3 months later
Munkustrap and Jenny were sitting
on the tire talking. Munkustrap was still very depressed, even with Demeter as his new mate. It wasn’t the same. He
missed Bomba terribly.
“It doesn’t seem right
Jenny,” Munkustrap frowned, “Bomba wouldn’t just walk out like that. She’s better then that.”
know Munkustrap it doesn’t make sence. But, maybe it’s time to move on.” She sighed, “If Bomba came
back, who knows how the other’s would see her now.”
“That’s the problem.
I know she’s not like that.” He exclaimed.
“What about Sillabub and Demeter?”
Jenny asked.
“What do you mean Sillabub
and Demeter? There is no Demeter. Demeter just took over the role as the mother.” Munkustrap muttered.
“I take it you aren’t
exactly happy about it?” Jenny raised a brow at him.
“I mean, I am very touched
that Demeter was so willing to take Bomba’s role, and that she loves Sillabub and me with all her heart but… it’s
not the same.” He frowned.
“I know you loved Bomba, but
it’s time to move on Munkustrap.” Jenny placed a hand on his shoulder, “You need to focus on now, and not
Bomba was sitting on the bed, the
leash tied to the bed frame. She was sitting calmly with on leg crossed over the other. Her fur was matted, very much like
Macavity’s. Her once beautiful green eyes were dull.
Tugger sat beside her on the bed
and kissed her neck. From her training, she was trained to ether sit back and enjoy it or just sit there and take it. Tugger
untied the leash from the bed frame. “I think your training has been paying off doll.”
She eyed the leash that had been
untied but was still attached to her spiked collar. She had lost much of her dignity along with the training. She had been
mutilated and abused during the whole period, and not just by Tugger.
Traumatized by all events, Bomba
temporarily lost most of her memory. Tugger was aware of this, as Macavity told him it was something to expect. “Want
to go outside?” He asked the queen twirling the leash. She nodded as he stood up. He opened the door and let her out,
“If you don’t come back, there will be hell.” He warned unclipping the leash.
She nodded and headed down the hallway
and down the stairs. She calmly walked outside into the sunny day. She could hear birds chirping as she walked along the sidewalk,
her rough and tangled fur clearly showing.
Secretly, she hadn’t lost
her memory. Not a second of it. She had to play along to get Tugger to trust her enough. As soon as she was out of Macavity’s
territory, she would go straight to the Junkyard.
The Jellicles were all sitting in
the center of the Junkyard, planning the summer ball. The kittens were practicing their dances with Jellylorum and Cassandra.
Old Deuteronomy wasn’t in the Junkyard. He always stayed home, and came during the ball. Munkustrap was in charge until
Demeter clung to him, feeling so
in love. She was finally with him. She didn’t know he wasn’t happy; he was always acting with her. Sillabub was
practicing her dances with the others. Alonzo and Skimbleshanks were clearing the area of any junk scattered around the dancing
The rest of them were out doing
whatever was needed done. No one knew were Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer were. Knowing them they were probably out causing
chaos for the humans and the neighborhood.
“Isn’t this exciting
Munkustrap? The summer ball is so close.” Demeter smiled hugging him.
“Yes, it’s very exciting.”
He replied not sounding happy, not paying attention.
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing.” He looked
at her with a smile. “I was just thinking about stuff.”
Sillabub bounded over with Victoria,
“Dad!” She cried.
“What?” Munkustrap asked
looking at her in fear. What was she crying about?
”Pouncival said, he heard Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer talking,
and they said Mom was being tortured!” tears fell from her large kitten eyes. “Is that true?”
Munkustrap asked his eyes widening. “When did you hear this?”
“Jerrie and Teazer are over
near the entrance.” She wiped away her tears with Victoria hugging her.
Munkustrap dashed off the tire towards
the entrance when a tall filthy queen who looked at him with tears held in her eyes stopped him. Everything seemed to stop.
Even the talking and singing. It seemed as if everyone’s attention was also looking at her.
“Hello Munkustrap.”
She said emotionlessly.
“B-B-Bomba?” He stuttered
looking shocked and surprised. “Where have you, what have…”
”Thought you’d like to know
I was alive.” She added just as dully.
“You,” Alonzo growled
pushing Munkustrap aside, “How dare you show your face here!”
“What?” She asked.
“How dare you run off with
Tugger,” Cassandra sneered, “I thought you had changed after becoming Munkustrap’s mate.”
“What are you talking about
“Bomba, how could you do such
a thing?” Jenny frowned shaking her head, “I am so disappointed.
“I didn’t, I was-“
saw you. You ran off with Tugger.” Skimble frowned with anger in his voice.
She shook her head at him, “No,
no no! What are you talking about!”
“Look at yourself Bomba.”
Skimble sighed, “You’ve totally let yourself go.”
”No,” Was all that came out of her.
Demeter sat holding onto Sillabub
who was struggling to be freed so she could run to her mother. This was all Demeter’s fault. She had continued to add
onto that lie as the days went on. It started off as her just smelling Tugger scent then it went to her and Tugger running
off hand in hand.
“Get out of here Bomba.”
Alonzo hissed, “We don’t need you causing the kittens any more confusion.”
Bomba burst into tears, “I
didn’t, I wasn’t. It was him. He did it. I was trained. I was owned. She’s lying!”
The Jellicles all began leaving
the clearing in the Junkyard, almost the same way they had with Grizabella. The elder’s shooed the kittens away and
soon it was nearly cleared out. Even Demeter had whisked Munkustrap away. Victoria had managed to avoid being forced to go
and stood near Bomba.
“I don’t understand.”
She frowned, “I don’t believe you ran off with Tugger.”
Bomba stayed in her spot sobbing
quietly, “I- I didn’t… I was forced… to… to…”
Jenny rushed over and forced
Victoria away, “Get going you!” Jenny hissed at Bomba. She vanished into the Junkyard with the white kitten.
Bomba fell to the ground completely
feeling herself break inside. Every second she was there she died a little more inside. They had abandoned her. Her family
had abandoned her. Her best friend lied to them. What was left for her?
Tugger approached the queen and
helped her up. “Come doll.” She sobbed feeling him attach the leash again. “There’s nothing left for
you here.”
Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer sat
on the old chair just above the car watching the two leave, Bomba trembling. “Jerrie this is awful!” Teazer frowned.
“I know. I can’t believe
they just left her there.” Jerrie looked at Teazer, “It’s terrible.”
”We have to tell
them the truth.” Teazer tugged on Jerrie’s arm.
“Teazer you know we can’t!”
Jerrie frowned at her; “If they knew we worked for Macavity part time they kick us out on our tails too!”
“Bomba’s being tortured,
raped and basically owned.” Teazer snapped, “How could you put our well being before her?”
“Teazer, it’s not just
that.” He added, “Where would we go if they kicked us out?”
”I don’t know, but it can’t
be any worse then what Bomba’s going through.” Teazer replied softly.
Jerrie looked at Teazer for a good
two minutes then said, “Let’s go tell them.”
Tugger pushed Bomba back into the
room. She was still crying. She couldn’t understand why they had just refused her so quickly. She hadn’t even
had the time to explain.
“I’m telling you Bomba,
this is the only place for you now.” He laid her on the bed.
She sobbed in her throat and began
trembling, “Please don’t Tugger…”
“What did I say about the
difference between Master and slave?”
“Master gets what he wants
when he wants?” her voice trembled. “Slave must do whatever she’s told…”