Jemima gazed longingly into the moons rays and reached towards it. Little did she know that Munkustrap was standing behind
her smiling. Beautiful isnt it He said to her. Jemima turned away startled Yes it is Shouldnt you be in bed like the other
kittens Munkustrap said. Im sorry Munkus I cannot help it, its like I have an obsession with the moon. Munkustrap smiled and
picked up Jemima. He carried her through the junkyard and tucked her up inside the oven where all the other kittens were sleeping.
Early the next morning Etcetera and Pouncival played around Jennanydots feet as she carried a boiling pot of fish soup
across the junkyard. Ohh you two stop that bickering unless you want me to spill the soup on you. Jennyanydots said trying
to dodge the kittens. Victoria pranced onto the tyre and danced with Mistofolees, Plato looked at them with envy. This was
the usual routine of the day. Munkustrap watched over them until Demeter came across him. Hello Demeter, everything alright?
Yes Munkus I saw you with Jemima last night. Oh yes. Said Munkustrap. She told me she had some obsession with the moon. Demeter
bent down to Munkustrap and said. It is curious I saw Jemima singing to the moon the other night. Demeter rushed away as Munkustrap
walked through the junkyard. Jemima played with her best friend Electra on the tyre they were bouncing up and down.
Jellylorem ran up to them and shouted. You two should be in bed its half past eight already. Jelly rushed up to them and took
them by the hand. Off to bed now kittens. Jemima and Electra curled up inside the oven along with the other kittens. Hours
passed and finally the old grandfather clock in the corner of the junkyard struck midnight and Jemima crept out of the oven
ready to gaze into the moonlight. She sat upon the tyre and began to sing gently. Pouncival and Etcetera heard the gentle
singing and peeked out of the oven. There they saw Jemima singing to the moon. Jemima paused and said to her self sadly. I
have to stop this obsession with the moon. And she crept way into the darkness. Pouncival tittered and said to Etcetera. So
she has an obsession with the moon this gives me an idea for a little fun. The two kittens giggled and crawled back inside
the oven to sleep. The next day Bombalurina was preening herself in front of the mirror and she noticed Munkustrap
passing by. Oh Munkustrap I dont know if you saw but I saw little Jemima singing to the moon last night imagine that waking
me up from my beauty sleep. Munkustrap Walked away thinking of Jemimas obsession with the moon. Meanwhile Pouncival and Etcetera
discussed their cunning plan. Light bulb? Check Megaphone? Check Shiny stones? Check Good
our plan will commence! Cried Pouncival. Later that evening Jemima was singing to the moon again. Pouncival and Etcetera
were hiding behind massive pieces of junk, Pouncival put the megaphone to his lips and said in a dreamy, smooth voice Jemima
its me the moon. Jemima stopped singing immediately and jumped back. Dont be afraid Jemima. Pouncival continued in a dreamy
voice. I know you are obsessed with my beauty. Etcetera put her paws to her mouth to stop a laugh escaping. Listen to me Jemima
I will give you some magic wishing stones since you admire my light. Pouncival said. Etcetera threw the shiny stones out of
the junk and they landed on the tyre where Jemima stood. Everybody the moon calls to me. Jemima cried out. The jellicles
ran out of their beds and began to groan. Alright Jemima now you have gone too far with this moon thing! Shouted Munkustrap.
No my jellicles the moon calls to me and it gave me these magic wishing stones! All of the Jellicles laughed and even Munkustrap
could not keep a smile in. Just then Jemima noticed Pouncival and Etcetera rolling about on the floor megaphones in hand.
It was a trick? Jemima said to herself as everyone crept away. Pouncival and Etcetera were still laughing so it must have
been. Jemima fell to the floor and burst into tears. Pouncival stopped laughing so did Etcetera they crawled towards Jemima.
Do you think we went a little far? Said Etcetera. Pouncival nodded silently. Munkustrap comforted Jemima for the rest of the
night almost while the two naughty kittens explained. The next day the two kittens were badly scolded by Jellylorem and
were made to tidy the junkyard for a week. Jemima was alright though and you know what? Jemima slept the whole night through.