"Misto! How are you?" asked the sweet kitten when she saw her friend in the floor. "Uh? Fine! Yes, fine!" he answeed
not exactly that 'fine'. "Would you like to accompany me to a walk in the junkyard?" "Now? Well, okay." he said standing
up with lazyness. "Are you sure you feel good? You don't look very happy today" she said looking for Mistoffelees' face
to look him at the eyes; that way she always made Mistoffelees confess whatever he could be hidding to Jemima. He perfectly
knew that so he was avoiding it. "Yeah! I'm per-perfect!" he said forcing his face and trying to disimulate he was good
with a grin. "If you say so... let's go!" she said happily. "The whole ride he stood in silence; just hearing Jemima
and frequently nodding with the head. They walked along the junkyard until they were again at the point where they had
started."Uh, well, we're here again" she said. Electra, Etcetera and Victoria arrived with them. "Hi, Jemy, Misto!"
said Victoria. "What are you doing?" asked Electra. "We were just walking" replied Jemima. "Jemima, wanna go with
us?" asked Etcetera. "What are you going to do?" "Chase Tuggie along the junkyard!" screamed Etcetera. "Oh, again..."
whispered Jemy to herself. "Sorry, I don't want to leave Mistoffelees alo -" she was cut by Misto. "No, go with your friends"
he said with a kind smile. "But I-" "Really. I'll be okay" he said softly. "You've heard him, Jem! Come with us"
said Electra trying to convince Jemima. "But-" "GO!" shouted Mistoffelees desperated. "Sorry... Just go please" he said
a lot more softly when he saw the kitten's fear face. "I'll go with you!" decided Jemima running away with her friends. *I
yelled at her... But it was her blame* he thought *I'm so tierd* Mistoffelees walked slowly half-asleep, but then a voice
woke up him. It was Tumblebrutus. "Hello, Mistoffelees! I saw a rat over there and I thought you might want to help me
catch it!" said Tumblebrutus jumping excitedly. Misto went off and saw him. "Tumble... I'm very tierd. I think I must go
to sleep somewhere" "Okay" he said staring at Misto wierdly. "I'll look for Pounce" With that he walked, I mean he RAN
away! He was hyper! Mistoffelees was alone, as he used to and some times liked to be. He walked slowly to look for a quiet,
peaceful, and warm place where to sleep. Finally he found a place where the sun softly reached, and the sky looked between
purple mixed with a kind of pink and blue. Everything was beautiful. There he could think, and think, and think..... until
he fell asleep at the dawn. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Chapter 2: I'm Sorry When
the kittens were tired of bothering Tugger they left him and started to walk. They saw Jellylorum. "Hi, girls!" she exclaimed
"what are you doing?" "Really nothing" answered Electra looking at the faces of all of her friends. "Nothing? Well,
would you like to come with me and eat some dinner?" "Sure!" answered Electra, Cetty, and Victoria. "And you, Jemima?"
asked Jelly. "I'm not hungry. Thank you anyway!" she replied. "Okay! Come with me, kittens. See you then, Jemima!" said
Jellylorum taking Cetty's paw and walking away. Jemima felt tierd so she looked for a good place to lay. She found the
place where Mistoffelees was, but she didn't notice him at first. *Is there someone? Yes, who's that cat?* she thought. She
walked at the cat and finally realized it was Misto. But she thought he was awake. "Mistoffelees?" she called remembering
how he had shouted at hes that morning. "Are you there?" there was obviously no answer. "Misto? Are you still angry? Even
though you were the one who shouted at me!?!?!" she asked angry looking he wasn't answering. With Jemima's voice Mistoffelees
started wakig up. He slowly opened the eyes and saw her cute face. "Je- Jemima? What did you say?" he asked confused. "Finally!
You were too angry to answer me!" she said. "Uh? I was just sleeping" he answered. "Slee- sleeping?" she asked ashamed.
