
Jemima's Savior
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It was a brightly lit night. The white light that surrounded the jellicle junkyard was from the great jellicle moon ( the jellicle moon is shining bright). A young queen was staring up at the moon. She was barely visible in the shadows, but you could see her patches of white fur and a bit of red. Who is this beauty you ask ( as if you dont already know) ? Her name is Jemima. She is quite young, but still old enough to have a mate. No one has asked her yet, but one shy tom wants to. He was watching her from the safety of his pipe.

His white face would give away his hiding place, so he was well hidden in the shadows. He was thinking of a way to tell her that he loved her.

I could no, to forward. Or maybe nah. Come on, Mistoffelees. Great Hevyside! Give me an idea! the tom thought to himself.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the junkyard, Jemima was thinking about the moon and how much she liked Mistoffelees ( or Misto as his friends called him).

Oh moon. How can I tell Misto I like him? I might even love him! Im so confused! Jemima thought.

Hey Jemima! said a voice from the entrance of the yard.

Victoria? Jemima called out.

Close! the voice answered back.

Oh. Etcetera! Jemima said.

The brown and white mix kitten walked in, right passed Mistos hiding place. He slid further into the pipe and sat on his bed of rags. Using his magic, he eavesdropped on the girls conversation.

Whatcha doing? Talkin to the moon again? Etcetera asked her friend.

Maybe. So, what brings you to the junkyard tonight? Jemima said.

Oh, no reason. I was bored and the only thing to do at home is watch Vicky groom herself. Etcetera said with a shutter.

Hey, why dont you spend the night at my house tonight? Electra isnt out with Tumblebutus. Im sure my parents wont mind. Jemima said.

Yeah! We could invite my sister too. She could use a little fun ever since she broke up with Admetus. Etcetera said. Victoria was her sister. Older, to be exact.

Admetus has been a sorry sight lately. Jemima said, laughing.

Haha! Lets go ask my mom if we can do a sleepover. Etcetera said.

The two girls got up to leave. Misto knew that they would need some protection in the dark streets of London. He transported himself in front of the girls.

Gah! Misto, dont do that! Etcetera shrieked.

Sorry. So you girls are going over to Victorias, eh? Misto said.

Howd you know? Jemima said.

Well, you girls woke me up with your chattering and I heard you were going over to Etceteras house. So, you will need a chaperone. Misto said. The girls would skin him alive if they knew he was eavesdropping.

Well, I guess you can come. Etcetera said.

The three jellicles walked on to the Parker residence where Victoria, Etcetera, and their mother Jellylorum lived. They got permission from Jelly to have the sleepover. Then, the group headed to the train station where Jemimas father, Skimbleshanks, worked. Jennyanydots gave them permission, thanked Misto for escorting the girls, and said to him Now, Id better go prepare for a sleepless night. Those girls will gossip till the sun rises!

Misto said goodnight to Jenny and teleported himself back to his pipe for a restful sleep.

One month later

Ok. Is everything set? Victoria said to the kittens of the jellicle tribe.

Yup. Shes gonna love this! Etcetera said to her sister.

That day ( July seventh) was Jemimas birthday. The kittens were throwing her a party because she was the second oldest of them now ( a year old). Electra was the first oldest, Victoria was third oldest, and Etcetera was the youngest. The girls had Misto help put up decorations.
The party was to take place under the full moon because this was the moon in which Jemima was born under.

Do you think that she could come in while we were still decorating? Victoria asked Misto.

No. Her parents are with her in the city, and they wont come back until sunset. Misto explained.

Oh good. When will all of the older people get here? Etcetera said.

A little around twilight. Misto said.

Three hours later, the older cats of the jellicles arrived. They included Munkustrap, Demeter, Bombalurina, Alonzo, and Plato.

So, whens Jemima coming? Plato asked Victoria. She slightly blushed. She had a secret crush on Plato even when she was with Admetus.

A little after sunset. Vicky answered.

At the train station, Skimbleshanks was preparing to get on The Lamplight express. It was an unexpected trip, so Skimble would have to miss his daughters birthday party.

Ill be back in the morning, then I can take you to the city. Skimble said to Jemima.

You promise? Jemima asked.

I promise. Now, be good and stay safe, Skimble said, bye Jenny.

