It was quiet in the wasrehouse. That's what really caught Alonzo's attention when he first entered. Not only that, but
there was no one there. It was completely empty. He searched every room in the warehouse for nearly an hour and found nothing
except several mice and lots of dust.
The black and white tom stepped into a large room. It was dark and damp, and smelt of rotting wood or decomposing, something.
It was probably the walls themselves, falling apart from little care. Alonzo gazed around the dim lit room, seeing nothing
but several chairs stacked up along the far wall. He turned to leave, when he heard a creak from behind him. He looked over
his shoulder slightly.
"You'll find no one here." A coarse voice mused from somewhere in the room.
Alonzo could see a figure sitting atop one of the chairs now. It was a tom with black fur and red stripes from what Alonzo
could make out in the darkness. It was similar to the one Coricopat had fought, but Alonzo didn't know this.
"Because technically, there's no one here." The tom added with a wicked grin. He jumped down from the chairs with the grace
of a demonic angel.
The tom's appearance was odd, but Alonzo didn't allow that to cloud his judgement. This was just another tom cat; a hench.
"Where's Macavity?" He demanded stepping towards the tom cautiously. He was brave but not stupid.
"You're talking to him." The tom replied simply, but he had an amused grin now.
"Stop screwing around," Alonzo was inches from the tom, his fists clenched with rage as he glared into the toms dead eyes.
"Listen you dunce," the tom replied with a sudden seriousness, but he went on to hiss at Alonzo, "I am Macavuty. This form
is but an illusion. A simple mental image to provide you with as much information, as I allow. You are in no position to make
Alonzo grabbed the scrawny tom, "Where the hell did you take Quaxo?" he yelled, "Where! You tell me where or else-"
"What?" The tom edged him on, "Kill me? You can't kill what doesn't exist." The tom's eyes narrowed as he shrugged Alonzo's
grasp away, "You're making it much easier for me to want to kill him here and now."
"Where is he?" Alonzo asked a bit calmer, but his eyes flared with anger and his fists were at his sides.
"I won't provide you with his location, but I can tell you something. If finding Quaxo is what you want to do, go look
somewhere wet and blue."
The side of Alonzo's mouth twitched with iritation, "What is that, some kind of goddamn riddle?"
"Indeed." the tom replied coyly. "See if you can wrap your small mind around that."
Alonzo grabbed the tom and threw him to the floor, straddling over him, his grip tight on his throat, "Just tell me where
he is! I don't have time for these stupid games!"
He laughed at Alonzo's frustration, not hurt at all by the patched toms attack, "Let me remind you that you cannot hurt
what does not exist."
"Stop wasting my time and tell me something useful!" Alonzo's claws slinked out and dug into the toms collarbone.
He didn't react to Alonzo's actions, "I've already told you something useful, you're just to stupid to understand it."
Alonzo brought his hand back, and threw it down in a forceful motion at the toms head. Instead of breaking his face in,
the tom vanished in a cloud of smoke. Alonzo fell through the smoke onto the wood floor as if he was sitting on air. He looked
around the room in confusion before muttering to himself, "Wet and blue... rain? Water? The Harbour?" He stood up stiffly,
deciding that it was his best bet.
"There's the shack." Coricopat peered through some bushes at the edge of the clearing. There was grass that fadded off
into pale brown sand that led down to the water. The Shack was attached to a dock that had no boats docked. It was dark now,
and the moon shone down reflecting off the water.
Tantomile walked past Coricopat into the clearing in the direction of the shack. Jenny grabbed Tanto's arm and pulled he
back, "Don't." she whispered, "We don't know what's in there."
"Sure we do." Tanto replied iritably, pulling her arm
back forcefully, "Macavity and possibly Plato."
The door of the old shack swung open, and hit the wall of the outside violently. Macavity and Plato stepped out walking
very calmly. Plato had a strange look on his face; sick and twisted, but oddly amused and pleased. The bulky tom crossed his
arms, a glare taking over his features as he saw Tantomile, stepping out of the bushes.
Macavity looked at the three and his brows pulled together, "Where's Alonzo?"
"Alonzo didn't come with us." Tantomile replied flatly, glaring back at Plato, and then at Macavity.
"I have no idea how any of you found us." Macavity added with a snort, "No matter." He brought his hand up and snapped
his fingers. Several Henches appeared from the bushes near the shack. They sped towards Macavity and came to a hault, to stand
defensivly next to him.
"Illusions again, I asume?" Coricopat raised an eyebrow at him. He held his hand behind his back and allowed it to warm
up, preparing himself.
"Correct." Macavity nodded with a smirk, "Must be annoying to be able to get the shit beaten out of you by something you
can't hurt."
"Who needs to hurt them when I can just destroy them?" Coricopat pulled his hand out from behind his back and he flicked
it roughly in the direction of the Henches, a stream of fire rolling towards them. It made contact before any of them could
react to the unexpected attack and they vanished into smoke, as they others had.
Macavity stood in shock as he watched the fire vanish, along with his Henches. Cori's hand returned to it's normal state.
"You're a pyro?"
Coricopat nodded, his facial expression looking victorious, "Surprised?"
