A few weeks later…
Bombalurina’s stomach had
grown a lot, and she was feeling very uncomfortable looking like she did. She was sitting on some blankets, as Jenny poked
and prodded at her. “Why are you poking at my stomach?” Bomba asked watching Jenny.
“I’m just felling it.”
She replied, “The kit seems healthy, but we won’t know till she comes out right?”
“Yeah…” Bomba
muttered. Was she even ready for a kit? She was still young herself, so was Munkustrap. Where was Demeter? She was supposed
to come see her since Bomba wasn’t aloud to go anywhere.
“You ok hun?” Jenny
asked, “You have a sick look on your face. Are you going to vomit again?”
“No, I’m ok.”
Bomba replied softly.
Demeter was jumping from one piece
of junk to the other on her way to Bomba, when she latterly jumped onto Alonzo. Both of them went plundering into the ground.
Alonzo rolled to his feet startled and confused, “Demeter?”
“Oh hi… Alonzo.”
She managed to say. She wasn’t comfortable around him anymore after they had mated.
“You’re not hurt are
you?” He looked at her concerned.
“No, I’m fine.”
She replied softly.
“Where are you off to?”
“To see Bomba.”
“Oh Bomba. She’s really
gotten fat, eh?” He laughed. Demeter wasn’t laughing, infact she felt insulted for Bomba. Alonzo could tell she
did from the cold glare she was giving him, “I was just playin.”
“I’m going to see Bomba
now. I’ll see you around.” She growled walking past him, banging her shoulder against his angrily. He watched
her leave almost angry as how she acted.
Demeter saw Bomba talking to Jenny.
She made her way over to them and sat beside Bomba, “Dem!” She flung at her with a hug, “You finally came!”
“Yeah.” Dem managed
to squeeze out after being crushed by Bomba. “How are you feeling?”
“Like road kill.” She
replied rubbing her stomach, “Jenny said I could give birth at any time.”
“Where’s Munkustrap?”
Demeter asked.
“He’s over with Skimble
having a ‘tom to tom’ talk.” She laughed. Demeter nodded. Bomba let out a loud groan and put her head on
her stomach. She groaned and laid back down.
Jenny sprinted over to Bomba, “What’s
wrong dear? Are you going into labor?” Bomba only had the power to nod at that point. She was breathing heavy, feeling
a burning pain in her abdomen.
“Bomba, it’s ok! I’ll
get Munkustrap!” Demeter seemed almost in a panic. She ran off in search of Munkustrap.
Jenny patted Bomba’s forehead
softly, “It’s ok dear. Munkustrap will be here soon.”
Demeter ran across the junkyard
looking for Munkustrap and Skimbleshanks. Skimbleshanks was usually in the northern area of the Junkyard near the train station.
She caught sight of Skimble and raced over. “Munkustrap!” When she saw Skimble, Munkustrap was not to be seen.
“Where’s Munkustrap?”
“Oh he left awhile ago. He
went to see… um…” Skimble placed a hand on his chin, “Someone. I can’t remember whom. Is it
Demeter frowned, “Bomba’s
in labor, so yes it is.”
“Well then,” Skimble
stood up, “Let’s go find him.”
“Where do you think he’d
be?” Demeter asked as they started to speed walk.
“I don’t know my dear.
Maybe he’s helping Jellylorum take care of the kittens?” Skimble suggested.
“That’d be a good place
to start.” Demeter replied. Maybe he was trying to get used to kittens, since he would be taking care of one himself.
Demeter was so happy to see that Munkustrap was indeed with the kittens, and Jellylorum.
“Demeter, good to see ya.”
Munkustrap smiled seeing her and Skimble rushing in.
“Bomba’s in labor!”
Demeter shook Munkustrap, “You need to go, now!”
“What?” Munkustrap asked
in shock before booking it.
Skimble was huffing and puffing
trying to get his breath, “Boy am I outta shape…”
Munkustrap ran as fast as his silver
legs could carry him. He found Bomba, right where he had left her a few hours ago. “Bomba!” He shouted running
and sitting beside her. He took her hand, “Are you ok?”
“Do I look like I’m
ok?” She snapped before letting out a loud groan.
Munkustrap watched her nervously.
Was she going to be ok? He had never helped deliver a kitten before. He patted her forehead with a damp cloth that Jenny handed
to him. “It’s ok. You can get through this.” She smiled down at her.