And with that, he leapt into the trains luggage van.

Jemima, dear, why dont you head on over to the junkyard? I think your friends have a surprise for you. Jenny said to Jemima, seeing that the sun was setting.

Arent you coming mom? Jemima said.

Oh, um, I have some things to get ready. You just go on. Ill catch up with you later. Jenny said, patting her daughter on the head and thinking of the new collar in her and Skimbles room.

Ok. Jemima said as she walked away from where the station was.

A few yards away from the station, the forest started. Jemima loved the quietness of it all. She looked up and saw the remaining light shining through the leaves of the trees. It was getting dark fast, so Jemima trotted along the forest floor. Then, she heard a rustle in the bushes.

Hello? she said.

Jemima? said a low, gruff voice.

Munkustrap? Jemima said to the bush.

Not quite. said the gruff voice.

Jemima thought a moment.

Tugger? Jemima asked, hopefulness in her voice.

Nope, but we are related.

Well, then who are you? The only other brother is Macavi- oh no Jemima whispered.

You got that right, my dear. the red and black striped tom jumped out from behind the bush.

Hel- that was all Jemima could manage because a dark paw covered her mouth.

Macavity pulled Jemima close. She kicked and tried to scream.

Now, are you going to come with me? Or do you want to see an unexpected earthquake at your train station? Macavity whispered in Jemimas ear.

She stopped struggling.

Thats a good girl. Macavity said, hitting Jemima hard on the head. She fell to the ground, unconscious.

Macavity lifted Jemima up and ran out of the forest.


Jemima isnt with you? Mistoffelees asked Jenny.

No. I had to wrap her new collar so I told her to head on over here. Jenny answered.

Well, shes not here. Victoria said.

Maybe she got lost. Demeter said.

How? Shes come to the junkyard hundreds of times from the train station. Munkustrap said.

Ill go look for her. Misto offered.

He could track her down faster than us. Tantomile said to Munkustrap.

All right Misto. If you get any scent of Macavity where Jemima was-

Just let him go, Munku. Its getting darker. Bombalurina said.

Ok. Go on. Munku said.

Misto scampered out of the junkyard. When he got to the forest, he immediately caught Jemimas scent. But it was mixed with something else

Oh Hevyside no Macavity! Misto said to himself.

He followed Macavitys scent until he was out in the dark London streets. Macavitys scent was covered by the smell of other cats and food. Misto sat down and concentrated

In an ally

Jemima woke up on a hard concrete floor. The back of her head ached. She sat up and looked around. To her left was a trashcan and sitting on the lid was Macavity!

Jemima got to her feet and hissed at him.

Come on, sweetie . Dont be like that. Macavity purred.

He jumped down from the lid and slowly walked toward Jemima. Something about him calling her sweetie made her feel uncomfortable

Dont come near me. Jemima hissed.

Macavity kept advancing toward her. He was scaring her now. Jemima tried to run, but Macavity was quicker. He grabbed Jemimas arms and pinned her up against the nearest wall.

Jemima tried to pull away, but that only made Macavity tighten his grip.

I only want to ask you a question, so keep still. Macavity said.

Let me g- Jemima couldnt say any more because Macavitys paw was over her mouth again. Macavity used his magic to hold her still. He made her look him in the face.

I want you to be my mate. Macavity said.

Jemima wanted to scratch him across the face, but his words shocked her. Macavity took his paw away from Jemimas mouth.

Well? Macavity said.

Jemima thought of all of the times when he had hurt her friends and when he kidnapped Old Deuteronomy . Anger boiled up inside of her.

Ill be your mate when hell freezes over! Jemima spat at him.

Macavity broke the magic holding her and hit her hard across the face, leaving three cuts on her cheek. Jemima fell to the floor, whimpering. Macavity stood over her.

Ive had lots of queens say that to me, and they all ended up the same. Dead. But youre to pretty to kill, so Ill do what I do best. Macavity said with a soft laugh.

And with that, he jumped onto her. Jemima screamed, but it was soon muffled by Macavity kissing her. Macavity pulled her very close. He stroked her hips. He began to pull her legs apart. Jemima realized what he was doing and tried to pull away, but Macavity was using a spell on her to make her cooperate. He stopped kissing her and purred. Using one of his paws, he covered her mouth, but still stroking her with the other paw. He whispered things in her ear that I dare not type down. His stroking paw slowly moved down to her thighs. He kissed her again, this time very passionately. Then, he did something that Jemima thought she wouldnt experience until she was older He had entered her.

