PROLOGUE: "New Life" The junkyard illuminated with moonlight as the rays reflected off the abandoned cars
and heavy machinery that cluttered the private feline paradise. A pair of golden eyes glowed in the darkness of a large pipe.
As the face slowly pressed forward, his silvery stripes could bearly be seen as the light of the silver moon blended into
the tabby tom's luxurious coat. He stepped out cautiously, sniffing the air, his ears twitching. A second pair of
eyes peered through the blackness of her hiding place; green eyes this time. She sniffed the ground and sniffed the air. Much
to her pleasure, Macavity wasn't there. Almost immediately, several dozen pairs of eyes came into view as their protector
stood up cautiously, his arms out to the side. He raised his paws slowly; the summoning gave the all-clear. Calico faces emerged,
purring and rubbing lovingly on each other. Faces of black and white leapt about, mewing loudly. Spots, stripes and even a
bewitching chocolate Siamese skulked out from their hiding places. A big black tom with a tiger-striped crest of golden fur
and leopard spotted legs hopped up from his own hiding spot. He was immediately ambushed by the kittens, who purred loudly
and rubbed against him. He relished in the attention. Among the many other cats, there was a young yearling tom whose lovely
black and white markings stood out amongst the others. Between his front paws was a tiny 2 month old kitten; black from his
ears to the tip of his tail; his face and chest shone a blinding white even in the darkness of the night. Every cat gathered
around the silver tabby tom, who s miled as he raised his face to the moonlight. Jellicle cats meet once a year At
the Jellicle Ball where we all rejoice. And the Jellicle leader will soon appear And make what is known as the Jellicle
Choice. When Old Deuteronomy, just before dawn Through a silence you feel could be cut with a knife Announces the
cat who can now be reborn And come back to a different Jellicle life. The cats mewed loudly upon hearing the tom's
song. Every cat waited on pins and needles for the annual Jellicle Ball, much like humans when it comes to their Christmas
holiday. But unlike the sapiens', who have long forgotten the true meaning of their celebrations, the Jellicles knew exactly
what this special night meant. A chance to be reborn; to start over. It was a very admirable and respectable holiday; and
it would begin upon the visit of their beloved leader, Old Deuteronomy, the oldest living cat in existence. Some even thought
him to be the appreciated friend of Moses himself. The cats, eagerly awaiting his arrival, would spend their time
playing and nominating one another. It was like that every year. But, on this particular year, tradition was thrown into question,
and forever changed the lives of the Jellicles. Before anyone could voice out a nomination, a loud crash was heard
from down the alley. The cats turned curiously towards the source of the noise, pricking up their ears at the approaching
sound of a wicked cackle. Macavity! Dem hissed, cowering behind her sister. But there wasn't any time for
anyone to hide. Even The Rum Tum Tugger, who was always the first to high-tail it out of there at the mere mention of the
Ginger Cat's name, didn't even have time to leap into the pipe. The Hidden Paw streaked across the junkyard, leapt over the
abandoned vehicle, and was gone like that, only his fur-raising laugh lingered behind before it too drifted into the wind.
The cats stood silently, waiting. A tiger-striped and leopard spotted senior queen leapt down from her high perch on one
of the garbage piles. She was Jennyanydots, the Gumby Cat. That was very strange. She quipped. Extremely.
A second senior queen called Jellylorum agreed. Wonder what that was about... Instantly, all eyes traveled to Coricopat
and Tantomile, who brought their attention down the alley from where Macavity had just come. The prophetic felines twitched
their noses. Danger. Coricopat whispered. The cats stood very still. What danger did Macavity lead to them?
The answered made itself clear when the scent of strong drink permeated the air. Humans. Not just humans; men. Not just men;
men reeking of powerful alcohol. Every cat knows that humans can become dangerous and even cruel when intoxicated by the odorous
drink. Munkustrap, the silver tom, raised his paws to the sky. RUN! He hissed. The warning came too late.
In an instant, a bright light was cast over the alley, temporarily blinding the cats. 4 men stinking of whiskey stormed through
the alley, laughing and hollering and even shooting off firecrackers at the terrified cats. Once their wits caught up with
them, they began to scatter. The men didn't look to the queens, but rather set their sights on the toms. Tugger was the first
to be captured as he attempted to run away. His tail was grabbed and he was thrown into a cage before he even had time to
react. Never before had the spoiled feline been treated so harshly. He yowled in fright as he tried to dig his way out, ripping
his claws through the wire. In moments his paws were soaked in blood. Munkustrap pinned his ears against his skull
and hissed violently at the man who dared to treat his younger brother with such disrespect. In the blink of an eye, Munkustrap
was latched onto the man's leg, growling fiercely and biting as hard as he could. The man roared in pain and kicked out frantically,
but the silver tom's claws were deeply embedded in his leg. Meanwhile, another man grabbed little Mistoffelees by his scruff
and tossed him in a cage as well. Alonzo hissed and bounded towards the prison in which his defenseless little brother was
held captive. The uniquely marked tom grabbed hold of the cage and began gnawing at the wooden latch. But in attempting to
save his tiny, frightened brother, Alonzo himself was grabbed and tossed into a cage. As fate would have it, Munkustrap
lost both his grip and his consciousness as one of the other men wrapped his meat-cleaver hands around the tabby's neck and
squeezed with all his might. The unconscious tom was thrown into another cage next to his brothers. The cages were then carried
out to the street and tossed in the back of a horse-drawn open-car. The 4 toms disappeared down the slick cobblestone road;
unknowing of the terror that was in store for them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Munkustrap slowly opened his eyes. There was a blinding light that radiated above him, causing him to close them immediately.
He attempted to open his eyes once more, only to be blinded again. Where was he? Tugger... He whispered. He
picked up his ears at the sound of claw tips clicking against the ground. Again, he tried to open his eyes. He blinked a few
times until his vision adjusted to his bright surroundings. He noticed 3 other cages lined up along side him. To his left
was Rum Tum Tugger, who paced wildly in his cage, stopping every so often to bite at the wire and scratched at the door with
his raw, bloody paws. To his right was Alonzo, who was stretched out to his own right, reaching for something. It was Mistoffelees,
who was also reaching out for his big brother. It's okay, Mistoffelees. I'm here. He whispered gently, stroking his
little brother's paw through the cage. Everything's going to be alright. Munkustrap looked up. The 4 cages were placed
directly under a street light. The cats could see what was going on in the illuminated area, but everything outside the light
source was black. Munkustrap growled a little in his throat and turned to his brother. Tugger. Calm down. He said
in a low voice. But the curious cat was beyond comfort; beyond reality. He paced like a caged tiger, his eyes wide
with fear. There was no talking to him at this point. He was in a state of shock, apparent by his trembling. The frightening
part was, the cats could here the men just beyond the light, laughing maliciously. Munkustrap stood up and pressed his ears
forward. In an instant, all went dead silent. Finally finding his voice, Tugger spoke first. Are they gone? He whispered
to Munkustrap. The silver tom squinted his eyes and sniffed. He narrowed his golden oracles with distaste. No.
I can still smell them. Alonzo turned his head towards the guardian of the Jellicle tribe, still keeping his brother's
paws cupped in his own. What are they going to do to us? He asked nervously. I don't know. Munkustrap answered,
still trying vainly to see past the light. Alonzo turned his attention to his tiny baby brother. I don't suppose
you could get us out of here, can you Mistoffelees? He asked gently. The shivering kitten whose eyes were overflooding
with tears shook his head no. He whimpered and hid his face bashfully. It's okay. Alonzo comforted. It was unfair
of me to ask so much of you.'s okay. He reached out as far as he could to cup the kitten's face in his paw. I won't
let anything happen to you... Munkustrap eyed his cage door. There had to be a way to open it. Oh, if only he had
thumbs... AUGH! Munkustrap quickly turned his attention to Tugger's cage when he heard a loud crack, followed
by a cry of pain. The Rum Tum Tugger had been struck in the face by a large rock, leaving a deep cut over his nose. Slowly,
the silver tom brought his attention up to the sky. His eyes widened with panic. Rocks! He shouted, covering his head.
A storm of stones rained from the sky, bashing the sides of the cages. Smaller stones flew neatly between the bars and
pelted the cats harshly. Mistoffelees squealed in fright and tried to cover his face with his paws, but the stones bashed
the infant feline in the spine and on the back of his head. Alonzo wasted no time in throwing his body against the side of
the cage, rolling it in front of Mistoffelees' prison. The magical kitten looked up in awe as his brother shielded him with
his own body. Alonzo flinched and small cries of pain escaped his lips. During the onslaught, he opened one eye and gave a
small smirk. You're okay, Mister Mistoffelees! I'll protect you! He tried sounding as cheerful as possible, despite
his agony. The kitten merely watched in sorrow as his big brother willingly sacrificed his body for the protection
of his tiny two-toned sibling. Suddenly, just as quickly as they came, the rocks ceased; much to Alonzo's relief. He fell
to his knees against the cage, trying to hold back the wails of agonizing pain that threatened to overtake him. Mistoffelees,
now able to reach his brother without stretching, reached into the cage and held the young tom's face in his own little paws.
Awonzo? He squeaked questionably, pulling gently on his whiskers. Awonzo... He tried again, shaking his brother slightly.
Wake up... Alonzo forced himself awake, least he worry his brother. He smiled warmly and rubbed against Misto's paws.
Mistoffelees gave a weak smile, somewhat relieved. But his smile quickly faded as a new terror made itself known, obvious
by Alonzo's sudden change in attitude. The young tom's eyes widened with fear upon seeing the reflection in Misto's eyes of
the new approaching danger. In a flash, a white snarling beast dashed across the light towards the cages; Mistoffelees' in
particular. DOG! Alonzo called as he reached into the cage and embraced his brother tightly. The bull terrier
latched its jaws around the back of Mistoffeeles' cage and began to fiercely tear at it. Alonzo gripped his brother through
the cage as tightly as possible as the dog viciously tried to rip them from each other's arms. Suddenly, a second
dog appeared; a bull mastiff this time. The massive beast wasted no time in engulfing the front of Tugger's cage in its collasal
jaws. The crested cat hissed frantically and forced himself into the furthest corner of his prison. But each time the dog
raised his head, Tugger fell against its face and was forced to try and avoid the snapping fangs of the cold beast. His claws
were broken and useless against the tank-like canine. Munkustrap's eyes glowed with fury. He had had enough of this
cruel game. Unsheathing his own claws, he copied Alonzo's move and threw himself into the side of the cage, causing it to
roll. It landed near the back legs of the beastly dog. Running his tongue over his teeth, he reached out, grabbed the dog's
leg in his claws and bit down as hard as he could. ------------------------ She tore her face from her T.S
Elliot book and looked around the park cautiously. What was that ghastly cry? It sounded like an injured animal. She placed
the bookmark into the cleft of the pages and put the book in her pocket. Another scream echoed throughout the night air. Concerned
and a little frightened, she ran towards the source of the cry, unsuspecting of the danger, but certain that something needed
to be rescued. ----------------------- The Mastiff yowled as he kicked out frantically, trying to shake the
cat and cage free from the horrid grip. Munkustrap couldn't hold on any longer, and released his tired, sore jaws. His cage
went hurdling through the air and smashed right against the bull terrier, who was sent flying out from beneath the light.
