Munkustrap and Alonzo grabbed the struggling Plato and flung him into the rusty
old cage, slamming the heavy door shut. The jellicles had no idea how they had come across such an odd thing in the Junkyard
but it was good to use as a holding cell. "It was him!" Plato snarled jumping at the door, "Quaxo did it!"
Munkustrap looked at Jennyanydots, "Quaxo?"
"Quaxo attacked Pouncival yesterday." she frowned and shook her head not taking her eyes off Munkustrap, "You should
have seen him Munkustrap, he was drenched with blood."
Munkustrap stared blankly at jenny and back to Play, "Why?" He looked back at her.
"Pouncival knocked Victoria down." She replied as she looked away. "I don't know how to handle this situation Munkustrap.
Quaxo is Mistoffelees' son. Could that be a reason for Quaxo's behaviour?"
"So you think he killed Victoria?" Munkustrap asked wondering if that was her final conclusion.
"I don't know." Jenny looked back at Munkustrap looking a bit stressed about the situation.
"Have you spoken to Old Deuteronomy about it yet?" Munkustrap asked.
"Not yet." Jenny replied softly, "I didn't want to drag him into this. I thought we could handle this on our own."
"Jenny, this is way over our heads." Munkustrap frowned, "We need Deuteronomy. This is something he should be a
part of."
Jenny nodded, "You're right. I don't know why I didn't realize that before. I'm so stupid."
"Don't say that. You're not stupid, just stressed. Ever since the death of Mistoffelees things have been," Munkustrap
paused, "Complicated."
"You don't seriously think that's the reason right?" Alonzo finally found himself
in the conversation, "Mistoffelees' death was terrible, I know that, but you can't just assume that was the cause of things.
You don't think that do you?"
"Why not?" Munkustrap turned to him, "Everything fits."
"Something like that doesn't just trigger him to kill someone." Alonzo protested.
"With time," Jenny added, "It's possible."
Alonzo ignored her comment. "Maybe it wasn't his fathers side that did this?"
Munkustrap and Jenny both looked at each other as if on cue. The both had nervous expressions on their faces.
Alonzo looked at Munkustrap, then back at Jenny. "What?"
"Quaxo doesn't know who his mother is." Munkustrap replied looking at him.
"Why not? Was she a stray? Hench?" Alonzo asked. He had a feeling here was more to this then that. If it weren't
they wouldn't have looked so nervous.
"No, nothing like that." Jenny spoke for Munkustrap who seemed lost for words, "Quaxo's mother is Tantomile. After
he was born, Tantomile became very sick and she had to stay with the vet for a long time. Mistoffelees believed she would
never recover so he always told Quaxo she was dead."
"Ouch, harsh." Alonzo frowned, "Why didn't anyone else tell Quaxo once Tanto recovered?"
"If Mistoffelees wanted Quaxo to know Tantomile was his mother, he would have told him." Munkustrap replied, "We
didn't want to tell Quaxo and have Mistoffelees not wanting him to know."
"Well why wouldn't he want him to know?" Alonzo was starting to sound annoyed.
"We don't know." Jenny replied more calmly then Munkustrap had, "Maybe he just didn't want Quaxo to be waiting
for his mother to come home and her never to come home. Perhaps Mistoffelees unexpected death didn't give him time to tell
Quaxo. Maybe he had intended to tell him. We don't know."
Alonzo questions ended there. That made sense. "Are we going to tell Quaxo?
I mean he deserves to know."
"That's up to Tantomile really." Jenny sighed softly.
"Shouldn't it also be Quaxo's decision?" When Mistoffelees was killed, Alonzo took care of Quaxo, like a father
even if he wasn't that much older then him. He had found it his duty to take care of the orphan and raise him, as Mistoffelees
had wanted.
"But everything’s been fine up until now." Jenny explained, "Maybe it's
"Say, where is Quaxo?" Munkustrap asked.
"Jellylorum and Skimbleshanks are watching him." Jenny answered.
"What happened Quaxo?" Skimbleshanks asked the quiet tuxedo tom sitting on the steps against the tire. Skimble
was standing in front of him watching him carefully, although so far he had been well behaved and respectful.
"I don't know." Quaxo buried his face in his hands. This was to much for him. First he had to watch Victoria die
three times and now he was being accused of killing her. How could they ever think he'd do something like that, and to Victoria?
Quaxo looked at Skimble with sparkling teary eyes, "But it wasn't me."
Skimbleshanks sat next to Quaxo on the steps. "Quaxo, I don’t think you did this. I don't think you could
do this."
There was a long pause and Quaxo looked at the tabby, "Plato did it."
"You both had blood on you." Skimble frowned pointing to the Quaxo's blood stained hands.
"No," Quaxo looked down at his hands, "That's Pouncival's blood. I..." He stopped.
Skimble raised an eyebrow at him, "Pouncival's?"
"I attacked Pounce," Quaxo replied softly.
"Why?" Skimble nearly exclaimed.
"I had a dream that someone killed Victoria. When Pouncival bumped into her, I thought he was attacking her so
I attacked him." Quaxo frowned not looking at Skimble. He couldn't bring himself to see his expression when he heard the story.