"Sorry, I thought you were..." they laughed softly. "Don't worry love" he immediatly put a paw on his mouth surprised
of what he had just said. "Love? Since when do you call me 'love'? asked Jemima. "Oh, sorry. I don't know. Does it bother
you?" he asked worried. He wasn't supposed to call her 'love'. "I... no. It just called my... attention" she muttered. "And
Jemima, sorry for what I did this morning... you know, when I yelled at you" "It's okay. You were behaving very strange
and-" "Oh, yeah. About that I... anyway, I must go now." he said fastly standing up and running away like if he had just
remembered something very important. "Good bye..." she said stranged. As he walked away he thought 'things' that made
him put a fear expression on his eyes and face. Munkustrap was passing there and he saw Misto. "Hi, Misto!" he said. "Hello!"
he answered like if nothing had happened. "How are you and your powers?" asked Munkus. Mistoffelees opened his eyes as
an owl. "Po- powers?!" he muttered. "Well, they're... okay" Anyway I guess I'll see you then, Munkus... good bye!" he started
running away. *What did I say?* thought Munkustrap. Mistoffelees arrived to his home and locked the door. *Why
me?! Why me?!* he thought. *I've to do something!* he thought desperated. Someone knocked the door. Misto stood up, saw
the door, hesitated for some seconds and finally opened it with his key. It was his old friend Rum Tum Tugger. "Hi kid!
How are you?" he asked to the younger tom. "Hello, Tugger. Enter" answered Mistoffelees. Rum Tum Tugger entered to Misto's
house. "I see you different since some days ago... What happens?" Mistoffelees took a deep breath and then of a moment
he opened the mouth: "Okay. I'll tell you because I know you are my friend... but promise you'll not tell ANYONE!" said
Misto. "I promise it" said Tugger with a kind smile and showing Misto he was extending his paw. They didn't know they
were being spyed by someone. Jemima had heard everything until that moment. She was passing and she saw Tugger entering to
Misto's home and heard he was asking why he had been behaving so wierd. And she really wanted to know the answer. But, when
she heard that Mistoffelees told Tugger that he was gonna tell him because they were friends, she felt sad. *I thought
we were friends. I thought he trusted me* she cryed inside her mind. *I don't want to hear more* with this, she ran away forgetting
her curiosity. But Jemima wasn't the only one spying Mistoffelees and Rum Tum Tugger. The BIG difference was that Jemima went
to another place befoe hearing what Misto was going to tell his friend, and this animals stood to hear everything. They
were... Nah! Discover it later! o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Chapter 3: The Secret Mistoffelees
continued telling Tugger his story. "What happens is that some time ago, I noticed something strange in my powers, they
weren't working exactly as I wanted them to work; and then suddenly they..." "Your powers? They what?" asked Tugger with
curiosity. "Uh, well they... sudden-suddenly..." "Tell me once and for all, and stop muttering. I'm getting nervous" "Okay,
okay. My powers just stopped..." admitted Mistoffelees ashamed. "WHAT???" asked Tugger surprised. "When? How?" he asked
shaking the younger tom. "Yes, two days ago I was trying to make a mouse disappear and-" "A mouse? You hate rats and
mice!" interrupted Tugger. "That's why I was trying to make him disappear! Well, as I was saying... suddenly, when I was
sure everything was going right, he escaped! And I tryed my magic with many other things. But it just didn't work" confessed
Misto with a sigh. "That's odd... but look at the good side: You always wanted to be 'normal', now you are normal!" Misto
glared at him for a moment. "Not anymore, when I was strarting to to like my powers, they go! And that was the only way
to call her attention..." "Her attention? Who's attention, Misto?" Mistoffelees, realizing he had said something he
shouldn't have said (specially to Tugger) He stood silent for a couple of minutes. "No one, no one...I mean, forget it,
okay?" "Okay, but how are you going to tell the others?" "The others?! NO PLEASE! Don't tell anyone about this! They
would banish me from the tribe!" begged Mistoffelees. "Why would they do that?" "You know they all just want me because
of my powers. I'm here thanks to them, and now they are gone" Tugger stood silent for a moment. (strange thing on him) "So
are you gonna hide this the rest of your life?" asked softly Tugger. Mistoffelees looked sadly at the floor. "I don't know...