Both dogs, feeling cantankerous from the random attack, turned on each other and fought viciously. Munkustrap sat panting
in his cage, the taste of dog blood fresh in his mouth. He glanced over at Tugger, who looked at his brother with a new air
of respect. The two of them shared a rare smile. Munkustrap then turned his attention to the other two brothers, who also
smiled in appreciation. But the celebration didn't last long. The four of them turned when they heard the men approaching.
As they entered the lighted area, the cats noticed a shiny black tube gripped in the hands of the man who appeared to be the
leader. He cocked the rifle back with a loud click. The cats nearly stopped breathing. They knew what guns were, and they
knew that man is most powerful when one of these instruments were present. They surrounded Munkustrap's cage. This
one's a woild li''le beast, ain't 'e? The leader asked in his cockney accent. You know wha' we do wif these woild ones, don't
we, boys? The other men cackled menacingly, sipping their whiskey. The leader placed the end of the gun in the cage,
aiming directly at Munkustrap's forehead. The tabby didn't cower, but proudly and fearlessly held up his head. He wasn't afraid
to die. Noighty, noight, ki'y cat... The man growled as he curled his finger around the trigger. STOP!!
The roar of the gunfire caused Tugger, Alonzo and Mistoffelees to turn away, but the overwhelming cry for the senseless
cruelty to cease caused them to look up again. Even the dogs discontinued their quarrel to witness the cause of the interruption.
Munkustrap stood there, eyes wide and breathing labored. A smoking hole lingered over his head as the bullet narrowly
missed the cats' brain and instead shot a hole through the top of the cage. The silver tom looked up curiously at the girl
who pushed the armed, drunken man to the ground and now held her arms out protectively in front of the cats. She glared furiously
at the men. What do you think you're doing?! What kind of sick game are you playing here? How dare you treat these
cats so cruelly!! I have a right mind to put the finger on every last one of you for this! Blimey, the birds' jus'
craizy enough to do it, she is! One of the other men coughed nervously. Oi'm no' stickin' 'round long enough to be
penned up! Ca'mon! Let's get the dogs and get out'a 'ere! The third man called, wasting no time in grabbing the dogs and disappearing
with the other 3 bloaks into the darkness. She turned quickly and started opening the cages while the drunk on the
ground struggled to his feet. First, she opened the door to Tugger's cage and, cupping her hand around his bottom, pushed
him out of the prison. Then, she pried open Munkustrap's cage the rest of the way, reached in and pulled him out. She then
dashed over Alonzo's cage and unlatched it. Alonzo wasted no time in running around to the back of Mistoffelees' cage and
impatiently pawed at it. The girl pulled out the stake that held the kitten's cage closed. With all four cats free, she shooed
them away with her hands. Go! Get out of here! She encouraged. The 4 cats looked at her for a moment, bewildered.
Slowly, each cat departed, leaving only Munkustrap to gaze curiously at her. Go. She advised again. Munkustrap
took a few steps back before slinking into the darkness. ------- The four of them did not leave right away, but
rather laid low in some surrounding bushes. The man, on his feet and infuriated, grabbed the girl and began slapping her in
the face with angry force. Then, he cocked his arm back and punched her numerous times. Tugger turned away, flinching with
every crack of the man's fist against her body. She fell to her knees, only to have the man lift his rifle high in the air
and crack her in the face with it twice. Munkustrap, too, couldn't watch and turned away. Alonzo compressed the kitten in
his arms, his eyes closed tightly. But Mistoffelees didn't hide his face. He watched the scene intently. The savage
beating went on for well over 3 minutes before the man gave her one last kick and ran upon hearing unrelated sirens in the
distance. They're gone. The kitten whispered. Slowly, the other 3 toms looked out. They could see the girl
laying there beneath the light, but they couldn't see if she was breathing. Slowly, Munkustrap stepped out of the bushes and
approached her body from the side. She was breathing. He retreated back into the bushes. Tugger, go back to the junkyard
and get Old Deuteronomy. Tell his what happened, and bring him here. Tugger nodded and bounded away. Munkustrap then
turned to Alonzo. Tell the others what you have witnessed here. Bring as many Jellicles as you can. Right.
Alonzo agreed. Let's go, Mistoffelees. No. Munkustrap stopped him. He will stay here with me. Alonzo nodded
and took off after Tugger. Munkustrap looked around the park cautiously, then motioned with his head for Mistoffelees to follow.
The silver tom and the kitten approached the girl's side. To their surprise, she was conscious. Her eyes traveled to the
cats, and she smiled warmly at them. You're okay. I'm so happy. Her accent indicated that she was born in
London or thereabouts. She had short, frizzy blonde hair that had been crammed under a wool hat. She had lime green eyes that
glowed in the light of the Jellicle Moon. Her glasses were broken and lay scattered across the ground. Blood dripped from
her lip, head and nose. She was battered and bruised across her face. She had indeed taken quite a punishment on behalf of
the cats, and they knew it. Mistoffelees, lay with her. I will keep watch. Munkustrap ordered. Mistoffelees
did as he was told and curled up on her chest, his yellow eyes locked on her worn, bloody face. She smiled and shakily and
rubbed her broken hand across his fine black coat. Misto purred contently. The two of them layed there for a good 20 minutes,
her eyes closed. After a short while, she sighed and brought her eyes up to the moon. It's beautiful. She whispered.
I think this is the first time I've seen the moon look so bright. It's nice...after all I've been through, that is. I lost
my job today...I'm 4 months late on the rent and am about lose my flat and my boyfriend just left me... She paused, wiping
the tears from her face. ...for my brother. Misto and Munkustrap exchanged a questionable glance at the girl's last
statement. The girl whimpered again and rubbed the kitten's ears gently. With so much unhappiness in my life,
I'm kind of happy right now. Munkustrap sorrowfully looked over his shoulder at her scuffed face. I think
I'm going to die tonight...but it's okay. At least I get to die beneath that beautiful moon. Munkustrap turned around
slowly, his heart aching for the poor girl's misfortune. His eyes wandered to her other hand that was spewed across the ground.
At least I'm with a friend... She rubbed Misto's chin with her index finger. Nobody wants to die alone, do they? She
flinched slightly when she felt something furry in her extended hand. She looked weakly at the silver tom, who had laid his
paw in her palm as both a gesture of friendship and sorrow. He had a kind expression on his beautifully marked face. She grinned
and managed to cup her hand around his paw. Two friends. She chuckled lightly. I couldn't be any luckier. Munkustrap
turned, his gaze becoming even softer as Tugger returned to his side. The maned tom crept to the girl's head and gave a friendly
headrub against her cheek. The girl look at the tom questionably. Three friends? In an instant, Alonzo returned
and hopped on her chest. He licked his brother's head and then leaned over and licked her nose. Four friends?
She tried to sit up, but found herself far too weak to even do that. But she needn't sit up to notice the many different
eyes watching her. The girl was completely surrounded by cats. She closed her eyes again, feeling so weak. Oh...I...can't...breath...
Her breathing was starting to slow. Munkustrap peered into the darkness and sighed at the sight of him. My
mind may be wandering, but I confess, I believe it is Old Deuteronomy... The grizzled old cat slowly made his way
towards the girl's haggard body. He looked upon her and shook his heavy head. What a disappointment. This poor human
is dying simply because she wanted to save the lives of my sons. I am deeply saddened by this. The other cats hung
their heads upon feeling their leader's sadness. Munkustrap approached him and touched his father's paw. Please...there
must be something we can do. We must reward her for her sacrifice. But how? Alonzo asked as he approached the leaders.
However we do it, it must be done quickly. Tugger announced, holding his paw over her body. She has stopped breathing.
The cats whispered worriedly among themselves, but that all came to a screeching halt when the ancient cat held up his
paws in a request for silence. Munkustrap had whispered something in his ear. Jellicle Cats, my son has revealed to
me his nomination for this year's Jellicle Choice. He has nominated...this human girl. A gasp rose up from among the
surrounding cats. Rum Tum Tugger stepped forward. I second that nomination. He announced, causing another roar of
gasps from the felinical crowd. So do I! Alonzo called with gusto. Me too! Mistoffelees joined in. Hold
on! Bombalurina demanded the attention of the tribe A human can't be the Jellicle Choice. Only cats can ascend to the Heaviside
Layer! Several queens mewed in agreement, but Old Deuteronomy held up his paws to demand silence once again. Upon
the fall of quiet, the withered old cat turned to the red spotted queen. You are wrong there, my child. Humans; albeit,
very few humans; CAN ascend to the Heaviside Layer. It all started with my first human, you see. With whom, I was a grand
Lord in Egypt until he fled into the desert. I followed him. I followed him where ever he went, even back to the Pharoah's
palace and into the desert again! My human freed millions and even spoke with the Keeper of the Heaviside Layer Himself. The
Keeper told my human that he could acsend, for there was never one like him before. In exchange for my loyalty to him, I was
granted the gift of the Jellicle Choice. It was my responsibility to choose the most deserving cat to acsend and be reborn,
because there were only two other humans in history besides my dear Moses to acsend directly, and I had the pleasure of seeing
off the most recent one. But now, I must ask the Keeper for advice regarding the actions of this young girl. Please, leave
me and the girl alone for a moment. The cats obeyed and backed away. Beneath the moonlight, Deuteronomy aproached
the girl's body and tilted her head back. He placed both front paws on her brow and closed his eyes. He raised his face to
the sky. His eyes opened slowly as a smile swept across his face. It was getting light, the stars were disappearing,
and the dew was forming. The old cat brought his gaze back down to the girl's face. You will not ascend on this night,
my child. The Keeper has informed me that you are not yet ready. But, I have been granted permission to provide you with
giving you one of mine. Jellicles... The cats slowly crept into view, their eyes focused with curiosity. Deuteronomy
gently opened the girl's mouth. My Jellicles...witness the rebirth of this human girl, who will have new life...the
life...of a cat. And the cats watched in awe as the ancient feline opened his mouth slightly and leaned over the girl's
cold body. It lasted only a moment, then the old cat retreated. Color returned to her pale flesh, heat radiated from her beating
heart, and breath returned to her lips. Deuteronomy backed away, flicking his ears at the sound of a blaring siren. Someone
had spotted her body from their flat and had phoned the ambulence. Deuteronomy nodded and the Jellicles took their leave,
once again leaving Munkustrap behind to witness the arrivel of the paramedics as they safely tucked her into the vehicle.
With a sigh of relief, the tabby tom left as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She awoke with a loud gasp, pulling herself up into a sitting position. She breathed heavily as she scanned the hospital
room with bewilderment. What happened? How'd she get here? She didn't remember a thing about the previous night. With a groan,
she held her pounding head and laid back in the bed. A delightful Irish nurse entered the room and offered her an extra pillow.
Oh, good! You're awake! We were getting mighty worried about you, my dear. Are you alright? I...I'd
I get here? Oh, they brought you in yesterday morning. Found you beaten and unconcsious in the park. Poor thing, you...