Mistoffelees finally found Macavitys scent, but he smelled fear mixed with it. He used his magic to search long range. He soon saw an ally. When he looked harder, he saw a red and black cat on top of a black, white and red queen. His heart skipped a beat when he realized it was Macavity on top of Jemima. He ran in the direction of the ally, dodging cars and peoples feet. When he got to the ally, he hid behind a box. Misto peeked around the box and saw Macavity and Jemimas faces locked together. He saw Macavity stroke Jemimas hips with one paw and holding her mouth with the other. Misto ran over to them.

GET OFF OF HER! Misto yelled.

As an answer, Macavity used his magic and slammed Misto up against a wall.

Once her mouth was free, Jemima cried to Misto Make him get off! Hes hes ahhhh!!

Macavity put his paw over her mouth.

Shhh. No need to talk. You are mine, and that mediocre magician cant save you. Macavity said in her ear.

Then, Misto used his magic to talk to Jemima without Macavity hearing him.

He said to her When I say go, you roll over, ok?

Jemima made what she could of a nod. She could hardly breathe because of Macavitys weight on her.

GO! Misto said.

Jemima, with the little strength that she had, rolled over to a wall. The feeling of someone in you and then being forced out is a strange one. It made Jemima shutter.

Misto then attacked Macavity. Jemima heard over her pounding heart DONT YOU EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!.

Jemima curled up in a tight ball and whimpered. Then, she heard a thump, then the sound of someone limping away. She had no idea who had won. Jemima heard footsteps coming toward her. She shut her eyes.

Someone gently grabbed her shoulders. Jemima tensed up and hissed.

Jemima, its me said Mistos voice.

Jemima turned around and saw Mistos white face. It was blood stained and concerned. Jemima was holding back tears, but then let them flow. Misto sat on his knees and cradled Jemima in his arms. Crying felt good when you are in anothers arms.

Misto held Jemima close. He licked her ears in a calming way.

Stay calm Misto told himself in his thoughts.

Jemima was shaking uncontrollably and Misto held her tightly. She cried into his chest.

What ever you do, dont cry. Misto said to himself even though tears were forming in his blue eyes.

After what seemed like hours, Jemima finally calmed down enough to talk.

Im going to die Jemima whispered

What? Misto said

Im going to have kittens and Ill die. Jemima said. She started to cry again.

Misto didnt know what to say. He continued to lick her ears.

Five minutes later, Jemima finally said that she wanted to go. Misto gently moved her off his lap. He stood up and held out his paw to Jemima. She tried to get up, but when she moved her legs, a sharp pain surged through her thighs and above. She gave a small yelp and collapsed. Misto knelt down beside her. Then he saw that there were bruises on her legs as well as some small cuts.

Macavity was to hard on you Misto murmured.

He lifted her up gently. With her arms around his neck, Misto ran out of the ally and back to the junkyard.


Misto has been gone for awhile. Do you think he found Jemima, Deuteronomy? Demeter asked the Jellicle leader.

Deuteronomy was always at a birthday party, so he arrived shortly after Misto left.

Oi! I see someone comin! Mungojerrie called from the entrance of the junkyard.

Munkustrap went over to the entrance.

Its Misto! And hes carrying something. Oh great Heavyside its Jemima! Munku said

Mistoffelees came running into the junkyard, carrying a whimpering Jemima.

Misto! What happened? Everyone seemed to ask at the same time.

Deuteronomy stepped off of the tier and over to Misto who had dropped to his knees, panting. He still held Jemima. Jemimas friends ran over, but Munku held them back.

Misto, what happened to Jemima? What happened to you? Demeter said, noticing Mistos bloodstained face.

M- Mac- Macavity Misto studdered between gasps.

Macavity? Macavity what? Deut said

Macavity J-Jem-Jemima (gasp) r-rap-raped Misto said.

Everyone fell silent. Jenny gasped.

Misto tried to put Jemima on the ground, but she had her arms around his neck and would not let go. He gently removed her arms and set her on the ground. Jenny quickly ran over to her daughter, tears streaming down her face.