A long
time later…
Bombalurina had had a successful
birth, and had a beautiful young queen, whom they decided to name Sillabub. Bomba held the kitten in her arms feeding her.
Munkustrap smiled down at the small feeding kitten.
“She’s so gorgeous.”
He smiled not taking his eyes off the kitten.
“Yeah.” Bomba replied
softly, “I love you Munkustrap.”
“I love you too.” He
purred giving her soft kiss.
A month later…
Sillabub was learning fast, and
was walking and running around like mad. Not to mention talking. She was smart for her age, and a lot of the other kittens
liked her. She was running down below the tire chasing around Victoria.
Munkustrap had his usual sitting
place on the tire, with his mate beside him nestled against him. She nipped at his neck. Munkustrap shifted away, “The
kittens are right there Bomba.”
“So? What’s wrong with
that? It’s not like I’m going to mate with you right now.” She looked at him irritated, “Loosen up
stripes.” She purred massaging his arm. He smiled at her, covering up his disapproval.
Sillabub ran up the stairs of the
tire and looked up at her mother and father with bug eyes, “Can I go over to Victoria’s?”
“I don’t know.”
Munkustrap replied.
“Please?” She pleaded.
Munkustrap looked over at Bombalurina,
“She gets that from you.”
“A talent at begging.”
He smirked.
“I don’t beg.”
She growled.
“Ok Silla, but be back in
a few hours. I don’t like you wandering in human houses.” Munkustrap added.
“Ok bye mom, by dad.”
She waved running back down in Victoria’s direction before leaving with her.
“Now that we’re alone…”
Bomba laughed kissing Munkustrap.
“Bomba, knock that off!”
Munkustrap nearly shoved her away.
“What?” Bomba asked,
“Why? Don’t you love me?”
“Of course I love you. Just don’t think that we should… mate every time Sillabub leaves.”
He replied scratching the back of his neck.
“Excuse me?” She nearly
snarled, “I don’t ask for sex every time she leaves! How could you think that!”
“That’s not what I ment,”
he defended.
“I’m sure it’s
not.” She growled standing up and walking down the stairs.
“It’s not!” he
ran in front of her, “I just ment… We should go into the oven so that no one see’ us, ya’know?”
He winked at her.
She looked at him not buying his
little act, “Right, that’s defiantly what you ment.” He growled continuing walking.
He grabbed her and pulled her back,
“Don’t be mad! I hate it when you’re mad. It makes me feel awful.”
Her angry look softened, “I
love how you’re so honest.”
He picked her up in his arms, “Come
on, let’s go to the oven.” He smirked. She gave him a sexy smile as he carried her to the oven.
Tugger entered the Junkyard. His
once beautiful mane was matted. His wonderful golden spots were now dirty and grimy. He creped deeper into the Junkyard. It
had been awhile since he had been here.
He spotted Munkustrap leaving the
oven with the most obvious look on his face. Munkustrap walked off to do whatever. Tugger didn’t care. He slunk towards
the oven making sure no one noticed him. He peered inside, seeing Bombalurina lying on a few blankets that someone had put
He could smell Munkustrap all over
the place, and knew Munkustrap had probably claimed the oven as his den. He shrugged, as if that was going to stop him. He
sat beside Bomba watching her purr softly as she slept. He couldn’t believe she was with Munkus. It was still shocking
to him: such an uptight male with a gorgeous sexy female. She deserved better.
Tugger pulling his fingers through
her scarlet head fur. Her fur was so silky and soft, not like his now. He had neglected grooming after he started obsessing
over her. He nuzzled up against her, her purr growing louder. Of course she assumed it was Munkustrap.
He picked her up in his arms and
carried her out of the oven. Maybe she would continue sleeping long enough for him to get her back to his room. He walked
right out of the Junkyard with her in his arms.
Munkustrap was lounging on the fence,
relaxing. He was exhausted; he didn’t realize one could become so tired from that kinda of act. He yawned and closed
his eyes.
Demeter saw him and walked towards
him, “Hi Munkustrap.”
He opened one eye, “Oh hi,”
He started to yawn, “Demeter. Forgive me, Bombalurina has totally tuckered me out.”
“No doubt there.” Demeter
mumbled. Jealousy was still there.