but please don't tell Munkustrap or anyone else!" "I'll do what you ask me to, but..." sighed Tugger sadly. "Tugger,
I'm sure I'll find a solution; well, not very sure but I'll try" They exchanged a smile. And we could say the animals
spying them also exchanged a grin, but it wasn't friendly... it was evil. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Chapter
4: Is She In Love? Mistoffelees woke up early as he always did, and went to visit his friend Jemima (who was awaken too) "Hi,
Jemima! Good moning" he said kindly. But Jemima was still sad for what she heard the last night, and she was kinda making
a tantrum. "Good morning" she answered seriously without looking at him. "Jem...? you don't look very happy..." "I'm
fine. And I've to go right now. Good bye" she said coldly walking away. "What did I make this time????" asked Misto to
himself. (but it wasn't what he had said, it was what he hadn't said. Jemima really didn't have to go anywhere. She just
wanted to stay away from Mistoffelees *I really like him. He's... special for me. I thought I was special for him too* thought
Jemima sadly. Mistoffelees went to visit Coricopat and Tantomile. "Coricopat? Tantomile?" asked Misto waiting for an
answer. "Yes? We're here Mistoffelees" answered Tanti kindly. "Oh, hello" said Mistoffelees finding finally the twins. "Hello"
said Coricopat. "And, Mistoffelees, we want to talk at you seriously" "Seriously? Sure" answered Misto sitting next to
Tantomile. "You don't look very good, I mean you've been behaving different since some days ago. Are you going to tell
us what's happening?" asked Cori. Mistoffelees started feeling nervous and the twins could feel it. "Don't be nervous.
We want to help you" said Tantomiel smiling. "I... I don't know what's happening. But I know that I told Munkustrap that
I... I will go with him! See you... then" he said walking away. "Mistoffelees" called Tantomile, but it was too late. She
exchanged a look with her brother. They perfectly knew what was happening to Misto but wanted him to tell them personally. "We'll
have to continue waiting" whispered Coricopat and the two walked away until they disappeared into the shades. Jemima was
still thinking sadly in Mistoffelees when she heard a noisy and cheerful voice... yes, Etcetera. "Jemima! We've been looking
for you!" she said. Jemy went off and saw her. "Etcetera! Hello!" she replied simulating nothing had happened. Soon, Victoria
and Electra arrived. "Hello! said Vicy and 'Lectra. "Hi! answered Jemima. "Jemima are you okay?" asked Vicky. "What?
I'm fine!" "Come on! You can't lie at us. What happens to you?" Jemima sighed. "Uh, well, it's just that I..." muttered
Jemima. "I..." "You whaaat???" aksed with curiosity Etcetera. "Oh, let me guess! You... are in... LOVE?!" "In... love?
Well, I... it's just a kind of friendship but bigger!" answered Jemy. "Who's the tom?" asked Electra. "Pounce? No! It's..." "No,
Pounce not." siad Jemima. Victoria smiled. "Okay, Jemima. We're not gonna force you to tell us. Tell us when you want,
okay?" said Vicky. "Th- thanks" answered Jemima. Victoria had aready an idea of who could be the tom that Jemima fell in
love with (a correct idea). "Jemy, do you want to come with us?" said Electra. "Or you prefer staying?"
"I think I will stay." said Jemima. "Ok, well, we'll go to play somewhere!" screamed Cetty. And the kittens ran away
happy, until they found Mistoffelees. "Misto! Hi" said Etcetera. "Oh, it's you" whispered Misto to himself. "Hello.
What's up?" "We're bored, Misto!" said Victoria. "And what do you want me to do, girls?" asked Mistoffelees. He really
didn't like too much to play with the kittens. "Well, could you make some magic for us?" asked Electra. Misto gave ja
ump. "MAGIC? No, not now, girls!" "But Misto, we're soooo bored! And Jemima doesn't want to play!" said Cetty. "Jemima?
Why? Is she... depressed?" asked Mistoffelees worried. "Not really. Actually, she's just in love..." answered 'Lectra.
Victoria stared at her a little angry. Like saying "Shut-up!" "In LOVE? JEMIMA? With who?" asked the tom shaking Electra. "We
don't know. She didn't tell us!" said Electra removind Misto's paws from her shoulders. "No? Well, sorry, Electra... Anyway,
I gotts go now" said Misto rushing away fastly. Etcetera sighed sadly. "Another one that fell in love" she said. Electra
laughed softly. "You think so?" asked Victoria watching Misto run away. She also smiled and laughed with her friends. "Jemima"
shouted Mistoffelees when he foud her. She went off surprised. "Mistoffelees? What are you doing here?" she asked. "I...