Oh, Everlasting Cat, why her? said Jenny, sobbing.

Misto thought that Jennys crying might get Jemima worked up again, but Jemima calmly put her paw on her mothers arm.

Dont cry mom. Its going to be okay. Jemima said, even thought her tears were still flowing.

Misto smiled.

Tell us what happened, Misto. Munku said.

I will, but not with the kittens present.

Jellylorum shooed the kittens away and Misto told the others of what he witnessed. Old Deut took Jemimas tiny paw in his.

Macavity will never harm you again, dear one. Mistoffelees, I am putting you in charge of protecting her. Old Deut said.

I will. Misto answered.

Misto, Jemima whispered, I need to tell you something.

What? Misto asked.

I need to tell you something in private. Jemima said.

Oh, um, ok. We can go to my pipe Misto was confused. She wanted to be alone with a tom after all she had been through?

Misto put a paw on Jemimas shoulder and pointed the other at his pipe. He took a breath and they both disappeared in a small puff of sparkles.

Bombalurina and Demeter looked at each other. They had both gone through what Macavity did to Jemima. They walked over to Jenny, who was still crying, leaning on Alonzo for support

Jenny, dear. My sister and I both know how Jemima feels. Bomba said to the older queen.

Yes, and the best thing for her right now is a lot of comforting and love. Demeter said.

Please, will you look after Jemima? I think she has had enough to do with toms for one night Electra said, thinking of how bad her younger sister must feel.


It was pitch black when Mistoffelees and Jemima appered in the pipe ( which was more like a large cave than small pipe). Misto made a small light appear in his paw that grew to give the pipe a warm lighting. Jemima sat up. Misto sat down across from her.

What is it? he asked gently.

Th- thank you for helping me. Jemima said. She couldnt find the courage to say what she wanted to say.

I wish I could of gotten there sooner. Misto said, a bit confused.

Thinking that was all Jemima wanted to tell him, Misto turned toward the entrance of the pipe. Jemima grabbed his paw.

Please, dont leave. What I want to say is that I. I .I. Jemima stuttered. A tear slid down her cheek and onto the three cuts where Macavity slapped her. It stung. Jemima covered the cuts with her paw.

Ow she muttered.

Whats wrong? Misto asked.


Misto took her paw away from her face. He moved closer to her and saw the cuts. He turned her head to the side and licked the cuts. Jemima tried not to purr, but she gave in. She closed her eyes, taking in the moment. Misto heard her purring. He licked slowly, more out of love than of just cleaning. Jemima purred louder. Telling that she wasnt afraid anymore, Misto started to kiss her cheek and along her jaw line with small, soft kisses. He tipped up her chin and kissed her neck. He made his way up her neck until he was at the corner of her mouth.

What was it you wanted to tell me, Jem? Misto whispered.

I- Its just that um, Jemima took a breath, I love you.

Misto smiled.

Guess what? he said.


Their lips almost touched now.

I love you too.

Misto pulled Jemima closer. Their lips met. Jemima thought only of Misto and the love they shared. She pushed the episode with Macavity to the back of her mind and returned the kiss. Misto ran his paw through her headfur. The kiss started to get more passionate. Misto inhaled Jemimas sweet, flower- like scent. Jemima started to lean back until she was practicly lying down, with some pillows keeping her up. The kiss stopped for a moment. They looked in to each others eyes. Misto felt so happy and sad at the same time. He was happy that Jemima loved him and was kissing him, but he wanted to take her innocence. But it had already been taken. No, it had been stolen. By Macavity. Misto put his paw on Jemimas cute face and leaned in for another kiss. He felt the instinctive urge to get on top of her, but held back.

In this kiss, Mistos tounge found Jemimas and they began to massage one-another. Jemima tasted even sweeter than she smelled. Jemima found this kiss to be a great relief from Macavitys kiss, which was hard and painful. Misto broke the kiss and layed down next to Jemima. He looked tired, but still wanted to kiss. Jemima turned onto her side and got closer to Misto. He put his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. Jemima tickled the back of his neck, triggering his purr. It was much deeper than Jemimas. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him. Misto kissed the top of her head.

Jemima was getting drowsy. It was getting hard to keep her eyes open.

You look sleepy. Misto said softly.