“Anything new happen?”
Munkustrap asked changing the subject.
“Not really.” She replied,
“Where’s Bomba?”
“Sleeping in the oven. You
can go see her if you want.”
“Ok thanks.” Demeter
thanked him and headed fro the oven.
Tugger set Bombalurina on his cot.
She was still sleeping soundly, side from her constant purring. He didn’t mind though, it aroused him. Everything about
her aroused him: her look, her scent, and her attitude. I guess that’s what happens when all you do is think about one
particular cat.
He kissed her neck gently, her purr
growing even louder then before. He crawled onto her kissing along her stomach. She shifted in her sleep. Munkustrap didn’t
usually do that.
Tugger pulling his hands down her
body, feeling every curve in his way, with a big smirk on his face. Bomba opened one eye peering up at Tugger.
“T-Tugger?” She yawned,
“What are you doing?” She sat up facing him, “Why are doing that?”
“Why do you think?”
“I don’t know, why don’t
you tell me?” Bomba shot back.
“I’m in love.”
“That’s fantastic.”
Bomba voice didn’t seem amused, “Wait, your not in love with me are you?”
Tugger nodded, “I’m
so in love I was willing to kidnap you.”
“That’s not very convincing.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, “Tugger, you look like hell. I don’t know what you’ve been doing for the past
month, but you should consider doing something else. You look like Macavity.”
“That’s funny because,
oddly enough… we’re in his warehouse.” Tugger nearly laughed.
Bomba’s eyes grew wider, “What?”
“Yes, I’ve been working
with Macavity. He’s taught me, if you won’t come freely then… well, you’ll come forcefully.”
“Don’t you dare!”
she warned back up against the headboard of the bed, keeping her legs tightly together.
Tugger grabbed her by the wrist
and pulled her towards him, “Don’t fight me babe.” He forced her legs apart.
“No! Stop it!” Bomba snarled digging her nails into his shoulders, “Get your filthy fucking
hands off me!”
Her nails didn’t even make
him flinch “Don’t refuse me.” He pressed his body against hers.
A tear trickled down her cheek,
“Tugger stop it! That hurts!”
“It wouldn’t if you
weren’t refusing me!” He snarled.
She trembled beneath him. She was
terrified. This wasn’t the Tugger she had once been so found of. He was so different now. What had Macavity done?
Demeter peered in the oven. “Bomba?”
She spoke softly. She could smell Tugger. That was odd since she hadn’t seen him for a long while. “Maybe she’s
off with Tugger.”
Alonzo landed on the oven with a
soft thud. Demeter looked up at him peering down at her. “Hey Dem.” He smiled.
“Hi.” She replied coldly.
He frowned. It was obvious that
there was awkwardness between them still. “Your not still mad at me are you?” She shook her head, although truth
be told she was slightly. “Dem, I don’t know why your still mad with me. All we did was a natural thing. It didn’t
mean anything.”
”Oh so it was nothing?” She snapped.
“Dem that’s not what
I ment,” He slapped himself in the forehead, “I ment your didn’t become pregnant. Can’t we just go
on living as if it hadn’t happened?”
She frowned with a sad expression
on her face, “All I wanted was a kitten Alonzo. You couldn’t even do that for me.”
”How was
I supposed to ensure you’d become pregnant?” He glared at her, “How is this my fault?”
did Bomba get pregnant then?” Demeter hissed, “Munkustrap was never interested in her. They just wound up together
at the ball.”
“I have no idea how that happened.”
Alonzo looked at her confused, “Seriously. I’m sure no one knows how that managed to happen. What are you doing
at Munkustrap’s den anyways?”
”I was looking for Bomba, but clearly she’s not here. All I can
smell is Tugger.” Demeter looked away from Alonzo.
Alonzo raised a brow at her, “What
are you talking about, Tugger ran off weeks ago.”
“He what?” Demeter looked
back at him, “How do you know that?”
“Jenny told me she saw Tugger
leave.” Alonzo replied, “Someone else claimed he had run off and joined Macavity. Weird rumors huh?”
Demeter’s voice trailed off. What if Tugger was with Macavity and Bomba ran off with Tugger. Wouldn’t that make
Munkustrap available again? Demeter knew how wrong it would be to go after Munkustrap, but Bomba did run off right?
