
For The Love Of A Tom Cat
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Nineteen... twenty... twenty-one...

Quaxo could still hear the soft tones of Victoria's voice behind him. He and a few of the kittens were busying themselves with a game of hide-and-go-seek, and, even though he was much to old for it, Quaxo loved playing with his younger friends. He continued slipping through the piles of trash around him as he scurried away from her sweet voice. In just a few seconds, he had plunged himself deep enough into the piles of trash that he couldn't hear anyone anymore.

Perfect... the young tom muttered to himself as he settled down in a pile of discarded curtains. Quaxo had only just come of age at the last Jellicle ball, finally proclaiming him a real Jellicle and a full grown tom. He had danced with Victoria during his ceremony, but it hadn't meant anything to either of the cats. Quaxo sat in silence as he remembered the day. Victoria was the obvious choice for a partner. Traditionally, a cat would dance with his mate, but as Quaxo didn't have one, Victoria became the next best thing. She was light enough so that even a not-so-strong tom like Quaxo could lift her, and she was once of the most graceful cats in the tribe, not to mention one of Quaxo's best friends.

Quaxo rolled his head lazily. Quite a bit of time had passed since the game had begun. He started to wonder if he was possibly too good at it, maybe that's why older cats didn't play very often. Finally, he heard a noise close by him. He was impressed with Victoria, she was normally much louder then that, even when she was trying to be sneaky. Quaxo debated running away from her and finding a new place to hide, but he decided to let the kitten have the joy of actually catching him for once. He sat with his back to the noise that he had heard, perfectly still and his ears open to listen for her. He frowned as the time continued to tick on with no other noises. Victoria wasn't that good. He was sure he hadn't imagined hearing something...

Victoria? Quaxo called into the silence as he turned around, worried that something may have happened to her.

Close, but not quite...

Quaxo gasped as the voice appeared out of what seemed like thin air. He spun around in a circle, trying to catch sight of the bodiless voice.

Who are you? Quaxo called out again, hoping for some inclining to where the mystery cat was.

A soft chuckle from behind him made Quaxo spin around.

Oh... I think you know who I am...

A large, ginger cat stepped out of the shadows of the junk and toward the young tom. Quaxo could feel his breath catch in his throat. He had never been this close to Macavity alone before, but he had heard of all the terrible things the cat could do.

W-what do you want? Quaxo asked, trying to imitate the Jellicle leaders strong and confident voice, but failing entirely.

The ginger cat laughed as he stepped towards the young, and now shaking tom. Why are you all the way out here? He asked, ignoring Quaxo's question.

I asked you a question... Quaxo muttered, trying to sound brave as the cat continued advancing on him.

Don't you know that no one can hear you all the way out here? the other cat continued, a small smile playing on his ruby lips.

Quaxo opened his mouth to speak again, but he couldn't think of anything to say. His emerald eyes widened in shock and fear as the older tom continued to advance towards him, forcing him back into a wall of trash. Quaxo tried to choke out a scream or any noise at all, for that matter, but his throat felt as if something was caught in it.

Come here, kitty... The ginger cat called softly, dangerously low.

Quaxo gasped and spun around. He bolted towards the only opening he saw, farther away from where his friends where. He ran faster then he even had before, his lungs screaming for air and his legs burning with exhaustion. He slid underneath chairs, and jumped on top of tables, trying desperately to escape the sadistic cat behind him. He could hear him. The other cat was laughing at him, laughing at his attempts at escape. Quaxo could feel tears of fear prickling in his eyes as the wind hit him in the face. Suddenly, he was hit from behind, and sent rolling down the dark alley of trash. He felt his paws get pinned down next to his face, and he could feel warm breath on his neck as Macavity lay on top of him.

Now... the older cat said slowly, letting his lips and teeth gently touch Quaxo's exposed neck, let's have some fun...


Disclaimer: I did not create CATS nor do I make any money off this site. All rights to CATS lay with the really usfeul group (RUG) and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