"Sounds more like a nightmare then a dream." Skimble replied softly, "Do you know why you had a drea... Nightmare
like that?"
"How could I know?" Quaxo looked at him with a frown. It was his most common expression during the time. "I loved
Skimbleshanks sat up a bit straighter, "You love her?"
Quaxo went a but pink, "Well... I did." He frowned again realizing that now Victoria would never know how he felt.
He burst out into tears again.
Skimbleshanks patted his back, "It's ok son." Skimble understood how Quaxo was feeling and didn't go back to the
"We should go find Tantomile." Alonzo spoke softly now understanding the situation more clearly as well.
Jenny nodded, "That's what I was going to suggest as well. She may know what's
going on."
"I'll stay here." Munkustrap offered, "I'm not leaving Plato here by himself." It wasn't that he was worried Plato
would be lonely, he just didn't trust him. He's always been the one caught in the act of crime or mischief.
"Thanks," Alonzo nodded respectfully at the silver tabby and returned his attention
to Jenny, "Where would Tantomile be?"
Jenny paused for a moment thinking then continued, "Coricopat lives at
the harbour, so Tantomile is probably there as well."
Alonzo had never known a Jellicle to live so far away from the Junkyard. The harbour was a good 20-minute walk from
the Junkyard, if traffic was light. But it would explain why Coricopat and Tantomile were so rarely seen at the Junkyard.
"Alright, let's go."
Coricopat sat perched up on a pole on the edge of the large wooden dock. He gazed out across the blue water.
The sun reflected off it constantly, but the bright light didn't faze Coricopat. he could hear gulls squawking in the distance.
The noisy birds were annoying but Coricopat's cool nature helped him cope with it. A few boats were docked moving along with
the waves motion. He could feel the cool breeze coming from over the water.
"I hate the harbour." Alonzo complained as he walked beside Jenny through the harbours busy area. This was only
his second time being there and he was disliking it already.
"Why? Don't you like fish?" Jenny laughed.
"I love fish," Alonzo exclaimed, "But the damn gulls drive me nuts! How could
anyone stand living here?"
"They would need a patient and calm attitude I suppose." Jenny teased.
Coricopat looked over his shoulder at Jenny and Alonzo coming towards him. He turned around completely to them
and smiled kindly, "Morning Jenny. Alonzo. What brings you all the way out here?"
"Morning Cori." Jenny smiled back. "We're actually looking for Tantomile. Do
you know where she is?"
Cori smiled, "Yeah, come follow." He motioned for the two to follow him. Coricopat took Jenny and Alonzo down to
the beach where there was an old boat upside down in the sand.
"You live, here?" Alonzo sounded shocked as he raised an eyebrow.
"Doesn't really compare to a Junkyard but it's home." He smiled.
Tantomile stepped into view from inside the small boat. It would be nearly
impossible to tell the twins apart if it were not for the different facial shape. "Hi Jenny."
"Hi Tanto." She smiled at her, "We need to talk to you."
"What of?" She asked, and suddenly her smile fell into a look of concern,
"What's happened to Quaxo?"
"...How did you...?" Alonzo asked astonished at her. He knew the twins were mystic but he had no idea they were mind
"Just a feeling." Tanto replied, "I don't read minds."
"Victoria's been killed." Jenny held back her urge to shed some tears. She
had to be strong for both Victoria and Quaxo. "Both Quaxo and Plato were there when it happened."
"Quaxo didn't do it. Quaxo's not like that." Tantomile stated firmly, although she knew nothing about her son.
"Plato claims Quaxo did it while Quaxo just isn't talking." Alonzo added, "We
were hoping maybe you could help."
"I'll do my best to help you." Tantomile looked at Jenny, "Quaxo was bound
to inherit some mystic power from either me or Mistoffelees. At this point in time it wouldn't surprise me that he's starting
to discover them and react."
"Are you saying it's possible Quaxo did do this?" Alonzo wasn't believing
what he was hearing. Tantomile was Quaxo's mother and she was saying this?
"Of course it's possible." Tanto replied simply, "But there is probably
more to it then that."
"As kittens, Tanto and I first discovered out powers through dreams." Cori began.
"It's still unclear if our dreams show the future or create it." Tanto added.
"Which is why we have to be careful what we conjure up in our sleep." Cori
nodded. "Soon after we got feelings of things, like if something were about to happen say, the arrival of Old Deuteronomy,
we would feel him coming."
"Like a spider sense." Alonzo added softly trying his best not to laugh.
Jenny elbowed Alonzo in the ribs. This wasn't exactly the time to be making
jokes. She assumed it was because Alonzo didn't believe or understand the power of being mystic and to relieve himself of
confusion he put it in a way he could understand, not matter how childish it sounded. "We need you to come back to the Junkyard
with us. Maybe Quaxo will speak to you."
Tantomile didn't reply and looked away. "If I told him I was his mother,
he would never forgive me for not telling him sooner."
"The longer you wait the worse you'll make it for both of you." Jenny explained,
"He needs you more then ever now. Do it for him."
Part 3