“Anyways, I’ve got things
to do. See you around.” He then leapt away onto the tire and jumped out of view. Demeter looked back over to where Munkustrap
was snoozing on the fence. She made an evil grin as idea’s swarmed through her head.
Tugger rolled off of Bomba her body
trembling and tears streaming. She scurried into the corner of the bed away from him curling into a ball. Dear god why had
he done that?
“Would have been so much more
fun if you hadn’t fought me.” He caressed her chin. She pulled her face away burring it in her arms. “Come
now kit.” He stroked her arm.
“Stop touching me!”
She screamed swiping away his hand.
He jumped back avoiding her nails,
then looked at her with flaming eyes. He wrapped his finger’s around her throat cutting off all air, “Don’t
you ever do that to your master.”
”M-my master?” She coughed, “How dare you presume you own
He stood up throwing her to the
floor, “Presume?” he chuckled, “I’ll show you presume.” He picked her back up and slammed her
into a wall, “Who’s your master?”
”Go fuck yourself.” She spat in his face.
He glared at her and threw her against
a near by table. He shook his head walking towards her. She was having trouble standing back up. He grabbed her by the arm
and forced her back up, “Who’s your master?”
She didn’t reply. She was
weak, and refused to give into his sickness. He tossed her back on the bed without much trouble, “We could always do
this again.”
”No dear god no!” She wailed having a panic attack.
“So tell me, who’s your
master?” He grinned.
”Y-you are.” She
whispered tears streaming again.
“What was that?” he
asked putting his hand to his ear tormenting her.
“You are!” She yelled.
It killed her to say that.
“That’s right,”
He smirked attaching a leash to her collar. She looked at the leash in horror. “Don’t even say a thing.”
He warned. She glared at him. “It seems I’ll have to train you better.” Tugger smiled.
Demeter jumped up onto the fence
in front of Munkustrap. He opened an eye lazily, “Oh hi Demeter.”
“Munkustrap, I have something
terrible to tell you.” She frowned, although inside she was jumping for joy. “Bomba ran off with Tugger.”
Munkustrap’s eyes shot open, “No, your lying.” He denied.
“I’m not Tugger. When
I went to go see Bomba, she was gone and all I could smell was Tugger.” She added.
Munkustrap bit his lip. He loved
Bomba. He really did, even if he pushed her away at times. He loved her all the same. He just didn’t want to be a bad
influence on the kittens. “I… I…” A tear fell from his silver cheek.
“It’s ok Munkustrap,”
Demeter hugging him, “I’m here.”
”How could she, why did she leave?” He sobbed, “What
about Sillabub?”
”I could always help you take care of her.” Dem smiled, “It’s the least
I could do.”
“Thank you Dem.” He
smiled wiping away his tears, “I just don’t understand why she would do that.”
Bomba. You know how she is.”
Tugger pulled Bomba down the hall
by the leash. She was fighting him again. There was nothing she hated more then being on a leash. “Stop fighting Bomba,”
Tugger tugged on the leash. She growled and hissed at him dragging him back down the hall.
Macavity opened a door and walked
out of a room, “What’s all this now?” He glared down at her crawling on the floor.
“Misbehaving,” Tugger
replied, “She is defiantly everything you claimed she’d be.”
Macavity knelt down and looked her
in the face, “Remember me doll face?”
”How could I forget a bastard like you,” She narrowed
her eyes at him.
His hand stroked her cheek, “I
think we should take her down to the torture chamber’s and put her in her place.”
Her eyes widened. She’s
experienced that once before, and she was never going back down there. “No, god no don’t.”
“Well I suggest you behave
then.” He smiled setting a cold finger under her chin, “Now obey your master.”
“Come along dog.” Tugger
smirked tugging on the leash.
“Don’t call me that!”
She hissed leaping at him bringing him to the floor. Her nails dug into his chest and blood poured out of him onto the dirty
wood floor. He let out an agonizing hiss throwing her off of him.
“Nasty little witch!”
He snarled holding his hand to his wounds. Bomba licked the blood off her fingertips.
“That’s the Bomba I
remember.” Macavity smirked, “Always looking for a fight.”
Tugger pulled on the leash again
standing to his feet, he dragged her along the floor before she could fight back, “Not so tough now are you red?”
She growled in her throat as he pulled her along. “Training begins now.” He grinned.
Part 5