Macavity altered his expressioned to an unimpressed one. He shrugged and crossed his arms, "Not really." He stared at Tantomile
for a moment, and then narrowed his eyes at her. Tantomile flew back into the bushes with little force from Macavity. She
skidded through the dirt, leaves and pine needles until she came to a hault against a tree.
"Tanto!" Jenny cried out in horror, chasing after her into the woods. Jenny's heart was pounding as she ran through the
thick brush in search of Tantomile. She'd never had to deal with this sort of thing. Usually she took place in the discussion
of dealing with Macavity but she'd never had to face him, and rarly had to see her loved ones hurt by him.
Coricopat watched Jenny chase after his sister, guilt washing over him. How could he have let Macavity do that? He could
have so easily avoided that! Stopped it even!
"You're sister," Macavity chuckled, "So powerless. Just like you, and your lttle nephew too."
Coricorpat turned back to Macavity with an icy glare. Subconsciensly, his hand began to glow. He threw himself at Macavity,
a menacing hiss ripping through his throat. Macavity caught Coricopat in the air with his powers, and held him there. He cocked
his head and sent Cori into the dark blue lake.
Macavity looked at Plato and nodded. Plato returned the nod and began to fade into the air. He had no real power, besides
the ability to turn invisible, and that was nothing compared to what Quaxo was capable of. Macavity was unsure of what limits
Quaxo hadm if any.
"Tantomile! Tantomile!" Jenny cried as she searched endlessly for Tantomiles body. "Tantomile!" She repeated, feeling
a sick feeling in her stomach. She then saw some black and auburn fur poking out from beneath earth and dead leaves under
a pine tree. Jenny rushed towards the pile of earth and brushed off the dirt and leaves.
Something kicked her vicously in the ribs and she flew back away from Tantomile, and fell to the ground. She coughed, trying
to regain her breath, but she was kicked again. She curled into a ball and groaned.
Plato became visible, and smirked down at Jenny, taking in her pain as pleasure, "You Jellicles are pathetic."
"You..." Henny chocked, "You are Jellicle."
"No." Plato knelt down and stroked her cheek, "Not anymore."
Alonzo grabbed Plato by the throat and lifted him off the ground, "Try that again pretty boy and it'll be your head!" he
growled through his teeth.
Plato gasped for air as Alonzo held him up. He was released, and he hit the ground hard and he rolled onto his stomach.
"Beat it." He grunted at Plato. Not needing to be told twice, Plato got up as quickly as he could and limped off towards the
city. He had no idea where he'd go, but he couldn't stay there.
"Jenny, are you alright?" Alonzo knelt down nest to her, gently helping her sit up. She coughed a bit nad pointed to Tantomile's
body, unable to speak as she gasped to make her breathing normal.
Alonzo looked over at Tantomile, his face falling into a frown. His heart stopped and everthing seemed to slow down as
he assest the situation. "Oh no."
Macavity stood in front of the shack with his arms crossed, staring across the forest, waiting. You didn't have to
be a genius to know they would return.
Quaxo watched from inside the shack in horror. It appeared Macavity had won. He sank down to the floor and pulled his knees
up to his chest. A tear trickled down his cheeks as ge thought about his mother.
Clouds tolled across the sky and the wind picked up. Macavity scanned the sky curiously. It had just been clear a moment
ago. Then again it was dark and he couldn't be to sure. Rain came down hard in a second and Macavity became suspicous. It
poured down like a water fall. Something was unnatural about it.
"Mom..." Quaxo sobbed softly rocking himself back and fourth trying to comfort himelf somehow. "He coudn't have killed
Thunder clashed loudly and Macavity looked straight up. Lightening played along the clouds elegantly, as if it was being
controlled by someone; as if it was designed to play out int that specific way.
Quaxo breathed heavily, his eyes shut tightly, his tears streaming. He clenched his teeth, and shook furiously. The agony
and pain he felt was unbarable. "MOM!" he screamed.
Lightening shot down from the sky. Macavity's eyes widened and he jumped out of the way, but just barley. He slid through
the moist dirt and quickly stood up. A small pebble hit him on the head, and he looked up. "Hail?" He questioned a bit annoyed.
A larger peice hit his shoulder. He hised as he jumped aside from another. This was getting rediculous.
"Come on, we need to get to shelter!" Jenny called to Alonzo as the heavy rain poured and the thunder roared.
Alonzo picked up Tantomile's body and ran after Jenny. They didn't need to go far before they found a dark cave to the
east. They didn't hesitate to run inside to escape hail pelting them. It was dark, but at least it was safe and dry.
Alonzo sat Tantomile doen gently on the ground. "Do you think she'll be okay?" He asked Jenny softly, not looking away
from Tantomile.
Jenny sat down next to Tantomile. She placed her fingers on Tanto's neck, feeling for a pulse. "I beleive so." She looked
up at Alonzo, "But she's unconscience right now."
"What do we do now?" Alonzo asked sitting down next to Jenny, soaked and dripping.
"I don't know." Jenny sighed with a frown. "Pray for a miricle?"
