“We’re not helping you Macavity.” Zoe protested furiously her pure black fur standing
on end, “So just beat it.”
Macavity watched the queen and her mate through bright green eyes that were
filled with rage. On both sides of the ginger tom were two Henchcats ready to pounce on his word. Macavity’s whiskers
twitched irritated at the strays in front of him. Why wouldn’t they just listen to him, instead of causing so much trouble?
toms on either side of Macavity were brothers, one much older then the other, probably older then Macavity as well. The older
tom was Thomas. He had a thin body from his aging and his colours were that of a Siamese, only inverted.
The other
tom was Tai-Lee, a pure bred Siamese. Both brothers were very loyal to their leader and never hesitated to anything their
leader asked of them, which was what made Zoe and her mate Tucker so nervous.
Tucker was a brown tabby, and had his
claws taken out by some nasty humans in a building down the road after humans had taken him in for about three weeks before
he managed to get back onto the streets with his mate.
“Why do you both insist on making things so difficult?”
Macavity growled not moving from where he stood, “What have the Jellicles ever done for you anyways?”
Jellicles and strays have had an alliance for generations. Why would we suddenly turn on them?” Tucker raised an eyebrow
at him, “We’re not betraying them. That’s it, plain and simple.”
Macavity cocked his head and
Thomas lunged at Tucker pinning the weaker tom to the ground. Thomas was old but that didn’t mean he was weak, no at
all. Tucker squirmed under Thomas as his claws scrapped across the tabby’s nose and eyes.
Tucker cried out in
pain hissing and snarling still struggling under Thomas. Zoe jumped on Thomas’ back scratching at him uncontrollably
hissing at him in fear of her mate’s life. Tai grabbed Zoe off of Thomas and held her back. Tai was no fighter but he
was able to hold the queen back, but with much difficulty as she was struggling profusely.
Thomas pulled Tucker to
his feet after a minute of nasty poundings and slashing. Macavity walked to Tucker with a disgusted look on his face, “You
will face the same fate as your pathetic Jellicle cousins.” Macavity raised his claws to Tucker and left a finishing
blowing against Tucker’s face. Thomas let the dead body of Tucker fall onto the cold dirty alleyway.
Zoe cried
out in furry and despair at the sight of her dead mate. She kicked and screamed in Tai’s grip. Tai was forced to release
her, as he wasn’t nearly as strong as her. She mat have been a queen but that ment nothing. She darted to Tucker’s
side stroking the toms face. He was gone. It was just an empty body now.
Macavity laughed darkly at her sorrow. He
towered over her his shadow traced over Tucker’s body. Tears streamed down the black queens cheeks and she looked up
at Macavity whose eyes had everything but sympathy.
Thomas and Tai stood in the way of the only escape Zoe had away
from Macavity. She rested her head near Tucker’s and cried softly, knowing soon she’d be with her mate. She could
only pray they wouldn’t get her kitten.
Munkustrap sat with on the tire watching over the kittens as they played,
accompanied by his father Old Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy stood up smelling the air of the now dim area. “What is it?”
Munkustrap asked looking up at him.
Cats raced into the Junkyard kissing and laughing as they attacked the helpless
kittens. Munkustrap ran to the kittens aid attacking the cats from the unknown tribe. The Jellicles darted into hiding protecting
the kittens.
When the area was clear of kittens, all that was there was Old Deuteronomy who barley stand on his own
let alone defend himself. Macavity’s figure came from the crowd. His crocked smile aimed at Old Deuteronomy. “It’s
been so long Deuteronomy.” He smirked.
“What is it you want?” Old Deuteronomy questioned showing
no fear to the ginger tom.
Macavity lunged at the older tom his claws wrapped around the elderly toms throat, “I
want you, dead.” He growled letting the tom’s body fall, lifeless and dead. Macavity smiled down at his work.
Three deaths in one day- all being leaders of tribes. That was defiantly worth something. “Come, we’ve done enough.
Let’s let the Jellicles mourn the death of their leader, and let them assume it was Stray’s.”
rushed back to the tire, only to see his father’s dead body resting on it. Munkustrap ran to it and fell beside it,
ashamed and hating himself. How could he let this happen? How could he let his father die? “Why would they do this?”
Munkustrap cried feeling Skimble’s warm hand patting his shoulder, “Why would they kill him?”
don’t know,” Skimble frowned, “I wish I did.”
Jenny and Asparagus ran back as quickly as they
could after they had hidden the kittens with a few other adults. Sorrow filled Jenny’s heart as she too cried. Asparagus
held her tightly trying to hold back any tears that wanted to escape him.
“Life to the Everlasting Cat.”
Munkustrap wiped away his watery tears watching the tire rise up into the clouds.