It had been so long since they had come here. So long since they'd been here together, to be alone in peace. It seemed
now this place had nothing left for them. Munkustrap could feel the beginnings of the end. The relationship he and Tugger
worked so hard to keep a secret, was slowly and surely falling apart and smashing to peices.
His green eyes moved slowly to meet Tuggers. Tugger sat in front of him with his legs crossed, as Munkustrap was sitting.
The soft grass tickled their legs gently as the sweet new summer breeze danced around them softly. Munkustrap knew Tugger
could sense Munkustrap's dicomfort, his anxiety and stress. Munkustrap's green eyes metled around the edges, sparkling with
"What's wrong?" Tugger frowned, his heart sinking at the sight of his beautiful Munkustrap's saddnes. He leaned forward
so his nose was inches away from Munkustraps, "What is is?"
Munkustrap turned away, a tear falling anc catching in the wind. It flew forward and landed on the top of Tugger's hand.
Tugger remained still, very quiet, as he let Munkustrap have a moment to repose himself. "This isn't working..."
No. Tugger didn't ebelive his ears. He couldn't. Not at what Munkustrap was saying. Tugger knew these words all to well.
He knew where Munkustrap was going to go with them. He didn't want that. "Why? I mean yes, it is. Don't say that." He twirled
a peice of Munkustraps long silver silky fur around his finger. "It is working, it's just getting difficult."
"If you wanted to go off with a queen you could have told me." Munkustrap still refused to look Tugger in the face,
but he resisted in slapping Tugger's hand away as he toyed with Munkustrap's fur.
Tugger stopped, and stared at the tabby in shock. "What? What are you talking about?" His brows pulled together in iritation,
"Why would you think that I'd want to be with a queen? I have you, I love you."
"I see the way you are with Cettie." Munkustrap finally looked Tugger in the face. His eyes screamed with agony, painful
heart broken anxiety. He slapped Tugger's hand away finally, "And don't you deny it!"
"I don't know what you're talking
about." Tugger sat still, staring at Munkustrap with hard eyes. They were focused fully on Munkustraps face.
Munkustrap wiped away his years vicously, "Come on! Stop kidding yoruself!" He hissed, "You and Cettie! I saw you! At
the ball!"
"Oh come off it." Tugger rolled his eyes and the corner of his mouth pulled up in a releaved grin, "It's all an act.
We talked about this. It doens't mean anything. It's just to keep them off our trail."
"Sure." Munkustrap replied icily, "Next you tell me you're sleeping with Bomba to make sure they don't suspect a thing
from us."
Tugger frowned again, "You know I wouldn't do that."
"Wouldn't you?" Munkustrap's voice was filled with rage, "What's stopping you?"
"My love for you." Tugger replied
softly. "Nothing could ever make me want to leave you."
"Then why can't we just be open about us?" Munkustrap's fur stood up with iritation and his eyes became teary again.
He'd always been the one who was more in the closet, but now, he just wanted to live a normal Jellicles life, with his mate.
Tugger sighed and looked down at the grass before replying, "Munkustrap, we've talking about that..."
"Are you ashamed of us?" Munkustrap hissed again, "Ashamed to love me?"
"Of course not!" Tugger's head shot back up. He looked deeply offended. "Stop assuming stuff!"
"It's not assuming if it's true!" Munkustrap's ears streamed with hurtful tears. His vision was now so blurry he couldn't
see Tugger in front of him. He knew it was true. What other reason could there be? He'd been so distant latley. So far away...
"You're just rambling nonsence now." Tugger's voice had become leveled again. "I think you're just over reacting."
"I'm not." Munkustrap said firmly, "You're just not trying hard enough to keep us together." he rubbed his stuffy nose
and stood up out of the grass. There was an imprint in the grass wher ehe had been sitting. He began to walk off towards the
lights of the city. It had become dark again.
To see his mate walk off like that hurt Tugger. Why did Munkustrap have to be so dramatic? Tugger was always the one
who had to mend them back together over silly things like this. However, Munkustrap had never been so upset over this before.
It made Tugger worry. He stayed where he sat for several minutes, thinking. Maybe this really wasn't working. If that were
true, why did it hurt so much to think about letting go?