I've been out for 2 days?! Not to worry, my dear. now and we'll call in the magistrate a little later.
Also, I should need to know your name. It''s Liz. But why do I have to talk to the magistrate? Ooh,
to get information on those scoundrels what did this to you. A life behind bars is what they deserve, they do! The
nurse turned to leave, but Liz quickly grabbed her arm. Wait! Please...when they found me...were there any...I dunno...cats
with me? I'm afraid I don't know. But don't worry. I'm sure they'll be fine. The gentle old woman left the
girl alone in the room. Liz rubbed her head with desperation, but she could not recall the events that occurred on the previous
previous night. Casually, she glanced out her window. Her eyes widened. There, on the window sill, was a tiny black and white
kitten peering in on her. She quickly tossed off the covers and wriggled her feet into a pair of hospital slippers. She took
a step towards the window and stopped. The kitten had disappeared. She ran over and slid the window open and leaned out. She
was on the 4th floor, and there was no sign that anything had been on that window except maybe some pigeons. With a listless
groan, she shut the window and returned to the bed. She looked out again, but saw nothing. With a sigh she setteled into the
pillows and drifted into slumber. The kitten rubbed his paw along the glass of the pane as he stared longingly at
the rescuer called Liz. He pressed his face against the glass, his eyes focused and intense as he recalled the dreadful night.
We're gonn' talk someday. He squeaked with an adorable lisp. I'll tell you evewyting. I pwomise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 1: Jellicle Debate ------- 3 Years Later... A pair of moonlit eyes peered out across
the junkyard at the massive, wrecked cargohold that was once part of an old train. The collosal trailer had been there for
decades and was covered in rust. The huge tank-like obstruction was for senior cats only for use of debating serious matters.
No kittens were permitted to enter; especially while a big debate was taking place. Driven by her insatiable curiosity, the
chocolate and cream spotted queen kitten skulked out from her hiding place and scurried over to the trailer. She pressed her
ear against the rusty sides. Yes, she could hear the voices of the elders, possibly in a heated discussion over matters that
didn't concern the kittens. With a grunt, she turned back towards the shadows and motioned with her paw. A second kitten appeared,
disheveled and tan like the sands of the desert with a white bib, white muzzle and grey legs. She twitched her nose and crept
to her sister's side. Both turned again into the darkness and signall ed. Instantly, 4 more kittens appeared; 2 more queens
and 2 young toms. They looked up at the huge piece of metal. The only way in was through a hole on the very top. They knew
they weren't allowed in, but the hole would make the perfect spying tool. The chocolate colored spotted queen grinned and
turned to her siblings. Alright, we don't want to be seen or heard, so here's what we're going to do. Oh,
please, no... One of the tom kittens groaned, scratching tiredly at his small mane. The young queen gave him a harsh
stare before continuing. We need to make a pyramid. Let's go. She dropped to all fours and motioned with her head towards
the embarrassed young tom. Come on, Danileo. She ordered. A pyramid? How grown-up of you! Danileo rolled his eyes.
Hey Tova, here's an idea. Why don't we actually do what we're told for once instead of bending over backwards for the sheer
sake of disobeying our elders? The lead queen kitten called Tova narrowed her nightsky-blue eyes. Hey, Danileo, here's
an idea. Why don't you be a good boy and cooperate before I have to slap you through the windshield of the car like I did
last week? With an irate groan, Danileo dropped down near his sister. He wasn't afraid of her, but if she lost her
patience, there was a good chance they would all have gotten caught. So, he reluctantly did as he was told. Pleased, Tove
turned to the next kitten. Alright, Eeve, you're up. But her order went ignored. Eeve, let's go! She tried again,
but to no avail. The youngest kitten was busy playing with a dandilion. Tova growled a little. EEVERIUM! She shouted the kitten's
full name, causing the youngster to jump. You can torture the plant later! Hop to it! Eveerium wasted no time in leaping
onto Tova's back. She rested her front paws on Danileo's back and smirked bashfully at him. Hi, Dani... She cooed.
Hi Eeve... He smiled back, causing the young calico to shudder and mew contently. She wasn't the picture of her mother,
Etcetera, but was 100% like her in attitude. Tova broke up the childish flirting with another order. Alright, next,
Sario... She stopped and grinned to see that disheveled little Sariomi had already positioned herself atop Eeverium.
The daughter of Jemima had a bored expression on her face. Way ahead of ya, Tova. She sighed. Pleased, Tova turned
towards the last male kitten, who looked around nervously, knowing he was going to be next. What are you waiting for,
Quaxo? Tova snapped. Umm...well, you see...I don't really think this is such a... For the love of the Everlasting
Cat, Quaxo, just get up there! Danileo sighed. Let's get this over with already. With a defeated moan, the young son
of Mistoffelees leapt onto Sariomi's back. Tova turned to the last kitten, who had her arms stratigically crossed as she glared
down on the eldest kitten. I ain't doin' this. Nefersheba snapped before Tova had time to respond. She was the exact
image of her mother, Victoria with the exception of a hundred black dots along her coat. She looked like a dalmatian cat.
Her stare was serious and disobliging as she glared down on her half-sister. Tova merely grinned and shrugged. Good
idea. I don't think you could get up there anyway. Nefersheba's eye twitched. Tova continued. We all know you're afraid of
heights. It's okay, Nefersheba. Not every cat has the physical prowess of a leopard... ALRIGHT!! Nefersheba shouted.
If it'll shut you up, I'll go. Begrudgingly, Nefersheba scaled the kitten pyramid and rested atop her brother's head. She
reached up for the gaping hole, but was just a shy too short. I can't reach! I need to go higher! Higher, Tova. Sariomi
poked her back. Sheba can't quite reach it. Then tell her to stretch further! Tova snapped back. She can't
stretch any further! You need to lift us higher! Quaxo called as Nefersheba inadvertantly shoved her foot in his mouth in
attempt to keep herself from falling. Well, you guys aren't exactly featherweights! Tova snapped. Danileo
rolled his eyes; exhausted. Oh, for cat's sake! He reached over and scratched at the base of Tova's tail. Instantly,
a cat reflex kicked in, and Tova raised her hind end high in the air. Ooh, that feels good! Nefersheba, not expecting
such a dramtaic increase in height, wrapped her legs tightly around Quaxo's neck. The black and white tom kitten gagged for
moment before Sheba released the deathgrip. The release was due to the fact that she didn't really need that much of a height
increase, and the sudden thrust upward caused her to smash her head on a piece of jagged metal that protruded from the trailer.
After regaining her composure and muttering some curse words to herself, she leaned into the hole and looked on intently at
the scene below. ------------------ Inside the trailer, all the senior cats sat around on shelves and discarded
boxes. In the center was Old Deuteronomy, standing slightly off to the side. Next to him was his son Leviticus; the only kitten
permitted to be at the meeting, as he was in training to be Keeper of the Jellicle Law. The law, however was being thrown
into question that night. On the floor of the trailer stood Munkustrap, Rum Tum Tugger, Alonzo and Mistoffelees. ----------------------
Nefersheba perked up her ears. Hey...wonder why dad's in there...he's not a senior... What's going on, Sheba?
Tova called. Sshh! I'm trying to listen...Looks like they just started, though... ------------------ Munkustrap
held his paws high in the air. This Jellicle Meeting will now come to order. As all of you here already know, it has been
3 years since the terrifying incident my brothers and I experienced. During those 3 years, the girl who rescued us has retained
an air of respect towards every Jellicle she meets. My brothers and I see her everyday, and she never fails to show us kindness
and offer us delicious food. She has shown the exact same kindness to all of you as well when you meet her in the street,
and you know it to be true. Queens and Toms, she is the nicest, most unselfish human we have ever had the pleasure of knowing.
And well...Mistoffelees has a suggestion to make... Munkustrap gently pushed the young two-toned tom forward, smiling
supportively. Mistoffelees stood there for a moment, staring up at the faces of his fellow Jellicles. He took a deep breath.
Since that girl gave her own life for the sake of saving ours, I've always felt she deserved much more then the glorious
gift of rebirth Old Deuteronomy so unselfishly provided for her. He stopped and bowed graciously to the old cat, who nodded
in appreciation. After all these years, my skills have more then improved, if I do say so myself. He smiled bashfully as he
examined his mystical paws. He looked back up at the crowd. The Keeper of the Heaviside Layeryes the Everlasting Cat Himselfcame
to me in a dream and told me of this new ability He offered me. But I could only have it if I promised to do the right thing
with it, and I agreed. Now, I only need the support of my fellow cats to complete this deal. The Keeper gave me the ability
to open up human ears to Jellicle speech. I propose that tomorrow; on this years Jellicle Ball, we extend an invitation to
the girl who saved us, and have her as our guest of honor! An uproar of gasps, objections and agreements rose from
the tribe. ----------------- Nefersheba's eyes widened at the sound of her father's proposition. No way...a human?
At the Jellicle Ball? That's...that's... ------------------ Unheard of! Dem hissed, swatting her paw against the
shelf on which she was seated. Granted, she is an unsusually kind human, but a human nonetheless! According to Jellicle Law,
only cats can attend the Jellicle Ball! Was the garl's sacrifice not enough to prove hersalf werthy? I moost say,
on her behalf, she should be ar guest oov honor! We oo it to ar kittens! Had it not been far her, they're father's woodn't
be here right nu! An orange tabby tom argued. I agree with Skimbleshanks! Jennyanydots stood up. The girl couldn't
be anymore deserving! I think we're all focusing on the wrong part of the story here. Bomablurina stepped forward.
Whether she's deserving or not is not really the issue. In my opinion, she performed an unselfishly good deed. But that's
is how it should stay. We're all appreciative. But to open her ears to our languageto our worldit is unnatural. And then to
invite her to our Ball...well, I dare say that it borders on blasphamy to even mention such a thing! What kind of cats are
we if we stress the Jellicle Law, only to break it because some human performed a good deed and we feel we must take it into
our own paws to reward her? If she is to be rewarded, I say let the Keeper of the Heaviside Layer do that. It's none of our
business. A wave of whispers filled the trailer upon the completion of Bomba's speech. Old Deuteronomy raised his
paws, and everyone fell silent. He then turned to the brown and white tabby kitten on his side. What do you have to
say about this, my son? Deuteronomy offered young Leviticus the stand, which the kitten took with gusto. I think it
is you, Bombalurina, who is focusing on the wrong part of the story. The young tom pointed up to her. Mistoffelees said he
had a dream. The Keeper of the Heaviside Layer spoke with him. You say we must leave it in the Keeper's paws to reward the
girl. Well, from what I can see, the Keeper made the choice to allow Mistoffelees to reward her. Do you dare to conflict with
the wishes of the Everlasting Cat? No uproar of disagreement came from anyone's mouth. Even Bombalurina kept silent,
save for the growl rising in her throat. Leviticus nodded and stepped back to his father's side. Deuteronomy smiled warmly.