The hail had become the size of baseballs by now and Macavity couldn't understand what was causing this freak nature.
Lightening furiously came down around him. He knew that was deffinatly not normal.
The shack door opened and Quaxo stepped out. He glared at Macavity, with a new look in his eye. Anger, furry and perhaps
even evil. He looked up at teh sky, and then back to Macavity. It seemed as if the hail was avoiding him.
"You're doing this aren't you?" Macavity snapped, "You're screwing with the weather!"
"Maybe." Quaxo didn't move.
A bolt of lightening came down and hit Macavity. He fell down on his hands and knees and gasped, tembling in pain, smoke
rose from his fur.
Coricopat crawled out of the shallow water and shook furiously, water flying out of his fur. He walked up the sandy beach
weakly. He felt the hail hitting him but didn't take much notice to it. When he saw Quaxo however, he forced himself to run.
He then saw Macavity on his hands and knees, in front og Quaxo.
"Quaxo?" Cori said his name softly in confusion. Why was Quaxo here?
Quaco looked over at him. His eyes glowed a bright blue, like an aqua and he held a lifeless expression on his face. He
narrowed his eyes at Coricopat and a gust of winf threw Coricopat into the side of the shack.
Cori grunted as he made contact with the shack and fell down into the grass beside it. He laid there for a moment and struggled
to look up at Quaxo. Cori was exhusted, he'd just had to swim in from the middle of the lake to get to shore. That was not
an easy task.
Wind picked up again and Macavity was thrown into the air. He soard hundreads of feet above them, being whipped around
vicously in the hail. The wind stopped and the skies cleared. Macavity came doen somewhere in the middle of the lake, farther
out than Coricopat had been sent. Quaxo looked down at Coricopat. His eyes fadded to normal, and the tom collapsed.
"It's not true..." he could hear Tantomile's voice, "Quaxo isn't unstable!"
"Didn't you hear what Coricopat
said?" Munkustrap argued, "He can't control his powers. He couldn't determine friend from foe; he attacked Coricopat."
"He's still young! He doesn't understand them well enough yet!" Tantomiled hissed, "He needs to be taught!"
Quaxo opened his eyes and saw Tantomile, Munkustrap, Skimbleshanks, Jennt and Alonzo. "Mom?" Quaxo murmered.
Tanto quickly turned to him and smiled, "Hi hun." She stroked his head-fur gently.
"What happened?" Quaxo asked sitting up in the pile of blankets. They were in the Junkyard near Jenny's den. It was a comforting
place to be. it was home.
"You..." Alonzo stopped. He couldn't find it in himself to go on. How exactly do you tell someone they went on a rampage?
"Macavity's dead." Munkustrap sighed. "He died last night."
"How?" Quaxo looked shocked. "Did he get attacked?"
Alonzo looked at Quaxo questionably, "Don't you remember?"
"Remember what?" Quaxo looked at Tantomile again, hoping she'd somehow be able to explain to him.
"You killed him." Tantomile fought back a smile of releif. he was better dead than alive anyways. She couldn't let Quaxo
know what he did made her feel good, it was a bad idea to make him think what he did was right.
"No I didn't." Quaxo denied calmly, "I think I would remember if I did."
"You did do it," Munkustrap stated seeing how everyone was pitying Quaxo, "You also attacked Coricopat."
"No I didn't!" Quaxo's voice became annoyed.
"He said you did." Munkustrap felt his chest become tight.
"Well he's lying." Quaxo glared at him.
"He had several broken ribs." Munkustrap felt he had little breath as his chest became tighter. He tigged on his collar,
beleiving that was what was causing him to lose his breath.
"You ok Munkus?" Alonzo gave him a worried look, "You don't look so good."
"I cant breathe." Munkustrap gasped as he fell to the ground, his wounded leg giving out beneath him.
"Munkus?" Jenny bent down next to hm. He was sweating and he wasn't breathing properly, if at all.
"What's wrong with him!" Alonzo exclaimed standing nervously over them.
"I don't know." Skimbleshanks replied on his knees beside Jenny, trying to help her.
Jenny had never seen anything like this. At least not occour this quickly. She looked at Tantomile in a panic, "What's
going on?"
"I... I don't know." Tantomile shook her head in disbeleif. She looked over at Quaxo who had become quiet. He was glaring
down at Munkustrap. She could see a bright blue glow in his pupils. "Quaxo?" She whispered.
Quaxo looked at Tantomile, his gaze broken and his eyes returning to normal. "Yeah mom?" he replied, as if nothing had
happened. As if Munkustrap wasn't laying on the ground dying,
Munkustrap began coughing and his breath returned. He sat up still coughing as sweat dripped off his face.
Jenny patted his back, "Are you alright?" she gave him a worried look.
He nodded weakly, "Yeah, I'm okay."
As much as Tantomile wanted to deny it, something was wrong with Quaxo. He gave off a strong ammount of power. He bd to
much power and he couldn't control it, so it was controlling him. Was it her fault?
There had never been two mystic cats together as mates and it was now proving to be dangerous. Perhaps it was because Mistoffelees
and Tantomile's powers were so different. She didn't know what to do.
Part 6