Jemima nodded sleepily. Misto was quite tired too. Jemima looked up at him. They stared into each others eyes. Misto tilted his head down and kissed her softly. He made the light dim in the pipe. Jemimas lips left Mistos. She was sound asleep. Misto made the light go out completely and he, too, fell asleep.


At some point late that night

He had her down again, trying in vain to get on top of her. The ginger cat punched and scratched her.

Hold still, you little witch he spat at her.

She tried with all her might to get free, but she couldnt. Her face was covered with blood.

Macavity! GET OFF OF MY MATE!!!! Mistos voice yelled.

Misto tackled Macavity. The young queen Macavity was trying to rape was Jemima. She watched in horror as her love was being overpowered by Macavity. Then, Macavitys claws slashed Mistos chest and neck. His scream echoed through Jemimas ears. The tuxedo tom fell in a pool of blood. He was dead.

NOOOOO!!!!!! Jemima screamed as she ran toward Mistos body.

A black paw struck Jemimas face. Macavity dragged her away from Misto. He made her stand with her back to him and pulled her close.

Now, shall we finish our little game? Macavity whispered in her ear as he ran his paws down her waist and hips.

Please let me go. Jemima whispered as she began to cry.

Not a chance Macavity said as he forced her to lay down again.

Jemima was tossing and turning. She started breathing fast and talking in her sleep.

No No, no no! Please stop get your hands off me I.IAHHHH!!!! Jemima started crying softly

Jemima? Jemmy, wake up! Misto said, putting a paw on her shoulder and shaking it.

Jemima sat up with a small scream. She was still crying, her eyes wide with fear. She turned her head and saw that Misto was still alive. She flung her arms around him. She buried her face in his neck. Misto gently rocked her back and forth and rubbed her back.

He-he ha-had me you came and he killed Jemima said between sobs.

Shhhh. Its okay your with me now. Hell never get you ever again. It was just a nightmare. Misto said softly. He kissed her shoulder.

Jemimas crying stopped after a few minuets. She raised her head. Misto wiped the remaning tears off of her face. He nuzzled her neck.

Hey Misto? Jemima said

Yes, Jemmy?

You know how I um might be, you know, pregnant? she said.

Yeah Misto said, thinking of how small she was. It would be quite difficult to carry a kitten with her small size.

Well, the kitten wont have a father when its born. So, um, I was wondering if uh

If I would be the father? Misto cut her off.


Of course I will. If theres one thing I dont want its for you to go through this alone. Misto said, putting his paws on her shoulders.

Thank you. Thank you for everything! Jemima said as she embraced him again.

Hey, I think Id better get home before my mother has the whole tribe looking for me Jemima said.

Ill take you home. Misto said.

He took Jemima up in his arms. He closed his eyes. Jemima blinked and they were in her room.The old wardrobe that her family lived in was quiet. Misto set Jemima down on her bed of pillows and blankets.

Goodnight, beautiful girl. Misto whispered, stroking her face.

Dispite the pain, Jemima got to her knees and kissed Misto. She loved the feeling of his lips moving aginst hers. When Misto left, Jemima layed down. As her eyes began to close, she thought of what a challenge the coming 9 months would be.

* Well, it will be hard. But I have the greatest tom is the world loving me and caring for me. Mmm what could go wrong*


9 months later

Mom! MOM!! MOMMMM!!!! Jemima screamed.

Jemima was talking to Demeter and Bombalurina when the sering pain started. They had been helping her recover from her encounter with Macavity. She sometimes felt self-conscious about getting so big, but her sister, Electra, and best friend, Victoria, often fought off the young toms( Pouncival and Tumblebrutus) who made fun of her. Her boyfriend, Mistoffelees, spent a lot of time with her and reassured her that everything was going to be fine.

Jemima! Oh boy, Bomba go get Jenny! Demeter said to her sister.

Bomba ran as fast as she could to the area where Jenny was scolding Etcetera for playing in a mud puddle.

JENNY!!! Bomba yelled.

Bombalurina! Goodness, what is it? Jenny asked.

Its Jemima! Bomba said

What about Jem- Oh my! Jenny said.

Yeah! Come on! Bomba said as she ran back to where Jemima was.

Ok, Etcetera. I need you to go get Mistoffelees. Tell him its Jemimas time! Jenny said as she followed Bomba.