Well put, my son. The ancient feline turned back towards the cats. Is there anyone else who would like to voice their
objections? There was silence. Mistoffelees smiled excitedly. Tugger playfully nudged his shoulder and gave the young
cat an affectionate slap on the back. Munkustrap nodded to Misto with assurance. Alonzo rubbed his paws together and raised
his brows hopefully. After a few more moments of silence. Deuteronomy bowed his head. Motion to invite the girl to
our Ball and provide her with the gift of Jellicle Speech granted. Good luck to you, Mister Mistoffelees! A roar of
applause exploded from the toms in the center and the crowd surrounding them, with the excpetion of Dem and Bomba, who sat
quietly by themselves, their eyes narrow with disagreement. Dem herself shuddered on the inside. She knew what kind of attention
the human would bring, and she dreaded the visit... --------------------- Nefersheba watched eagerly, leaning
into the opening. You've got to be kidding me... She stopped short when she felt her 'seat' jiggle uncomfortably beneath her.
She pulled her head out of the hole and glared down at her brother. Quaxo, what're you doing? I'm sorry! He called,
his legs shaking violently. I'm losing my balance! The vibrations from his shaky legs travelled down the pyramid to
Eeverium's back, on which Quaxo's legs rested. The shaking action caused Eeve to smile and giggle as Quaxo's foot rubbed the
fur along her back. That tickles! She laughed. But alas, her cat like reflex that causes one to react to petting kicked
in, and out popped her claws...right into Danileo's back. ACK!! The tom kitten screeched as he lashed out with his
back leg, kicking Tova's front legs out from under her. Down came the pyramid. Not expecting the whole thing to collapse
under her, Nefersheba tried desperately to latched her claws into the rust, but gravity proved to be more powerful then the
spotted kitten's will to hang on, and down she went. She landed neatly on her feet among the pile of her siblings. She sighed
in relief. I forgot I can do that... What'd ya hear? Danileo asked excitedly, shoving the others off of him.
Yeah, what were they talking about in there? Tova added, shoving Quaxo off her back. Not that lame story of the
pekes and the pollicles and the Rumpus Cat again, I hope? Eeverium leaned over eagerly. Nefersheba looked around cautiously
and crept forward a bit. They were talking about a human. She whispered. Tova scoffed. All that secrecy over a dumb
human? No! Nefersheba exclaimed excitedly. A special that saved our dad's lives a few years ago before
we were born! -----Among the hidden piles of garbage, a pair of green eyes watched the scene.----- Apparently,
this human gave her life to save Munkustrap, Tugger, Alonzo and dad. Sheba continued. Then, Old Deuteronomy brought her back
to life. Now, dad wants to invite her as the guest of honor in the Jellicle Ball tomorrow. He's gonna give her the ability
to understand and talk to us... -----The spying eyes widened upon hearing the story. After a quick survey of
his surroundings, the spy left in a great hurry, his mind bursting with the information.----- A the
Jellicle Ball? Sounds a little creepy to me. Danileo muttered. Hey, according to everyone in there, if it weren't
for that human, our dad wouldn't be here, and neither would your's, Danileo. After a moment of silence, he nodded.
Well, in that case, she sounds pretty deserving to me. I still think it's weird. Tova shuddered. C'mon. Let's get
out of here before we get caught. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The spy slunk along the shadows, through some bushes, and then out on the street. A second cat turned to meet him, a look
of upset on her multi-colored face. There you ah! She hissed agitantly. Oi've been to'kin' to meself for twen'y bloomin'
minutes b'fore Oi realoized you wer'n't 'ere! Whe'r 'ave you been? Sorry, Teazah. Mungojerrie appologized. Oi...thought
I 'eard somethin'...Oi...uh...went to go 'ave a look, that's oll. Rumpleteazer grunted and grabbed the sack of goodies.
Ca'mon then! We got loot wha' needs rummagin' through! Mungojerrie looked away for a moment, then returned his gaze
to his sister. You go on a'ead, ollroight? Aw'll cetch up. Promise. Well, ollroight. But, you be'a not go a roiflin'
wifout me, ya 'ear? Mungojerrie smiled. Now, whoi would I try somethin' craizy loike thaht? Ca'mon, Teazah. You can
trust me. Rumpleteazer sighed and nodded. Foine. But don' be gohn oll noight. See ya in a li'le bit, then.
The two nodded at each other and went their seperate ways. ------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ His
travels took him to a dark, forbidding part of town. Even the humans there lived lower then the cockroaches. Human women loitered
on the street corners, offering their bodies for sale to passers by. Human men took refuge in the allies. Their putred scent
filled the bystreets of the loathsome part of town. He slunk quietly along the shadows, his eyes fixed on the delapitated
building ahead. With a deep breath, he pressed forward, stopping at the door. 3 black creatures with knarled whiskers and
tattered coats met him, moaning and growling in hidious tones that made Mungojerrie want to turn and run from them. Their
eyes were empty black sockets and their stench made the humans smell like roses. The zombie-like creatures wailed loudly,
signalling others above to open the door. As the massive chamber creeked open, Mungojerrie took another look at the despicable,
poor creatures. This is what happens to a cat when he is tortured into revealing his ineffable, effable, effanineff able,
deep and inscrutible singular name. The monster of depravity who now owned their souls thought nothing of them, and found
them as expendable as the parasitic mites that made their homes in the ravished coats of the undead phantoms that were once
cats. He crept through the door of the abandoned building and made his way up the narrow, winding staircase. He stopped
at another door, sounds of sexual ecstasy permeating through the wood. Mungojerrie backed away. Perhaps this wasn't the best
time? He turned to leave, only to leap back in fright as the door suddenly flew open. The Ginger Cat did not look
at him right away, his eyes locked on the abandoned television set that portrayed humans mating. Mungojerrie looked away embarrasingly.
If...this is no' a good toime... Nonesense. The deep, gruff voice answered. It's the perfect time. Mungojerrie
tried to find the words, but it was deeply hard to concentrate with the X-rated images and noises coming from the T.V.
Macavity was indeed Monster of Sexual Depravity. His level of derangment, however, was focused on the mating rituals of
humans. He was curious. He was obsessed. He wanted so bad to do what they do, and for a year, he practiced his unnatural,
sick obsession with Demeter. It was no wonder why she was so deathly afraid of him. With a roll of his head, Macavity
turned the T.V. off, much to Mungojerrie's relief. Every cat knows that the 1st Jellicle Law prohibits a cat from mating with
a human. It was sick and it was wrong. Even the humans were aware of this law. Because of his unnatural interest, among a
few other reasons, Macavity was banned from attending the Jellicle Ball, and banned from the tribe. The maned cat slowly turned
towards his henchman, his crimson eyes narrowed. This had better be good. He hissed. Mungojerrie swallowed
hard before speaking. Oi...Oi 'ave informaition on...on the...the girl... It pained him to say it. Macavity sat up
with extreme interest. Really? Delightful. Do go on. Mungojerrie rubbed his neck nervously. The troibe...they...they'r
invoiting 'er to the Jellicle Boll tommora noight. Macavity's look of interest faded to one of fury. They're...inviting
HER? A human? How is that possible? Well, it's Mistoffelees, ya see...'e's...'e's come up wif this newer--magic trick.
To maike 'er tolk to cats... Macavity got to his feet in shock. A spell to allow her to speak with cats? Impossible.
I can't even do that. You must have heard wrong. Oi know wha' I 'eard... Mungojerrie responded with a touch of aggitation
in his voice. Macavity glared at the unique male calico and was upon him instantly, his dominating stance causing
Mungojerrie to cower back. Macavity brushed his paw against Mungojerrie's face. The calico growled and pulled away in disgust.
This was countered by Macavity's roar as the Ginger Cat lashed out and grabbed Mungojerrie by the chin, forcing him to look
him dead in the eye. Don't forget who you work for, slave. He hissed, wrapping his gloved paws aroud Mungojerrie's
collar. Small electrical bolts shot through the collar and into the calico's neck, causing him to whine in pain. The
terrified tom looked down at the gloved appendages. This was why Macavity was known as the Hidden Paw, for his paws were always
hidden beneath the black leather gloves. His paws were enormous, though no one had ever seen them without their protective
gloves. Mungojerrie looked down intently at the paw that was wrapped around his collar. Such massive paws they were...unusually
massive. What are you staring at? Macavity snarled. Nuthin'... Mungojerrie answered quickly, averting his
eyes. Macavity did not release him, but merely stared into his face, growling. No...he wasn't growling...he waspurring?
Mungojerrie shuddered. Macavity enjoyed causing him such discomfort. Mind your eyes and your tongue, or I will be
forced to remove them, understand? He leaned even closer as he whispered in the trembling tom's ear. You're more expendable
then you think. I killed Plato, my very own brother. Don't think I won't kill you.... He rubbed his pawtips along Mungojerrie's
face. ...After a while, anyway... With that, he shoved Mungojerrie backwards into a wall. Now, you said Mistoffelees
has conjured up a new spell that will make the human able to understand Jellicle speech. interesting. The little
fellow is more powerful then I thought. Wha---wha' do ya wo'nt me ta do? Mungojerrie asked nervously, rubbing the
back of his sore head. I want you to bring me the girlafter she has been placed under the spell, of course. The
girl? ..And then, I want you to bring me Mistoffelees. He will be...useful to me. He ran his tongue over his fangs.
I shall have plenty of fun with both of them first... Mungojerrie scrunched up his face in disgust. Oi keow wha' you
wo'nt ta do wif the girl...but wha' you plan on doin' wif Mistoffelees? Macavity grinned, his eyes narrow with thoughts
only a true abomination like himself would have. Mungojerrie turned away, his paw over his mouth. Yor' sick... He
backed away a few steps. No! No, Oi won't 'elp ya this toime! Yor' goin' too fa wif this! Oi'm no' goin' to 'ell for your
saike! Oi'm tellin' ya, Oi won't do it! Macavity took only a couple steps forwardstill, Mungojerrie backed away several
feet. Macavity stopped and smiled. Let me put it this way...if you don't do what I tell you to, I will take your sister.
