Cassandra felt a sharp pain across her cheek as Bombalurina's hand swatted at her. The stunning brown queen stood
where she was, not moving even from the impact.
"How could you do that!" Bombalurina hissed furiously, "Here I thought we could be friends again and you go off
stealing my boyfriend!"
Cassandra turned her head towards Bombalurina and glared, "I did nothing of the sort!"
"Yes you did! Why do you think Mistoffelees chose you as his partner in the little magic trick he preformed?"
he's moved onto something better." Cassandra smirked ignorantly.
Losing all patience with the queen, Bomba dove at Cassandra in a hissing, biting and scratching furry.
Pouncival's ears percked up at the horrific noise. He looked down off the tire at Sillabub, "What's that?" He asked.
"What's what?" She looked up at him curiously.
"That noice I hear."
"What noise? I don't hear nothing." She looked at him questionably.
"Quiet a minute," Pouncival hushed her. After a quick second Sillabub could hear the noise.
"I hear it now!" She jumped up.
"Come on, let's go see what is it!" Pouncival pounced off the tire.
"Stop denying it!" Bomba growled, "Lying is only making it worse."
"I'm not lying!" Cassandra yelled, "He and I are just friends!"
Pouncival and Sillabub jumped towards them landing
softly, "What's going on?" Silla asked.
"Nothing!" Cassandra snapped, but not directly at the kittens.
"This doesn't concern you kittens, beat it!" Bomba snarled still vicously glaring at Cassandra.
Sillabub cowarded back, feeling threatened by the older queens.
"Hey, no need to snap at her!" Pouncval frowned at Bombalurina and Cassandra.
"Just get lost!" Bombalurina repled a little less angry, "This is between Cassandra and I."
"What's wrong?" Silla asked softly staning partly behind Pouncival, incase one of the arguing queens had another outburst.
"Cassandra stole Mistoffelees from me!" Bomba yelled and snapped her head back in Cassandra's direction.
"Why would you do something like that?" Sillabub asked astonished at Cassanda.
Cassandra lunged at Bombalurina throat, "I didn't do anything!"
"Silla, go get help!" Pouncival exclaimed running to get Cassandra off Bomba.
"Who do I get?" Sillabub panicked unsure of what to do.
"Anyone! Just get help!" Pouncival tried to pull Cassandra up off Bomba but she was fighting him.
Sillabub ran back into the centre of the Junkyard frantically looking for help. The first cat she saw was Asparagus and
she dashed towards him, "Aparagus! Asparagus!" She cried, "Help! Please!"
"Whoa, slow down!" Asparagus turned to the small black kitten charging towards him.
Sillabub came to a stop and panted trying to catch her breath and at the same time trying to explain the situation, "Cassandra,"
She panted, "Bombalurina, Pouncival." She took a momment to breath.
"Calm down," Asparagus patted her back, "Let yourself catch your breath."
Sillabub nodded and breathed in and
out a few tims, "Bombalurina and Cassandra are fighting and Pouncival's trying to break them up! You have to do something!"
"Hold on, why are they fighting?" He rose an eyebrow at her.
"Apparently Cassandra stole Mistoffelees from Bombalurina." Silla explained, "But I don't think she did. I think Bomba's
just over reacting."
Asparagus shook his head with a sighm "Alright then, lets g fix this misunderstanding." He took
her by the hand and she guided him back to the scene.
Pouncival had his arms wound around Bombalurina's waist in attempt to hold her back form ripping Cassandra apart, "Stop
it Bomba!" He pleaded.
"Cassandra deserves to die!" Bomba hissed struggling in his hold.
"What's all this?" Asparagus snapped almost disgraced at what he was seeing.
Bombalurina and Cassandra froze looking at the older tom. He was like an authority figure to them.
"Whats the matter with you!" He snapped again motinoing fo Pouncival to come over to him. Pouncival released Bomba and
bounded over next to Asparagus standing next to Sillabub.
"Fighting over a tom, you both should be ashamed of yourselves!" He shook his head in shame. Bomba flattened her ears
slightly and cassandra frowned. "How can you possibly put a tom before your own friendship?"
"Well Cassandra
shouldn't be such a tom stealer!" Bomba snapped again, "Tom stealing witch!"
"How dar eyou!" Cassandra snarled angril,
"Least I don't go after any male creature on the freaken planet!" Cassandra swipped Bombalurina's face, small drips of blood
falling onto the ground.
Bombalurina returned the swipe nd the queens went into a scratching, biting fight again.
Asparagus swiftly moved towards them trying to pull them apart, "Now knock that off! He shouted.
Munkustrap apeared like a ghost behind Sillabub and Pouncival. Both kittens jumped as they noticed him there. He had
a depressed expression on his face and he frowned down at the kittens.
Sillabub and Pouncival looked up at hin, not saying a word, just examining his face.
Bombalurina and Cassandra stopped struggling and fight and looked at the silver tabby. He gave off an upsetting atmosphere
and there was a long depressing silence.
"What is it?" Asparagus finally asked as the suspence was killing them all.
Munkustrap looked up at Asparagus and opened his mouth, "Mistoffelees is dead."