Etcetera found Misto half asleep on a pile of old newspaper.

MISTO WAKE UP!!! Etcetera shrieked.

OW! Etcetera, please! What do you want? Misto said, sitting up.

Jenny told me to tell you something important! Etcetera said, grinning.

Well, what is it? Misto asked.

Something about it being Jemimas time or something like that Etcetera said.

What do you mean her ti- OH MY GOD!! Misto exclaimed, almost falling off the newspapers. He got up and ran in the direction where Etcetera had come from.


Jemima was panting and sweating. Demeter was doing her best to keep the young queen calm.

Its alright Jemima. Your mother is coming. Demeter said soothingly.

I- I need- M-Misto Jemima stuttered.

Jenny and Bomba ran over. Jenny sat down in front of her daughter.

Jemima, darling, you need to get inside Demeters den. Jenny said.

But M-Misto said he would be- AAHHHH!!! Jemima screamed. She never felt so much pain before.

Ok, Demeter, help me. Jenny said, taking one of Jemimas arms. Demeter took the other and they guided Jemima into Demeters oven.

Dont worry, dear. Mistoffelees is on his way. Demeter said.

The two queens got Jemima into the den and had her lay back on pillows.

Jemima, remember, deep breaths. Jenny said, getting a rag and a bowl of water.

Jenny gave the wet rag to Demeter and she started to wipe Jemimas forehead. Then, Misto ran over to the group of queens.

How is she? Misto asked Bomba, who was standing outside of the den. She looked in.

She said she wanted you. Go ahead in. Bomba said, letting him inside the den.

Misto sat down beside his girlfriend. He was about to become a father, even though the kitten wasnt his. But he didnt care. Misto held Jemimas paw in his. She squeezed it hard as she let out a scream.

Jemima, on three I need you to push. One, two, three! Jenny said


15 minutes later

Sweetie, I need one more long push. One, two, three!

The pain was too much. After the last push, Jemima passed out. Misto knew she was alright. He looked up and saw Jenny holding the kitten and shaking her head. He immedeatly knew why.

Oh no he whispered. Jemima would be heartbroken when she found out.

Demeter caught on to what Misto was saying. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Is it? she said

Misto nodded.


Jemima was warm. She felt Mistos soft tounge on her face. She smiled and opened her eyes.

Mmmmm Jemima purred.

How are you feeling? Misto said, unsure of how to explain what happened to the kitten.

Fine, sleepy. Where is it? Is it a tom or a queen? Jemima asked excitedly.

Um Jemima, theres something you should know. Misto said.

What is it? Jemima said, looking worried.

Jemthe kittenit was stillborn. Its dead. Misto said.

Jemimas eyes widened in shock.

Wh- what? Jemima said. It was silent for a minute. Then tears started to stream down Jemimas face.

Its Its all my fault! Jemima cried. She buried her face in her blankets.

Sweetheart, how could it be your fault? Misto exclaimed.

Becausebecause Im so small, thats why! And, and I let that damn Macavity rape me! Jemima sobbed.

Misto took her by the shoulders and pulled her up to face him.

Jemima, its not your fault that your small for your age. A lot of cats are small, even Im small for a two year old. And Macavity used a spell on you to make you calm down and cooperate. It wasnt your fault at all, and its never going to happen again. Misto said, pulling her to his chest. He kissed down her neck. She loved it when he did that. She purred between sobs.

Why why did it have to happen? Jemima whispered.

Thats just how life works, Jemmy. Some days are the best, and some arent. Misto said, rubbing her back.

Well, the days that Ive spent with you are the best. I love you, so much. Jemima said, looking up at her love, her savior.

I love you too, little Jem. Misto said, gently pressing his lips to hers.

(Note by Catwoman: The following text is not written by Twizzle, but she merely uses it as affect for her fanfic. No stealing intended).

No more talk of darkness

Forget these wide eyed fears

Im here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you

Say youll love me every waking moment

Turn my head with talk of summer time

Say youll need me with you now and always

Promise me that all you say is true

Thats all I ask of you

Anywhere you go

Let me go too

Love me

Thats all I ask of you


Disclaimer: I did not create CATS nor do I make any money off this site. All rights to CATS lay with the really usfeul group (RUG) and Andrew Lloyd Weber.