Then, I will tie you to a chair and force you to watch as I rape herhuman-style-- then, you will watch as I torture her into
telling me her true name, and watch as she manifests into one of my own soul-less zombies. How's that sound? Is that what
you want? Mungojerrie stood there; shaking uncontrollably at the mere thought of Macavity performing deranged sexual
acts with Rumpleteazer and torturing her unmercifully. The calico's eyes filled with tears as he fell to his knees, eyes wide
with vivid images of what could happen if he disobeyed. Slowly, he brought his shaky, tearful gaze up to Macavity. Ollroight...Oi'm
sorry... He managed to squeak out. Oi'll...Oi'll do it...just, please...down't drag Teazah into this... Macavity grinned
with the satisfaction that he once again successfully manipulated the spy who he allowed to keep his name. Dismissed. He waved
his paw once, and Mungojerrie was gone. -------------------- The calico found himself outside the building once
again, cowering beneath the starlight. Once he realized he was free to go, he ran. He ran from that vile part of town, from
the wretched smelling beasts, and from that deranged, diluted, psychotic abomination of a cat who he abhored with every ounce
of his body and soul. His eyes were closed tightly as he ran, tears streaming behind him like silver ribbons. The thought
of his new level of betrayal made him sick to his stomachbut compared with the thought of what Macavity would to to Rumpleteazer
if he didn't obey was overpowering enough to make him lose his lunch completely. He had to betray Mistoffelees; the girl;
and the tribe. ------------------- Macavity returned to his seat and turned on the T.V. He sat back and watched
intently, his mouth curling to form a smile as he became lost in his own sick fantasies...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ch. 2 Liz Hopplebumper ----------- The Jellicle Ball-- 9:04 a.m. ----- -Beep-beep- -Beep-beep-
-Beep-beep- Her hand slowly reached over to the alarm clock. She brought it down hard on the SNOOZE button. With
a groan, she turned over, her sleepy eyes gazing towards her window, where the morning sunlight rained through the curtains
upon her tired face. Her blonde, frizzy hair hung over one eye. She gently pushed it behind her ear and snuggled deeper into
her pillow. In moments, she was fast asleep again. -Beep-beep- -Beep-beep- -Beep-beep- She jumped up, eyes
wide and grabbed the clock. She brought it up to her face and squinted her eyes. Yup...she was late...again. Bloody
hell! My boss is going to kill me! She shouted as she frantically fell out of bed and dashed into the bathroom. By
the time she was dressed and ready to head out the door, she was a good 30 minutes late. She grabbed her glasses, snatched
her purse and bolted out the door. It had been 3 years since she was found in the park, beaten and unconscious. She
had no memory whatsoever of that night. The only thing the 19-year-old vaguely remembered was seeing some cats. But the memory
was fragile, and after a few weeks, it manifested in her mind as a mere dream...and nothing more. The fact that the four toms
whose lives she saved would often visit her and even walk her to work was irrelevant to her. They were just friendly cats.
She closed the door behind her, locked it and stepped off the stoop. Mreow... She looked down and smiled
warmly at the lovely black and white tom that rubbed his face along one of the brick stairs. He purred and flopped himself
on his back on the bricks, twitching his tail eagerly and clawing into the air. She knelt down and scratched his ears. He
purred louder and pressed his uniquely patterned face into her palm. Hello, handsome! She greeted, repositioning her
hand under his chin. Here to walk me to work, as usual, aren't you? The tom simply lay there on his back, purring
contently, his eyes locked on her face. Of course you are. She laughed, pulling something out from her coat pocket.
The tom sat up eagerly, the scent of meat permeating through the aluminum foil. I have something for you... Mreow!
The tom mewed excitedly, leaping onto the side of the stoop and pulling her arm closer with his claws. Hold on! She
laughed again. Let me just open it... The tom licked his lips eagerly as she revealed the contents of the packet of
foil. Roast beef. She sat it on the brick and watched with glee as the black and white tom relished every drop of the tender
meat. She smiled, scrunching up her nose. Brought it home from work. I knew you'd like it. She rubbed her hand along
his back, his rear end ascending with the stroke. Work! She blurted, realizing how late she was. Oh, I'm in so much trouble!
Hurry up, Alonzo! We need to go! She stopped short, nearly tumbling down the stairs. She slowly brought her gaze to
the tomcat. Alonzo? She questioned. She knelt down and looked him over. He had no collar. She knew he was a stray.
Why'd she call him Alonzo just now? She looked down at his face, which looked up at her with quiet curiosity. Is...that your
name? She managed to cough out. The tom pressed his ears forward slowly. How did she know his name? Could it be...from
Old Deuteronomy's memories? She did have one of his lives, after all... Mreow! Mreoowww.... The cat answered, flicking
his ears. She rose slowly, her brows furrowed. Okay then... She chuckled and rubbed her head. I think I've been working
too hard... She flinched at the mention of work. How late was she now? With a grunt, she took off at a dead run---the
black and white tom known as Alonzo loping right after her. ---------------- She slid to a stop in front of the
restaurant door. She peered around, and peeked inside. As luck would have it, no one had showed up yet; the restaurant was
still closed. With a sigh of relief, she turned to Alonzo and rubbed his head. I got lucky today! I'm the first one
here! Isn't that great? The tom looked up at her, panting. All that running for nothing?--he seemed to say. She giggled
and scooped the cat up. She kissed his nose and set him back down. The tom sighed and roughly slammed his hind-end against
the pavement as he proceeded to lick all his fur back into place. Liz giggled again and unlocked the restaurant door.
I'll see you tomorrow...Alonzo. The tom picked up his head and looked at her again at the mention of his name.
She smiled and shook her head once more. A stray cat named Alonzo...the thought made her laugh on the inside. She slowly disappeared
behind the door. Alonzo stayed for a moment, looking down at the pavement. After three years, was it possible that her gift
of feline life was actually kicking in? Only one way to find out. Talk to Old Deuteronomy himself. At this early hour, Alonzo
knew that Deuteronomy would not be found in the alley. The two-toned tom got up and trotted down the street towards the Bagel
District of their small London home. ------------------------ Liz sat her purse behind the cashier's desk
and proceeded to turn on all the lights. She jumped when she heard a loud crash coming from the kitchen. Cautiously, she opened
the door and peered inside. She gasped and flung the door open upon seeing the mess inside. Cabinets were knocked over with
silverware and platters spewed across the floor. The refrigerator was open; inside, jams and such dripped along the sides
while and an overturned bottle of milk spilled onto the floor. What on earth... Her question went unfinished when
she heard a shuffling noise. The intruder was still in the kitchen. Quietly, Liz grabbed a broom and pressed forward,
gripping the stick tightly in her hands. The rustling became louder as she rounded the corner towards the back of the kitchen,
where a small window at the bottom of the wall stayed cranked open. The screen that was there, used for keeping things out,
was torn off and hung to the side from one screw. She gasped at the sight of it. She whipped around quickly as she heard a
noise coming from her right, beneath an overturned cabinet. Slowly, she opened one of the doors and cocked the broom back,
ready to strike... She squealed and leapt back at the twin faces inside the cabinet. After realizing they were just
a couple of pussycats, she laughed and put the broom down. She knelt near them, though they coward from her and hid their
faces. It's okay. You don't have to be afraid of me. She cooed softly. Slowly, both calico cats faced her,
their eyes full of worry. Beneath them were a couple of sacks. She gently reached in and pulled out the tiny bags; the cats
flinched, but stayed put. She opened the sacks and took a peek inside. Canned goods, silverware and sugar packets occupied
the bags. Liz laughed again and returned the bag to the cats. You're nothing but a couple of little riflers, aren't
you? Here, hold on... She got up and disappeared for a moment, then returned with something in her hand. The cats
flinched again, but quickly perked up upon realizing the tasty gift the girl offered them. Sausage! Smoked, 100% beef sausages4
of them. The cats exchanged confused glances. It's alright. She encouraged. Take them. They're good, see? She took
a bite of one and extended her hand again. Mmm...delicious! Go on, take them. Slowly, the female cat reached out and
gently took the prize in her jaws. The girl smiled. There you go. That'll be much tastier then those cans of applesauce.
She stopped and whirled around upon hearing the bell chime on the front door. Hello? Anyone here yet? The voice called.
Liz flinched. The voice belonged to her boss. She quickly faced the cats again. You two better get out of here,
or all of us are in deep trouble! She ran to the window and pushed it open the rest of the way. The queen calico wasted
no time in grabbing her sack and heading out the window. The other cat, however, lingered, eyeing Liz closely. C'mon,
big guy. You too. Liz encouraged. The tomcat merely stared at her. It wasn't one of admiration or was
a sad, apologetic stare. Liz smirked and shrugged. It's okay. I'll take the wrap for this mess. You just be on your
way, alright? The calico slowly picked up his own bag of goodies in his jaws, keeping his sorrowful gaze upon her.
He crept out the window, and looked back at her, guilt and sadness in his face. Why was this poor little cat so sad? She hadn't
any time to think it over, as her boss burst into the kitchen, fuming. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED TO MY KITCHEN!
He roared, pulling his hair out. She whipped around to face him and smiled bashfully. Oh...hi Andrew! I...uh....there
was this...huge rat! And uh...I chased it...with uh...with my broom! Got the little blighter, too. Threw him out in the alley.
Don't worry, though. I'll clean this mess up ASAP! For the sake of your job, it had BETTER be cleaned up! Rats in
my building...what do I feed that cat for, anyway? He ranted to himself as he exited the messy kitchen. Liz merely
rolled her eyes and began the long, tedious cleaning process. She looked out the bottom window, and smiled at the face pressed
against it. -------- The male calico stayed behind and watched the whole scene. He rubbed his face with his
paw and sighed heavily. He hated having to go through with this... OI! Rumpleteazer's call brought him back to reality.
Wha' ya waitin' for? Ca'mon! With another sigh, Mungojerrie turned and joined his sister, his mind heavy with guilt.
---------------------------------------- Alonzo hopped up the stairs to the massive church. He stopped short before
entering, remembering the small bronze scroll attached near the top of the door. He leapt up and dug his claws into the wood
of the building. He lifted one paw, brought it to his lips, then pressed that paw against the bronzed scroll. Task completed,
he entered the Synagogue. He crept along the rows of seats, heading for the back of the building. There, he spotted Old Deuteronomy
resting against the historical old scroll which held the Laws. The old feline was always looking at that scroll, written in
ancient letters only his owner could decipher. Alonzo approached the elderly cat cautiously. Deuteronomy turned slowly and
grinned. The two cats respectfully reached out for one another and touched paws. Alonzo...what brings you here to
Temple? It's the girl. Alonzo whispered. She knows my name. Deuteronomy lowered his eyes to the ground. She
does? He smiled an returned his gaze to Alonzo. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. What does it mean, great
one? I does she know? Her mind is adapting to memories. Jellicle memories. Ah, I
see...this is good. She will not be so stressed when Mistoffelees opens her ears to our language and invites her to the Ball.
Alonzo concluded with a nod. Correct. Deuteronomy bowed. I shall see you at the Ball, my son. Oh, and when you see
Mistoffelees...tell him I said to bring Quaxo with him when he meets the girl. Quaxo? Umm...okay.Alonzo bowed and
walked towards the door. See you tonight, my father. Before exiting, Alonzo leapt up the side of the door and performed
the same practice he did before entering the sacred building. Satisfied, he slid down gently, loped down the steps and took
off up the alley. ----------------------------------- Jellicle Ball-- 2:07 p.m. ----------- She
wiped her face with a napkin and tossed it in the paper bag which contained the remains of her lunch. She glanced at her watch.
She had a good 15 minutes left of her lunch hour, so she pulled out her new T.S. Eliot book and began reading. No more then
5 minutes later, something big pounced on her lap, causing her to jump and the book to nearly go flying into the air. Frustrated,
she looked down at her lap. The maned tom purred contently, pleased that he'd given her such a scare. She glared at him, then
scoffed and continued reading. The tom sat there for a moment, then began digging his claws into her thigh, purring louder.
She flinched and gripped the book so tightly, her knuckles turned white. But she did not look at him. Mreowreow...