I have a question" he said doubdting if it was a good idea to ask such a private thing like with who she was in love. "A
question? And why don't you go and ask your best friend Tugger?" she said angry and sad at the same time. "WHAT? Because
of course he's not the same as you! You're... special!" "I thought so. I thought you trusted me" "I do trust you! What
are you talking about, Jemima?" "I heard you Mistoffelees. Last night when you were talking with Tugger, I was passing
and I heard you say that you were going to tell him the reason you were behaving so strange, because you knew he was your
friend. And I asked you the same thing several times and you didn't answer. You insisted that everything was okay, and I..."
she explained. "Wait a moment... you heard what I told Tugger last night?!" he asked confused and scared that she
had heard. "So you know why I'm behaving 'strange'?" "No, I just heard what I told you. I decided that if you didn't want
to tell me, I wouldn't beg you" she said. He sighed. "Okay. I have to explain you why I didn't tell you" "You didn't
tell anyone! Only your 'best friend' Tugger. Why?" she asked softly. "I was scared... if I tell them, they would banish
me from the tribe!" "Is it that bad what happens?" she asked less angry but more worried. "What have you done, Misto?" "Nothing.
What happens is that... my powers aren't working, they've gone" whispered Mistoffelees sadly. "Gone...?" "Yes" he answered
looking at the floor and waiting the worst. "Oh, that's why you were so... sad. And you think Old Deuteronomy is going
to take you out of the tribe just because you don't have powers anymore?" "Yes. I'm here just because of them" "How
are you so sure? And anyway you always wanted to be normal, as you called it" "Well, not anymore. I discovered something
in which they were useful" he said raising the face at Jemima and smiling. Jemima blushed. "And why you didn't tell me?
You know I would never tell anyone" "Cause I-" he stopped. They heard a sound. "Did you hear that?" asked Jemima. "Yes"
he whispered. Then, they heard steps that were stronger each time. They were walking at them. "What's that?!" asked Jemima
scared getting closer to Mistoffelees. "I don't know" he replied turning to everywhere looking for the owner of the steps.,
but that place was to dark to see anything. "Who's there?" yelled Mistoffelees. "Misto, I'm scared" whispered Jemima. Mistoffelees
hugged her close to him. They heard the last step; the last and strongest step of all the ones they had heard before. Mistoffelees
took Jemima's paw and squeezed it. The sound came from all the directions. They couldn't see anything. Then, Misto heard
Jemima screaming and he didn't have her paw on his' anymore. Someone or something hit Mistoffelees. He fell to the ground
and finally fainted. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Chapter 5: His Confession Jemima woke up
first and noticed she was inside of big metal cage with spaces through which she could see the outside without problem. That
cage was on a cave she had never seen before. Then, she looked for Mistoffelees; he was at the other corner of the cage. He
was asleep. When Jemima found him, she shaked his body to wake up him. (Wishing he was just asleep and not dead...) "Mistoffelees,
wake up! Misto!" she yelled. He opened the eyes slowly and focused them on her. "Jemima!" he exclaimed. Jemima gave a sigh
of belief. "Are you okay? Did you hurt?" she asked worried. "No, I'm good. And you?" he asked looking around. "Yes,
I'm okay. Where are we?" she asked. Mistoffelees recognized that place. He had been there once before. And he stared at Jemima. "Misto.
Where are we?" she repeated. "We're... on Macavity's hideout" he confessed. "Ma-Macavity's hideout? Macavity is the
one that Demeter and Bombalurina sang about last Jellicle Ball?" "Yes, I've been here before. When he catnapped me" "Really?
Have you seen him face to face?" "Yes, we fighted and I... won!" he said proudly and smiling. "You won?! How?" she asked
surprised. "Well, when I had powers..." he sighed. In that moment a tall ginger cat entered to the room and sat in front
of the cage. "How are you little kittens?" he asked in a joking tone. Jemima hid behind Mistoffelees. There was no answer.
"I asked you something!" he insisted. "Why did you catnap us, Macavity?" asked Misto not very wisely. "Because," he
said "my rats told me your little secret. You should be more careful when you confess things like that" he said grining evily.
Mistoffelees looked at the floor. "And why do you want me if I don't have powers anymore?" "Cause you're still useful.
You are young and you can do anything I ask you to. And without your powers you mean nothing... you are just NOTHING against
me!" answered Macavity. "Shut-up!" whispered Mistoffelees angry. "What did you say? I didn't hear" laughed Mcavity with
his paw behind his ear. "I said SHUP-UP!" shouted Mistoffelees angry. Macavity laughed again. "You want to simulate
you are 'brave' in front of... this lady?" asked Macavity looking at Jemima. "Don't bother me. And why do you want her
too?" he asked. "Well, she's also useful for anything I want. I'm missing some slaves." he answered trying to scare Jemima,
and he did it. "Leave her!" said Mistoffelees glaring at Macavity. "What's your name, girl?" asked Macavity to Jemima. "I...
