His sweet scent filled the air. Only he could make Munkustrap feel this amazing. Although he’d gotten the name
of ‘player’ in the tribe, Munkustrap knew him better. Knew who he really was. He’d gotten inside Tugger’s
head, understood him, got to know who he truly was. The sweet, romantic world changing tom he was being right now. Munkustrap
kept his arms firmly around him as they laid in the soft moist grass in the small meadow. Here, this is where they became
one, a couple, lovers. No where else could they be so free and not worry about the hateful and disapproving eyes of the others.
Here, they were accepted.
Tugger’s eyes moved up to meet Munkustrap’s. They stared deeply as if trying to encode each other’s
thoughts. Perhaps, that was what they were doing. The stare was intimate and soft. They were closer than brothers, closer
than lovers. They were soul mates. They’d realized this when they’d had a long talk one evening. It seemed so
long ago, but was really only several months.
They had been sitting together, in the Junkyard after everyone had gone to their dens to sleep. They didn’t
know why they were there together, they just were. They started talking, discussing the economy of the Junkyard, their lives,
themselves. It was ‘the-talk’ that most lovers find themselves waiting for; that night you stay up to the dawn
talking to that special someone. They didn’t realize what was going on until their lips met and they realized without
words, they were made for the other.
Once the gaze was broken, and Tugger nuzzled closer into Munkustrap’s chest with a soft purr. He closed his eyes,
their golden glow disappearing in the faint light. The sky was blue, the kind of blue you see just as the sun disappears.
There was nothing more Munkustrap could ask for than to stay like this forever. Stay in Tugger’s arms, sharing intimate
moments like this. He watched bits of fluff from dandelions dance around in the gentle breeze. His father, now deceased,
had always told him if he could catch one in his hand he could make a wish on it.
He reached up, trying his best not to disrupt Tugger’s light slumber. He caught a piece between his fingers and
settled back down. He stared at the piece between his fingers, thinking about it. He closed his eyes, smiled and let the breeze
take hold of it. It fluttered away out of sight.
Tugger ‘s eyes opened, a golden glow reflecting off what little light there was. He had noticed Munkustrap catch
a fluff in the air, and wondered what he’d wished. He brought his hand up and rested it against Munkustrap’s chest,
feeling his heartbeat. “What did you wish for?” He asked softly.
“To stay like this forever.”
The Junkyard was loud today. This area was usually busy of course, but it had never been quite this chaotic to see.
The centre, usually clear, was now filled with Jellicles. It was not the ball, but a different celebration. Today, they celebrated
the creation of the tribe. Many years ago, this was the day Old Deuteronomy, known as Deuteronomy back then, created this
tribe. He had realized how bad the stray cat population was getting in London, and to help give them a home, he took control
of the Junkyard and the tribe quickly formed. Several cats such as Skimbleshanks, Asparagus, Jennyanydots and Gus still were
with our tribe. Jenny however had been an adolescent at the time. The tribe was still young, but new cats came through here
A dance had begun, a familiar one to a quick rhythm. Munkustrap was not one to dance, he’d rather stand off to
the side and applaud those who did. Normally he’d be telling stories of the tribe, but Old Deuteronomy had insisted
he tell them tonight. He did after all start this tribe, and he knew details about the story Munkustrap did not.
Munkustrap felt a hand land on his shoulder. It was a soft touch, warm and welcoming. He turned slightly to see Old Deuteronomy
smiling at him. His features were so friendly and he was so loving. Munkustrap couldn’t get over it. “You seem
troubled.” he said softly, “Why aren’t you dancing with the other’s? You know how important this night
is to all of us.”
“Troubled?” Munkustrap looked at him slightly shocked. “I’m not troubled. I just don’t
dance, you know that.” he answered him respectably. Everyone knew that Munkustrap was not one for dancing, and Munkustrap
didn’t think he was feeling troubled. Was he?
“You’re eyes,” Old Deuteronomy stared at him, concentrating, “They tell me you are in distress.”
“But I’m not.” Munkustrap insisted. “I’m perfectly happy.”
“You don’t need to lie to me Munkustrap.” He reassured him with a fatherly pat on the back, “You
can talk to me, when you are ready that is. I won’t force it out of you.”
Munkustrap couldn’t help but give him a confused and offended look. “I am fine.” He insisted further.
How could Deuteronomy assume he was troubled and unhappy? Really. Munkustrap turned and stared away from his leader, watching
the others dance. He caught a glimpse of his lover, dancing ever so gracefully. It made Munkustrap melt a little. He would
dance for Tugger, if Tugger wanted him to.
Seeing Tugger dance to something other than his own song was quite entertaining. He really was gifted with dance, he
knew how to speak through his body. Munkustrap knew that better than anyone.
“When you are ready.” Old Deuteronomy added as he strolled away to the other cats sitting off to the side
to rest, relax or simply sit off to the side.
Munkustrap watched him, with a concerned look. Old Deuteronomy knew something that he wasn’t mentioning. Perhaps
he knew Munkustrap had no interest in queens. Maybe he knew. Knew about Tugger. Hopefully not, that was a secret he and Tugger
were to keep. He averred his gaze back to the dancers.
Tugger had disappeared from the crowd of dancers. Munkustrap stood up slightly searching for him. He finally found him
sitting with Etcetera. He tickled her under the chin and she squealed with delight. She jumped up and twirled around excitedly
and pounced back into his lap. She nuzzled against his furry mane and me smiled amused.
A part of Munkustrap died. He knew Tugger was acting, pretending he enjoyed Etcetera’s attention. He had told Munkustrap
he did not find her antics amusing at all. He’d rather a monkey dance around him throwing it’s own feces into
the air. This had made Munkustrap feel a little bit about it before, but Tugger’s acting was becoming more and more
believable. It made his heart break a little more every time. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take it. His heart
could only handle so much.
Tugger and Etcetera stood up and he held her hand as she twirled. He just watched her, not really noticing Munkustrap’s
saddened eyes watching his movements. He and Etcetera began to walk. He had his lean arm draped over her small shoulders and
was talking to her, wearing that smile Munkustrap loved so much.
Casually standing up, Munkustrap jumped off of the steps of the tire and walked in the opposite direction. He felt himself
giving into the tears that wanted to stream down his cheeks. He nipped at his lip a bit as he walked passed several of the
cats, hoping to the Heaviside no one noticed his distress. Old Deuteronomy would no doubt, and so he avoided going anywhere
near him.
Once alone, Munkustrap cried. He cried for his lover and the love he no longer felt existed between them. He felt slightly
betrayed but tried to remind himself that it was merely an act to fool everyone else. Just so no one would catch on to their
charade. He fell down against the ground, laying so he was on his stomach. He formed fists and pounded against the ground
repeating, “He doesn’t love her! He doesn’t love her!” It only reminded him more of how much pain
he was forced to endure day to day because of their secret love-life.