The tom gurgled loudly. She peeked out from the top of the book, a sneer on her face. I'm not going to pet you, because
as soon as I try, you'll just walk away. That said, she returned to her reading. The tom looked up at her for a moment,
his amber-colored eyes partly closed. He was certainly a beautiful cat. Liz could tell he had some sort of wild variety in
him, such as a lynx, ocicat or bengal. Whatever breed or species he was, he was certainly breath-taking, and not even she
could help but look at him. She gasped as he thrust himself between her face and the book. He then threw himself backwards,
knocking the book out of her hands completely. Rolling on his back in her lap for a few seconds, he quickly got up and stretched,
shoving his bottom right in her face. Oh, for goodness sakes! She hissed, placing her hands at the base of his tail
and shoving his rear out of her face. You are a rude little beast, you know that? I suppose that's to be expected...I mean,
just look at that jewel-encrusted collar. Spoiled little rich cat, that's what you are. The tom did not take the insults
seriously. He just lay in her lap, purring. If you didn't know any better, one would swear he was smirkinga smirk of arrogance.
It was as if he were saying, Yes, I'm spoiled and rude...but you still can't resist me. It was true. With her own
sly grin, she wrapped her arms around him, pulled him on his back against her chest, and proceeded kissing his head and rubbing
his coat vigorously. His purring ceased and was taken over by agitated growling. He twitched his tail irritably as she giggled
while rubbing his belly. As his growls increased, so did her aggressive display affection. Reowrrrrr... He snarled.
You know you love it, so just lie back and take it! She laughed, grabbing his furry face and kissing his nose. Just
as quickly as she started the love-fest, she stopped and placed the now disheveled tom on the ground. He hissed and huffed
as he proceeded to lick his fur back into place. She merely chuckled as she gathered her lunch bag and her book. She leaned
against the restaurant's back door, eyeing the tom. He glared at her when he noticed she grabbed something from inside. It
was a piece of meat and a saucer of cream. She set it on a trashcan. The tom sniffed and sneered. It's not for you,
anyway. She snapped. This chicken wing that fell on the floor and this saucer of cream that I wiped up from the kitchen is
for the boss's tabby cat. Not you. So don't touch it. That said, she disappeared behind the door. The tom wasted no
time in leaping up on the trashcan, wolfing down the meat and slurping up the cream. He stopped when he noticed her again,
leaning against the door, smiling. With a sneezeas though the food had more to be desired-- he turned and walked away, his
tail low and level with his back. Liz laughed and rolled her eyes. What a curious cat... ------- Tugger
crept around a corner and peeked out at Liz as she was closing the door. With a sneaky smile and a sigh, he carried his tail
perpendicular and continued down the alley. -------------------------------------- Bombalurina ran her tongue along
the length of her forearm, stopping every now and then to rub the back of her ears with her paw. Dem sat a few feet away,
staring into oblivion. She was unkept, unlike her sister. She didn't care about her appearance. All she cared about was staying
away from Macavity. Her green eyes narrowed. I can't believe they're bringing that human here. She managed to hiss. I
know. Bombalurina agreed. The nerve...a human at the Jellicle Ball is unnatural. That's not what I'm worried about...
Dem coward into a corner, her eyes nervously darting. Bomba ceased her grooming at stared at her sister curiously.
What is it then? What do you fear of her? Bombalurina thought for a moment, then lifted her head. Does this have something
to do with... Macavity? She whispered his name. Dem flinched at the name, then nodded. Bomba got up and sauntered
to her sister. Why won't you tell me what happened? What did he do to you? Demeta, please... The red spotted queen
pressed. Dem turned away. I...can not. I will never speak of it. But you must believe me when I say that bringing
this human to our alley will draw his attention. But why, Dem? Bomba insisted again. Demeter turned away.
She just couldn't bring herself to recall certain memories of being with Macavity. To remember them would be a sign of yearning,
and the last thing she wanted was a repeat of that torturous year as Macavity's prisoner. Feeling her sister's nervous and
apprehensive behavior, Bombalurina scooted closer and held the trembling gold and black queen in her arms. It's alright.
Bomba cooed. We'll think of something. There must be a way to make the human leave early, before the Jellicle Choice is made...we'll
make sure Macavity isn't lured here. How are we going to make the human leave early? Dem muttered, her face buried
in her sister's fur. Well...we'll need a lackey... Dem looked up at her sister. They both grinned. They sat
forward and scanned the junkyard from their perch atop an old rocking chair that occupied a tower of trash. From their vantage
point, they noticed the kittens. A chocolate and cream spotted kitten, to be exact. Dem chuckled sneakily. A lackey,
huh? Oh yeah... Bomba joined in with her own little giggle. And they both leaned forward eagerly, eyeing the
kit intently. If anyone could help them break a rule, it was Tova. ------------------------------------- Jellicle
Ball-- 5:47 p.m. ---------- Liz, I have a date tonight, so I'm leaving early. Would you feed the boss's old cat
for me? One of the waitresses called to the kitchen. You seem to like those smelly, flea-ridden beasts anyway. No
problem, Penny. You go on, I'll lock up. Liz called from in front of the sink. She heard the front door close as her
peer headed out without another word. She turned off the scalding hot water and pulled off the rubber gloves. She entered
the fridge and pulled out a tin can which had the word CAT written across it. She opened the can and sniffed. With a gag,
she tossed the horrendous and offensive thing in the trash. She scanned the ice box for something more palatable. She noticed
a Tupperware with her boss's name written across it. Inside was a delicious slice of pot roast with all the fixings. She looked
around cautiously, then dumped it all on the floor. Whoops! Dear me, I can't let my boss eat that. With a grin, she
scooped it all up and headed outside the back door. Here kitty, kitty. C'mon. Pussy, pussy, pussy...dinner time! C'mon! She
called gently. A cat appeared from behind a pile of trash. Liz couldn't help but smile at him. The boss never gave
him a name, and he was known as just 'cat'. He was gorgeous; silver from head to toe with black stripes and a few spots scattered
across his head. Liz could tell immediately that this cat was an Egyptian Mau. The silver tom looked up at her with
quiet respect in his yellow eyes. She knelt down gently. Hello, beautiful boy. Are you hungry? The tom purred
and rubbed his head against the side of the trashcan. Liz inched closer, holding out her hand. What a good boy you
are. So handsome, too. She scooted even closer. The purring continued as the tom became so elated, he rolled on his
back. Liz moved closer still. That's a good tomcat. Yes...are you going to let me pet you today? She reached out as
far as her arm would stretch. The tom, realizing her intent, got up cautiously. He sniffed her fingertip, then slowly
backed away, just out of reach. Liz smiled and sighed. Oh well. I got close this time, at least. She sounded slightly
disappointed. This silver tom was the only cat who did not seem to like being touched at all. She placed the Tupperware
dish on the ground and straightened herself up. Perhaps if you had a name, you wouldn't be so standoffish. Suddenly, just
as it happened with Alonzo the stray, a name popped into her head upon completion of her sentence. Munkustrap... She whispered.
The cat snapped his head up at the sound of his name---his name, which no human had ever spoke. He took a step towards
her, cocking his head curiously. She took a step back, gripping her skull. Bloody happened again. She whispered
to herself. She looked back down at Munkustrap, who was surprisingly rubbing across her legs. Her eyes widened. What was going
on here? She backed away slowly, keeping an eye on Munkustrap. I...I don't understand. Munk merely looked up at her
with soft eyes. There's nothing to be afraid ofhe seemed to say. Liz calmed down, though she wasn't sure why. But something
told her to be reasonable about the whole situation. Freaking out wouldn't help in the least. She knelt down again slowly
and held out her hand. The tom, a look on his face that one could pass for a smile, stepped forward boldly and rubbed against
her hand. She smiled. Munkustrap. She repeated. That's a strange name...I don't think that name has ever belonged
to more then one cat. Pleased, Munkustrap approached the dish of food and scarfed it down heartily. As Liz walked
back over to the door, Munkustrap gazed up at her one last time. I'll see you tonight, said the look in his lemon eyes. With
an unsure groan, Liz stumbled into the restaurant to gather her things and leave before anymore weirdness occurred. --------------
Quaxo followed cautiously behind his father. I don't see why I had to come. He whined, jumping at the sound of a distant
barking pollicle. Because Deuteronomy wanted you to. I was chosen to perform the miracle of a lifetime, Quaxo. Don't
you want to see me pull it off? Mistoffelees asked excitedly. You might learn something too. You have the same gift as me.
Don't you want to use it someday? I...guess... Quaxo sighed, looking down at his mystical paws. Of all of Mistoffelees'
children, he was the only one born with the Gift...and he feared it. He feared humans as well. The combination of the two
for this trip was almost too much for the young kit to bear. They stopped when they reached the restaurant. Misto
turned to his son. Hide by that bush, okay? She knows me, so when she's done greeting me, I'll give you the signal to come
out. Humans love kittens. I don't have to let her pet me, do I? Quaxo! Misto scolded. I was just asking....
They perked up their ears upon hearing the door open. Mistoffelees wasted no time in leaping onto the restaurant's stoop
and purring loudly. Liz jumped a little, then smiled with uncertainty.'s only are you, little fella?
She greeted, rubbing her hand across Misto's white underbelly. He also had white hind legs, and one white front leg. His long
tail had a bright white tip. He purred even louder as she stroked under his chin. He grabbed her hand with his paws and rubbed
his face along it affectionately, stopping every now and then to give her a lick. Quaxo, sitting behind the bush,
gagged and shuddered. Mistoffelees perked up his ears and flipped himself over. He mewed at the bush. With a reluctant sigh,
Quaxo revealed himself, leaping on the stoop and resting beside his father. Liz giggled. Aww...what a little cutie!
Is he your little brother? She asked, seeing that Mistoffelees looked younger then he really was. At the age of 3 years, he
appeared to be an 8 month old kitten himself. He merely rolled his eyes and nudged the kitten forward. Liz reached
out gently and rubbed her finger along his head, between his ears. Quaxo let out a quiet purr. He looked over at Misto, who
nodded approvingly. Liz smiled cheerfully and rubbed the kittens' chin. He was a very cute little guy. He was the same color
as Mistoffeleesonly opposite. His coat was all white with the exception of a black underbelly, a black face and 3 black legs.
He had a black tip at the end of his long white tail. Liz sighed and turned to lock the restaurant door. I tell you,
boys. The strangest thing has been happening to me today...I think it has something to do with you cats. But...I suppose that's
just silly, isn't it? I think I work too hard... Meow...mreow....puuurrrrrrr.... Misto assured her, rubbing his head
along the stone stoop. Not wanting to be left out of the 'conversation', Quaxo contributed with his own little Mew.
Liz laughed and turned to them. You're right. There's nothing for me to worry about. Walking me home, are we? She
abruptly changed the subject. Let's go then. The two cats hopped down from their perch and eagerly followed her down
the road. -------- 3 blocks down, and they were at the entrance of the alleyway that led to the junkyard.