I'm Jemima" she replied. "Mmm... I don't like it. I'll change it then" said Macavity. "No! I like my name!" she exclaimed.
Then she put a paw on her mouth, surprised that she dared to say that. "I don't care! And you'll do what I order you!"
answered Macavity standing up. Mistoffelees hugged her protectively. Then, Macavity exited the room. Jemima cryed softly. "Jemima,
don't cry. We'll be good" whispered Mistoffelees on her ear. "Do you think the Jellicles are gong to come for us?" she
asked cleaning her tears. "Maybe they will. But if not, I don't care... I'll find a way to take you out of this place.
I promise it!" said Mistoffelees happyly. Jemima smiled at him. "Uh... Misto, we didn't finish to talk last night" said
Jemy. "And do you want us to continue the talk in this place?" "Well, we never know when it's or last time to-together...
I mean when we will... I don't... uh-" "I told you that I'll take you out of here, Jemy" "I know but-" "Okay, what
were we talking about?" "I was asking you why you didn't tell me that you didn't have powers anymore, if you knew that
I would keep safe your secret?" When Mistoffelees remembered the answer, he got nervus again. "Cause I was... very scared..."
he tryed to explain. "Scared of what?" "Of... do you really want me to answer that?" "Yes, answer me now, Mistoffelees" "I
was scared of losing you!" he shouted. Jemima opened her eyes surpried. She didn't know what to say. Finally she smiled. "Scared
of... losing me? What do you mean? Losing my friendship...?" "It's more than friendship what I feel for you, Jemima." he
confesed desperated. There was silence. "And why do you think you could lose me?" she asked breaking the silence. "I
know that everybody liked me only because of my powers, but I didn't care too much anyone... except you. But when I lost my
powers I lost the tribe, and more important... I lost you" he looked at the floor. "What? So you think I was with you,
just because of your powers?" "I..." "No, Mistoffelees. I'm with you because I think you are... because you really like
me.... I mean.... I love you" she confessed with a smile. "I love you too, Jemima" he responded. Mistoffelees smiled
and kissed her. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Chapter 6: The Final Then, they heard someone
was coming again. "Jemima, I just want you to know that you'll be safe. Belive me. I promise it over all... don't be scared"
said Misto removing Jemy's tears and his own tears. "I belive in you, Mistoffelees" she answered. Five rats appeared
at the same time. Thet were big, fat, gray, and dirty. Macavity appeared seconds after them. He grinned evily and exchanged
a look with the rats. The five rats opened the door of the cage. "Get out!" ordered Macavity to the tom. Mistoffelees
walked out from the cage. The rats closed the cage slowly leaving Jemima inside. "You can go" whispered the ginger cat
to the rats. The animals ran away fastly. "Well, Misto. As, without your powers, you're nothing, you're as all the other
Jellicles, I suppose that if I teach you, you can be be a very good helper. I mean, you can steel and all those things" explained
Macavity. Mistoffelees didn't answer, he didn't even bother to look at him in the eyes. He just stood quiet. "And now,
let's see what can we do with your little friend... what do you think, Misto?" he asked to the tuxedo cat. Misto glared at
Macavity with angryness on his eyes. "Okay, as you don't answer, I'll decide. I'll kill her, okay?" "No! She has done
nothing! You're such an... evil... evil cat!" shouted Mistoffelees. "I know. And belive me, you'll be an evil cat too very
soon" "No, I doubt there could ever be a cat so evil as you in the whole world!" "Shup-up, Misto! You're so stupid.
I will kill the girl then" In that moment Mistoffelees jumped up at Macavity and hurted him with his jaw. Macavity hit
Mistoffelees. "What were you thinking you would do?" asked Macavity. Mistoffelees removed the blood from his lips. "You
can't accept it, right? You will HAVE to help me... or you and your girlfriend will die" said Macavity raising Mistoffelees
and putting a paw on his chest in a menazing way. "Neither Jemima nor me will die" whispered Mistoffelees. Macavity threw
the younger cat away and took Jemima out of the cage. Then, taking out his long jaw of his paw, he said to the little kitten:
"Thank Mistoffelees for your death" said Macavity. Jemima gave a look at Mistoffelees and then she squeezed her eyes and tears
came out form them. When Misto heard that, he went off and saw Macavity with Jemy. In that moment he felt an extrange energy
on his body. And his paws started shining in blue and white. He looked at Macavity and then at the big metal cage. The metal
cage flew through the room and hit Macavity making the ginger cat to faint. Jemima fell to the ground and Mistoffelees
immediatly ran worried at her. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Yes... Misto, was it my imagination or you made that cage
fly through the room hitting Macavity?" she asked confused. "Your powers are back!" "I saw it too. I have no idea what
happened but we are alive now and we have to go. That's what really cares to me" he said hugging her. They stood up and disappeared
in a cloud of powder. They re-appeared in the Jellicle Junkyard. It was empty. They looked for someone and they only found
Old Deuteronomy. "Deuteronomy! Where's everybody?" asked Jemima running at the old Jellicle leader and hugging him. He
hugged her back affectionaly. "You'll not fnd them here. Actually they went to look for you two... where have you been?"
