**Notes on the Text** Some character's used in this are OC's (Original character's) from
My CATS RPG. The Author suggests listening to happy christmas songs while reading for an overall effect )
Old Deuteronomy sat on the tire watching the activites of the Jellicle cats. They ran around, hanging
lights some of which Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer had "borrowed" from their owners. He smiled as the tow bickered about who
was hanging what and what was going where.
Bomba sat stringing tinsel on the old Buggy with Demeter. The two giggled
together, talking about toms, no doubt.
Quaxo, Tugger, and Mistoffelees where hanging "ornaments" from old chairs,
ovens, and such (ornaments here being what the 3 had found and fasioned together.)
Munkustrap was helping a blushing
Seffina hang an old, dead wreath from the entrance to the Junkyard. Merrilee was watching her brother fumble with the queen
of his own fancy.
Coricopat was either helping Tantomile untangle tinsel or getting yelled at by her for "staring at
Bomba and not admitting he liked her... dolt..."
Alonzo was arguing with Delphine about... well, he knew that they
always argued, so he just smiled and shook his head.
Everyone had a job, and everyone was getting ready for Christmas,
a new tradition he wanted to try. He smiled to himself, Nice to see that everyone...
"I said, 'No!'" Alonzo
yelled to Delphine, snatching something out of her hands
Is getting...
"And I said, 'I don't flipping
care what you said! We're hanging it up!" She yelled, grabbing it back.
Oh, what are they fighting about?
tribe stopped and watched. "It's stupid!" He yelled, "It's girly! You want everyone to think the Jellicles are a tribe of
She smirked, "Oh no, you do a good job at that already!"
"That's it!" It wasn't like the tom
to attack a queen. But in his mind, the completely white cat was asking for it. He didn't hurt her of course, just sat on
her stomach, trying to get wahtever it was that was in her grasp.
"Seriously guys!" Merri said snatching the object,
"You act like henchcats!" She examined what looked like a leaf with some berries, "What is it?"
"Mistletoe!" Delphine
smiled, "Humans hang it up! And when two people go under it, they're supposed to kiss!"
"See!?" Alonzo barked, "Stupid
"Are you kidding?!" A smiling Tugger said from his spot.
"Erm... no...." She said, rather confused.
hopped down and was there faster then Chaos could of been. He had the leaf in his hands and he was smiling at it, "It's like
a dream come true..."
"My, my, my..." Plato grumbled to Alonzo and Delphine, "Look at what you to have done. You created
a monster."
"Demeter snatched the object from the tom, "Let's hang it!"
"Wait a minute!" Alonzo yelled, leaning
against the white queen's head (causing it to go into the ground, "You're agreeing to this!?"
Tumblebrutus took the
Mistletoe and smiled, "Seems like a good idea to me."
"Well it's not!" He pointed to it, "That little pieve of greenary
is evil! EVIL!!!"
((^__^ I love making Alonzo paranoid...))
"And you're an idiot!"
Delphine shot to the patched tom.
"I have a suggestion..."
Everyone looked to see Old Deuteronomy smiling from
his spot on the tire. Everyone listened intently, "How about we hang the Misteltoe..." Delphine smiled proudly, "But only
on Christmas Day...?"
The smile faded as they glared at each other. "Fine..." They grumbled.
Munkustrap nodded,
"Great idea..."
"I agree!" Seffina said, nodding as well.
"Yeah, yeah...!" Alonzo grumbled storming off.
growled as well and walked away. Stokely sighed, "Shall we continue?"
Jemima was humming a Christmas
carol while helping Seffina, Violynne, and Delphine look for a tree that was fairly recent. However, she only knew the words
to one song. Something about decking halls with ball of someone named Holly. "Hey, Jemima..."
She stopped at the voice
of Delphine, "Yes?"
"I know you like singing and I know that that's the only song you know all the words to..." She
gave her a sickly sweet smile, "But do you think you could find any other song to sing?"
She rolled her eyes,
"Okay, you sing something then. Go on!"
A smile crossed her lips, "No thanks, I'll pass..."
"That's what I thought."
Jemima?" Vi said, sitting on an old matress, "What do you want for Christmas?"
"Me?" She blushed at the thought of
her and Mistoffelees... Kissing... Under the Mistletoe...
"Let me guess," Seffina smirked, "A smooch from your beloved!?"
who had not been paying attention until then, smirked and whipped around, "Whoa! Back up for a tick, ladies!" She jumped from
a high up tree to in front of the 3, "Who's the beloved!?"
"No one!" She blushed.
"Oh, it don't like like 'no
"Oh, please, it isn't!" Vi laughed, giving her a nudge, "He's quiet, he's small, he is black..."
from his ears to the tip of his tail?" Seffina laughed along.
"Oh him..." Delphine shook her head, then stopped, "Ew!
You like Mistoffelees?!"
"Oh, please!!" She argued, "It's better then they guy you like!"
She glared at her,
"Oh really!?" How did she find out?! "Who is it?" She asked, looking around.
"Alonzo!!" The three squealed.
eye twitched as she shuddered, "Eeeew..."
"Oh, come off it!" Seffina smiled, "The way you're always pickin' on him!"
Then a thought struck Delphine as she thought about something. An evil grin erupted on her face, as she counted
down the days until Chrismas. Let's see I got... 2... carry the 1... 4 days to get this thing ready... "Erm... guys..."
They looked at her, "I got to go..."
"Where?" Asked Vi from behind a good looking tree.
"I got to see Old D.
about somethin'. Bring back a good tree for me!" She ran off, "Later!"
The 3 kits looked at her then to each other,
"What's she up to?" Jemima asked, raising an eyebrow. The other 2 shrugged.
sure by now you know why I'm here..."
"A'course! 'ou bein'need of our service, 'ight!?"
"Shhh! And yes, that's
what I'm here for..."
"Wat's in it fo' us?"
Delphine smirked, "You know that fish from 'Long John Silvers' that
you like so much? I could get you guys a ton. No work needed..."
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer looked at each other,
a smile erupting on their faces. Delphine held out her hands, "So, we got us a deal?"
There was a moment of silence
until the grabbed the hand opposite of the other, "Delphi..." Mungo smirked.
"Ya gots ya'self a deal!" Teazer finished.