Mistoffelees turned to Quaxo and nudged his shoulder. Quaxo nodded and ran in front of Liz, mewing eagerly. What is
it, little fella? She bent over to ask. Quaxo eyed the keys dangling from her coat pocket. Skillfully, he jumped up and grabbed
them in his mouth. Hey! What the... The kitten wasted no time is bolting down the alley. Liz looked down
at Mistoffelees, who seemed to shrug. With a groan, she followed the kitten down the dark alley. Misto grinned and followed
after her. She ran down the virtually pitch-black alley, following the glowing white fur of the kitten who stole her
keys. She continued running for a while before sliding to a stop. There was a brick wall there with a massive pipe at the
bottom. Where it led, she didn't know. All she knew was she saw the kitten launch into the pipe and disappear into the darkness.
She sighed and stomped her foot. I don't believe this! How am I supposed to get into my flat without my k... She stopped
when she noticed something glowing from behind her. She turned slowly and gasped at the sight of Mistoffelees. He
was no longer a 50/50 combination of black and white. Now, he was almost completely black, save for his face and a little
bit of his chest. His midnight colored coat sparkled like a thousand stars. Liz gasped and took a step back, Quaxo's curious
gaze from the mouth of the pipe going unnoticed by her. Mistoffelees twisted and twirled his glowing paws. He leapt at Liz
and landed on a trashcan. He was now face to face with her. Oh, Everlasting Cat of power and might. Towards your
greatness, I will reach Grant this human with Jellicle Sight Along with the gift of Jellicle Speech! He blew
some gold dust in her face and waved his paws around her head. In a flash of blinding light, the show was over. Liz tumbled
backwards into a trashcan. Everything went dark again. She opened her eyes slowly and lost her breath at the the sight of
him. She was no longer standing face to face with a pussycat---but rather with a young man who appeared to be dressed
as a cat. She backed up into the wall, her eyes locked on him. He gave a smirk. Hello. He greeted in a friendly manner.
She eyed him shakily. Her primeval human mind wanted to scream in frustration and confusion. But, a divine spirit in the
back of her mind told her to remain calm. Something told her, everything was going to be okay. Her muscles relaxed and her
breathing returned to normal. For some reason, the situation seemed...normal. Hi. She finally managed to squeak out.
He grinned eagerly. My name is Mistoffelees. What's your's? Liz looked to the ground, then back up at the curious
face of the boy-cat. Liz. I'm Liz Hopplebumper. Mistoffelees smiled excitedly. With a wink of his eye, he gave Quaxo
the all clear to inform the tribe. Then, he extended his hand. Liz...myself and the rest of the tribe would like to
extend an invitation for you to join us in the celebration of our annual Jellicle Ball. Would you please accept? Liz
sat there in silence. For some reason, she knew what the Jellicle Ball was. She knew what Jellicle cats were; and Jellicle
speech, and even the oddity of Jellicle sight. She didn't know why she knew, but she did. The reason for their hospitality
was still a mystery to her, but she would worry about that later. It would be an insult to refuse, she concluded. Plus, she
was dying of curiosity; what did she do to deserve this honor? She just had to find out. Shakily, she reached out and wrapped
her fingers around his hand. Thank you. I...I accept. She stuttered with uncertainty. Mistoffelees was ecstatic.
Wonderful! I'll escort you! He shouted, yanking Liz to her feet. Right this way. He extended his other hand out to the tunnel.
Ladies' first. Liz looked down at the dark tunnel, then back at Misto, who smiled excitedly. With her own unsure grin,
she stepped inside. And, with his own big sigh of accomplishment, Mistoffelees dove in after her, eager to see her
reaction to the rest of the tribe...and their reaction to her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ch. 3 A Different Jellicle Life --------- Tova stared at her reflection in the bumper of the abandoned
car. She had grown into a lovely queen; graceful and fluid, like her mother. The chocolate Siamese queen had moved some months
ago with her humans across the country, and all that remained of her was her 2 children. Tova was deep mahogany brown with
cream splashes scattered randomly across her coat. She received the mottled coloring from her father's side, though she neither
looked nor acted anything like Mistoffelees, who lost his innocence to her glamorous brown mother just 1 and a half years
ago. Tova's half brother, Danileo, was fathered by the Rum Tum Tugger, though the chocolate and cream queen kitten constantly
reminded him that despite his lineage, the young tom was certainly no Rum Tum Tugger. She would watch for the strutting tomcat
to enter the junkyard. She would watch him intently from where ever she was hiding, but never would she bring herself to squeal
at his feet. No, Tova PrimaDonna was classier th en that. She would tease him, and he would fall at her feet, for it was
a well-known fact that the Rum Tum Tugger was a curious cat who always wanted what he couldn't have. But, Tova hoped that
he would have her on this night; her Coming Year. No, she would not have anotherit HAD to be Tugger, no matter what. And the
rest of the tribe knew this...including Bombalurina, with whom Tova had struck a keen rivalry. The red leopard-spotted
queen slunk through the shadows, approaching the oldest kitten with quiet stealth. Tova flicked as ear at the sound of a piece
of paper crumpling. She turned slightly and narrowed her eyes. Bombalurina... She growled maliciously. What do you
want? Bomba smiled and stood up straight. She was tall and curvy, her own voluptuous shape outshining Tova's adolescent
form. I only want to wish you luck. It's your year, Tova. After tonight, you will be an adult queen, like me.
It will be many Jellicle moons before I'm as old as you. Tova scoffed, turning away. Bomba growled in her throat,
but pressed forward. It's a shame no one will remember this as your Coming Year. They will be too distracted for that.
Tova flicked a curious ear. What do you mean they won't remember? Bombalurina smirked and stepped even closer.
Everyone is more interested in our special guest of honor...that human. They'll all be far too busy remenicing about a human
at the Jellicle Ball to worry about you. Tova pinned her ears against her skull. That's...not true... It makes
me wonder if Tugger will be too interested in her to participate in The Dance this year... Tova's eyes widened and
she snapped her head up to the leggy, crimson queen. He wouldn't! ...Would he?, I don't believe that... Suit
yourself. Bomba shrugged as she walked passed the worried kitten. But if I were you, I'd do something about that human...before
she steals your spotlight all together... She ended without another word, leaving Tova with the thought of the human
ruining her year... ------------------------------------- Liz crawled through the pipe, which seemed to go
on longer then she would have guessed. She stopped short when Quaxo stopped in front of her. She looked over her shoulder
to see that Mistoffelees had stopped as well. He had his eyes semi-closed as he sniffed the air. His eyes opened slowly, a
smile on his face. Old Deuteronomy? He looked to his son, who also had a grin on his usually nervous face. I
believe it is Old Deuteronomy... Quaxo practically sung. Your Leader? Liz questioned, though she was unsure why she
would have guessed that. Yes! Oh, I can't wait until he sees you! I must go retrieve him. Excuse me, please... Mistoffelees
pushed his way beneath Liz and wriggled past her, despite her disapproving mutters. He then proceeded to crawl over his son
before bolting away and disappearing into the darkness of the Pipe. This left Liz face to face with Quaxo. He had
the face of a young boy no more then 11 years old. His eyes were strange, the pupils to be exact. They were shaped
the silhouettes of dancers. She smiled a little, despite the fear and mistrust in his face. He stared at her intently
before speaking. What happened 3 years ago? Beg pardon? She asked, confused. 3 years ago...when you saved
my dad. What happened? Oh...well, Quaxo, to tell you the truth, I don't remember. I can't recall a thing about that
night. Hmm... Quaxo grunted before turning around and continuing to crawl down the pipe. Liz followed, but
silence wasn't something she wasn't prepared to tolerate at that moment. I'm sorry, by the way. She said quietly.
Thinking Mistoffelees was your brother...I didn't know he was actually your dad. He looks so young. It's okay. Quaxo
answered quickly. So...can you do magic tricks too? Like your father? Liz inquired innocently. Quaxo stopped
suddenly and whipped around to face her. He seemed agitated. We are NOT 2-bit magicians. And we're NOT doing tricks.
They're miracles, and the Everlasting Cat allows us to use them when we need to. Liz stared cautiously at the kitten,
unknowing of what to say. I...I didn't mean to insult you... Forget it. Quaxo turned away. And to answer your question,
yes, I can perform miracles like my dad. I just...I can't quite control my powers like he can, that's all. But someday, I
will. And he'll be so proud of me... What's your strong point? Quaxo stopped and looked at the girl curiously.
Strong point? Hmm...I guess it's levitation, disappearing and reappearing. How do you mean? Well... Quaxo
turned to face her again. He grabbed a crumpled up candy bar wrapper and a small pebble. Watch this... He placed the wrapper
over the pebble and waved his paw over it. Both objects lifted off the ground, as though there were a magnet in the kittens'
paws. Suddenly, he stopped and pulled the wrapper away. The pebble was gone. Liz watched eagerly as he placed the wrapper
several inches away from where it had been originally. Again, he waved his paws over it, and removed it. Presto! There was
the pebble, safe and whole in an entirely new place. That's amazing! Liz exclaimed. How did you do that? The
mystical divinity of unashamed felinity. He answered simply. Seeing that Liz had no clue what he was talking about, he laughed.
It's a cat thing. You wouldn't understand. Have you ever done anything like that while your father was around? I'm
sure he'd be very impressed. No. Quaxo sighed. I get too nervous when he's around, and I mess up. I don't
understand why. You're a very talented little fellow. You should give it a try. You...really think I should? Why,
of course you should! In fact, why don't you try it with me? You? Yes! I'll be your lovely assistant. You
can levitate me out of the pipe, then make me disappear and reappear right next to Old Deuteronomy when he comes. You'll impress
not only your father, but the whole tribe! You think so?! Quaxo fidgeted eagerly in the pipe at the thought of impressing
Old Deuteronomy. Of course! You can do it, Quaxo! I believe you can. His face bright and full of confidence,
Quaxo nodded with great certainty. Alright...alright! I can do it! I will do it! We'll do it! ----------------------------------------
Mungojerrie sat rigidly against the record stack, his intense gaze never once leaving the opening of the Pipe. Quaxo had
come through a short while ago announcing the girls' arrival, and Mistoffelees dashed out moments later. He fidgeted nervously,
wondering what was taking so long for her to come out. Were they waiting for Old Deuteronomy to show up first? The anticipation
was almost unbearable. He rubbed his head, closing his eyes. He had listened in on Demeter and Bombalurina earlier, and was
well aware of their plan to send the human away during the Ball. He decided he would watch them and see where their plan went.
If they were to succeed, luring her to Macavity's Lair would be easy. So easy. He cringed at the thought and covered
his face. Oh, how he wished something would happen between now and then that would force him to abandon the mission. He hated
having to do it. And what about Mistoffelees? How would he get the original conjuring cat to follow him to Macavity? He sighed
heavily and slammed his head against the stack of records, causing the top ones to topple over and rain down on him. He didn't
feel it. It couldn't have hurt nearly as much as the pain in his heart. A dark memory stalked in the back of his mind; the
memory of the first time he ever saw the Monster of Depravity. That first horrific, deplorable, despicable meeting. It sickened
him. His breaths became short and sparratic as he tried to force the memory back into the shadows of his mind. He didn't want
to remember... Oi, Jerrie! Rumpleteazer pulled on his ear. Ya ollroight? Mungojerrie jumped at her presence.