he asked between happy to see them, and angry because they had been outside of the junkyard for a long time, and he had always
told them that being not completely adults yet, specially Jemima, they couldn't be outside from the Jellicle Junkyard more
than one or two hours aproximately. And they had been a lot more than it. Mistoffelees told Deuteronomy the whole story. "Oh,
I understand..." he answered at the final. "Then, I have to congratulate you for being so brave, Mistoffelees. And you, Jemima,
for being such a good and loyal friend" "Thank you" said Mistoffelees. "Yes, thank you, Deuteronomy" repeated Jemima
after him. Minutes after that, Munkustrap arrived shouting like a mad. "They aren't anywhere! We've lost them! That
little kittens! I knew Misto wasn't prepared for being alone in the streets with a kitten that's even younger than him...
it was a big responsability!" yelled Munkustrap angry before realizing Mistoffelees and Jemima were there, safe. "Munkustrap"
called Old Deuteronomy. "Calm down" he said. "Sorry, Deuteronomy, but how can I simply calm down when we have just-" "Munkustrap!"
called Deuteronomy again. "They're safe" "What?!" he asked finally finding the cats. "They are safe. They arrived here
minutes before you" said Old D. Munkustrap hugged the kittens. Soon, everybody arrived and saw they were there. Some laughed,
some some got confused, other seemed like if nothing had happened. Then, Misto went to visit Tantomile & Coricopat. "Hello,
Misto!" said Cori. "How did you know it was me? I..." sighed Mistoffelees. "You're here to talk about... your powers,
don't you?" asked Tanti. "Yes, I wanted to tell you something that happened with them" "What?" "Well, they disappeared
some days ago." he confessed. "But the most strange of all is that when I was with Macavity, and he was going to kill Jemima,
my powers came back to me" explained Mistoffelees. Tantomile and Coricopat looked surprised and happy in some way. They exchanged
a smile. "With... Jemima?" asked Tantomile still smiling. "Yes, and as you always know what happens with my powers,
I thought you's know it this time" "Actually we do know it" answered Coricopat. "When you feel something very strong,
such as love or hate, your powers can go for some time because that feeling makes you concentrate on it more than on your
powers or anything else. And they return when you feel that again, because you take all the energy back and use it on your
powers" explained Tantomile. "And as you don't know or control your powers at all yet, things like that will continue happening.
But don't worry, we'll help you. And I'm sure that very soon you will be able to use them as you want" continued Coricopat. "You
mean that when I feel... love, my powers go?" asked Mistoffelees. "Yes, love or hate too. And you felt a combination of
the two: hate for Macavity and love for... you know who, right? Do you want me to tell you, Misto?" said Tanti. "No...
I know it perfectly. Well, thank you and good bye!" said the tuxedo magician kindly. Mistoffelees disappeared and appeared
again with Jemima. "Misto!" she exclaimed. "Hi, Jemima!" he answered. "Uh... Misto, I've been thinking and you know
that the next Jellicle Ball it's coming and it's my time to get into a queen and I need a... you know, a ma-mate... " muttered
Jemima. "I know what do you mean" replied Misto smiling. "Really? Well, I hope you understand! It's also your time to
get into a... tom. I wondered if you would choose... Electra, or Etcetera, or..." she tryed to explain without muttering.
Mistoffelees stood quiet while she was talking. He did know what Jemima was 'trying' to explain. "Mmm... Etcetera could-"
said Misto bothering Jemy. "Pouncival will be Etcetera's mate! You will have to forget about her..." "Electra is really
nice... I-" continued Mistoffelees joking. "MISTO!" shouted Jemima. "Okay, okay... you know I love you, Jemima. I was
just joking" he said. Jemima smiled. "Would you come with me to the Ball?" asked Mistoffelees taking Jemima's paw. "Sure!"
she answered hugging him.