been for him, She and her mom
Bombalurina, would still be in Avitys lair where Demeter had to witness her father Macavity would beat Bombalurina. Suddenly Demeter
was a kitten again.......
"Oh, She's so cute and golden!!! Just like her dad. Let's name her Demeter.",
Bombalurina said to Macavity. "Oh she is so adorable. She's a definate keeper." Macavaty said. Demeter was the only
kitten out of 3 to survive.
Demeter grew up to become a young adult. She grew up with eveything that
she wanted. But one day that all changed.
Some days when Demeter got up in the morning,
Bomby was already awake with a black eye or a bloody scratch. But when Demeter asked what happened, Bomby just said
that she got up in the middle of the night and tripped.
One day Demeter woke up in the
middle of the night to hear her parents fighting. She got up and walked outside her room and what she saw was very scary.
She saw Macavaty slapp her morther across the face. When Bomby looked up, her face was wet with tears and blood. "And
that is what you get for leaving my lair without my permission!" Macavity yelled.
Demeter got up and ran out the door, despite her fathers rules (and threaten to her mother). She ran down the street
until she came to an alley where there were a bunch of cats gathered around this old cat sitting on a tire. Demeter
ran into the alley. Everyone looked at her. " Are you related to Macavaty? You look a lot like him. If you are then you
aren't welcome here." A young tom about Demeter's age named Alonzo said " Macavity is my dad but please help me my mom
Bombalurina is being beaten by my father and I need help" Demeter replied. Suddenly it occured to Demeter. All those
bruises and scratches on her mom were from her dad "Okay. Ill go with her to Macavity okay dad?" A stong voice said somewhere. "Go
Munkustrap"the old caton the tire said. A young tom stood up and walked to the outside and Demeter followed
they got there Bomby was washing her wound and Macavity was no where to be found. "Mom, I saw daddy hit you and I ran
to get help for you." Demeter said, "His name is Munkustrap." Bomby looked at Munkustrap and gasped. "You are that young
man in the jellicle tribe. Macavity hates the jellicles and wont let me or Demeter out to see the jellicles. But for
the last few nights I was sneaking out to see you." Just then there was an angry yell. "Not you again!" Macavity
was back!!!
"Get back to the alley and get help. I cant fight macavity all by myself. Now
GO!" Munkustrap said Bomby and demeter ran as fast as they could down to the alley. "Please help Munkustrap! He is fighting
my dad and my dad is very strong and I dont think munkustrap can fight him all by himself." Demeter panted "We will
go!" Alonzo,and 2 other toms named Plato and Rum tum tugger said. And they ran off.
just look at you two! Me and Jennyaydots will takecare of you! Im Jellylorum by the way!" a queen named jellylorum said Then
the queen who must have been jennyanydots started helping jellylorum and asked if Bomby and demeter would like to become
jellicles. "Sure because I am so leaving Macavity after this!" Bomby laughed "Mom, Why wouldnt daddy let you leave?"demeter
asked "I really dont know why he wouldnt let us see such nice people" Bomby replied
When the rest of the toms pf the toms arrived macavity was just giving up. " I give up! You caught me on a bad day!"
Macavity yelled "Wait before we go Why wouldntyou let Bomby or Demeter come to the jellicles?" Plato, who was the youngest
tom there, asked. "Before any of you were born, when I was just a very young kitten I was excommunicated from the tribe.
That is why I hate the jellicles so much. And if I hadnt met bomby I dont know what I would have done. But know she
has probably already become a jellicle. NOW SCRAM!" *************** As the toms were walking (well, munku was limping)
back to the junkyard plato said," I think my brother (macavity) didnt want bomby or demeter to leave was because he
was afraid that bomby would flirt with us." All of the toms laughed. "You know, the sexy rum tum tugger is probably
the best person for bomby because and alozo and I are about a year younger than her."munku said "Ha ha!But im the same
age as you guys.What makes you think she will be intertested in me?" "I guess you are the same age, but you seem to
have all the young kitten girls under your spell, espiecially Etcerta!" "You know,he does have a point tugger!"Alonzo
As the toms entered the junkyard, bomby and demeter ran up to them. "What did
my daddy say?" Demeter asked "Before the other toms arrived, Macavity said that if he lost the fight you and your mom
could become official jellicles!" Munkustrap said
Now, that was just a year ago when demeter
met munku. Now that he was going to be her mate, she was very thankful to him. And she ran to jennyanydots' trunk so
she could finish getting cleaned up.
***the end***