He sighed and nodded. Yeah...yeah, Oi'm good... Ah you shore? She leaned over and looked closely at his face. Ya down't
look too good...ya look...Oi dunnow...afraid. Hitting the nail on the head, Teazer leaned even closer. Wha'ah you afraid of?
Who says Oi'm afraid? Jerrie, ca' can tell me...wha's a matta? Is it kneow...the girl? She
pressed. Oi'm not afraid of anaything! Mungojerrie snapped. Would you just drohp it olrea'y? Rumpleteazer
shrunk back, dropping her ears with depression. Knowing he'd hurt her feelings, he inched closer to her and touched her arm
with his paws. Oi'm sorry, Teazah. Maybe oi am a li'l afraid. Teazer nodded bashfully, keeping her eyes on
the ground as she slid back and got up. Mungojerrie grabbed her tail. Gow ohn...gow sit wif Tohvah and the othas,
ollroight? He insisted. He would need to know what Tova was planning, after all. Rumpleteazer nodded with a forced
smile. As she passed her brother, she turned to face him. Down't be afraid of 'er, Jerrie. She's really noice. She
smiled before bounding away to join the kittens. Mungojerrie sighed and leaned back once again. Yeh...Oi kneow she's
noice... And that's what's making it so hard, he thought to himself sorrowfully. ------------- His presence was
felt immediately by every cat in the junkyard. They all stood up and ran towards the chainlink fence. Elated, they offered
their paws in respect to the oldest inhabitant in the feline world. Old Deuteronomy nodded and smiled warmly at his tribe.
He referred to all of them as his children, though in actuality, only most of them were. Mistoffelees, his grandson, followed
behind him respectfully. Munkustrap, his first born son and guardian, took him from Misto's care and escorted him towards
the massive tire that acted as the rabbinical cats' throne. Before stepping up to it, the ancient cat stopped, his eyes locked
on his second born son, Rum Tum Tugger; heir to the Jellicle throne. The maned tom eyed his father for a moment before bowing
respectfully. Deuteronomy mirrored the gesture and took his seat. Mistoffelees slipped off to the Pipe and peeked
in, only to back out immediately as Quaxo exited. The kitten stopped, eyes wide, as he stood face to face with his father.
What's going on, Quaxo? Why's Liz still in the pipe? Old Deuteronomy is eager to meet her. Before Quaxo could
say a word, Liz's voice echoed from within the darkness of the pipe. Keep them busy! We're doing something special.
Trust us! Quaxo grinned stupidly and nodded. Yeah...what she said. Well...alright then. I trust you. With
that, Mistoffelees nodded and ran back to Munkustrap and Old Deuteronomy. He whispered something to them, and they approved
of the delay, apparent by their understanding nods. What's the hold up? Danileo called from among the group of kittens.
I want to meet the human! Where is she? Yeah! Eeverium voiced out. Why isn't she here yet? I think the better
question is...why is she coming here in the first place? Tova wailed, her thin eyebrows furrowed. That's a great question,
Tova. Mistoffelees praised his first-born daughter. Munkustrap, why don't you tell the kittens why Liz is here? He turned
to Munkustrap. ---------- She's here? Sariomi whispered in Tova's ear. Where? In the pipe! Nefersheba pointed
out. Look at Quaxo! The group looked over at him as he waved a red cape around the entrance of the tunnel. Wha's
'e doin'? Rumpleteazer question, cocking her head. It looks like...he's preparing to perform an act... Danileo muttered,
squinting his eyes. With the human? Tova scratched her head. Huh...I wonder what kind... ----------- Their
chatter ceased immediately as Munkustrap raised his paws to the sky, his golden eyes glowing with the amazing tale he was
head slightly at the sound of her name. She was under the cape now, but the joy of being free from that constrictive pipe
was interrupted by Munkustrap's introduction. --------- On this very same night, just 3 years ago A grand event
happened beneath the moons' glow A story of heroism and a story of woe It could have been over with a roll of the
dice With a sharp, painful ending (which would not be so nice) That all leads up to a great sacrifice! It was...
Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz! Liz! A hero to Jellicles, she certainly is! Now, on the occasion of
which I shall speak The Jellicle Ball was nearing its peak When Macavity dashed in and out like a streak! Then
suddenly a light; blinding white; was engaged Men stinking of whiskey and wild with rage Came into the junkyard, armed
with a cage! And my brothers and I; held captive at bay Were carried out to the street and taken away Beneath
a bright streetlamp, their cackling fray Was quickly forgotten as our terror made way...for the-- Rocks! Rocks!
Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Smashing us in the head and against our sore hocks came the-- Rocks!
Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Rocks! Smashing us in the head and against our sore hocks! Now our
punishment from the flying stones had all ceased But nothing prepared us for the Pollicle beasts! The Terrier and
Mastiff made such an uproar And even grabbed hold of Tugger's cage door! I couldn't take this torture any more!
With a desperate growl, I unsheathed all my claws And bit that old Mastiff with my very own jaws! He squealed
and he shook me with all of his might! And then he and the Terrier started to fight! And though the situation was
unaccountably vile The four of us could not help but to smile But the celebration didn't last very long for my
pride As the 4 drunken men came into the light... --------- Quaxo began muttering to himself as he waved
his paws over the levitating human beneath the curtain. Liz listened in intently on Munkustrap's story, her mind racing...What
is this? What's going on?... She cupped her hand over her mouth. Why does this sound so familiar? --------- And
the inebriated louts held no longer aloof So with no prying eyes from the windows or roofs They revealed the black tube
known as the-- Gun! Gun! Gun! Gun! Gun! Gun! Gun! Gun! And here, I'm imprisoned with nowhere to run! ---------
The kittens began whispering among themselves, stunned by the hair-raising tale. They quickly quieted as Munkustrap shouted
an ear-shattering NO! -------- When these 4 cruel men together assembled My hearts' beating stopped And
my insides all trembled And deep down inside, I was so much afraid That I closed my eyes and frantically prayed
And around the small trigger did his finger curl Then BANG!!...I'm still alive...thanks to Liz; THAT BRAVE HUMAN GIRL
------- Liz gasped, her eyes bulging. Me? I was...there? Quaxo held his eyes closed tightly, trying desperately
to keep control of his powers, which seemed to be getting more out of control as Munkustrap's story went on. --------
Her eyes were like fire balls; angrily blazing She held her arms out, her stare was amazing... She freed us
from the cages by ripping open the wire You never saw anyone with such spirit and fire And what with the glare
of her eyes and her cunning 3 of the men grabbed the dogs and went running But the leader of them stayed to beat
and abuse her And we watched as he smacked her and battered and bruised her... ---------- Liz' held her
hands over her mouth as though she were trying to choke back the sickness threatening to come up. Oh, Lord...I remember! I
remember! Scenes of the brutal beating played through her mind as though it had just happened yesterday. ----------
..And when Old Deuteronomy arrived, she was dead So he gave her one of his own lives instead! ---------
Quaxo's paws glowed brightly, sweat beading on his brow. C'mon...c'mon... He whined, trying desperately to encourage his
powers. It was beginning to hurt badly, when suddenly, it worked! Liz disappeared and the cape fluttered to the floor.
He quickly snatched it and started forward. He tumbled a little and rested on one knee. He wasn't sure why, but that act took
a lot out of him. Why did he feel so weak? He hadn't much time to think about it. Mistoffelees was watching him. Quickly,
he got up and ran to Old Deuteronomy's side. He smiled and bowed before flapping the cape open and spreading it on the floor
at his feet. He waved his paws, and instantly, a bulge appeared beneath the cape. Quaxo grinned and grabbed a hold of the
top. He looked over at his father and smiled. Mistoffelees, too, smirked and held his paws up, cheering for his son. Munkustrap,
now standing near Quaxo on the tire with Deuteronomy, picked up his ears and eyed the curtain. Even Tugger sat forward eagerly,
curious about the stunt his nephew had just pulled. Enlightened by the tale, the choir of kittens (with the exception
of Tova) sat up and sang loudly. ALL HAIL AND ALL BOW TO THE GREAT HUMAN, LIZ!!! Quaxo yanked back with all
his might, the curtain flowing gracefully from the kneeling form beneath. ---- There was a hush over the junkyard.
Mungojerrie stood up, his eyes wide and his jaw hanging to the ground. The kittens gasped and drew back, their eyes locked
on the throne-like tire. Many of the adult cats got to their feet, shaking and whispering among themselves. Tugger's mouth
gaped open with intrigue. He leaned forward, a smirk forming. Cool... Old Deuteronomy sat up, his eyes gazing
curiously at her. Munkustrap couldn't take his eyes off of her for a second. His gaze was not one of confusion or fear. It
was not one of disgust or curiosity. It was a gaze of longing; of rapture. One of admiration and extreme interest. Mistoffelees
stepped forward, his face exhibiting a state of pure shock. He managed to stumble up to his son, grasping his shoulders. He
leaned over, shaking. Quaxo was at a loss for words. He stood their, just as dumbfounded
as the rest of the tribe. Only one word managed to escape his lips; a word compiled of pure honesty. Oops... Liz
stood amongst the cats, gripping her head. She looked around. Why was everyone staring at her? She looked down at Quaxo.
Did we...did we do it wrong? She whispered. Even he stared at her, stupefied as all the others. She looked around,
her head beginning to spin as she noticed everything seemed...bigger. The junkyard, which she got a good view of while under
the cape, was nothing more then a small yard used for refuge and other disposal of invaluables. Now, the abandoned car in
the corner seemed massive. The tire she was standing on was colossal. Even the rocking chair on the trash pile was enormous!
She took a step back, bumping into Munkustrap. She whirled to face him, and face him she did. He got quite close
to her face, actually, examining her intently. He was breath taking with his metallic silver contrasting with the broad stripes
of black. His eyes were golden oracles with the same odd-shaped pupils she noticed in Quaxo's eyes. Munkustrap leaned closer,
staring at her face. What was he staring at? She broke her gaze with him and looked around at the tribe once again. A
big maned tomcat leapt down from his seat atop an old gas stove and landed on the huge tire. He, too, brought his face uncomfortably
close to hers as he eyed her everywhere. He didn't just stare at her face, but all along her body as well. What a stare...she
coward away from his gaze. It made her feel indecent. He smiled after a moment, running his tongue along his teeth. She couldn't
help but grin back a little; he was a very handsome fellow. Whoa... He crooned. Quaxo, you have got to show me how
you did this... Yes. Mistoffelees growled. I'm quite curious myself... I...I don't understand... Liz stuttered.
What're you talking about? And what's everyone staring at? Quaxo swallowed hard and moved aside. Behind him was an
unusually large rear-view mirror that poked out from beneath the garbage. Liz grabbed it and, with uncertainty, brought it
to her face. She let out a quiet gasp as she shakily touched the creature staring back at her. From the white
tips of her black ears, to the glow in her green, slanty eyes to the blonde furry crest around her chest...and from the tip
of her white striped feet to the end of her stumpy silver tail... Liz Hopplebumper had been accidentally transformed
into a Jellicle Cat. ****TO BE CONTINUED...****